Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Paulina Gretzky Has Shut Her Twitter Down

Unless you live in Canada, you might have missed the fact that Wayne Gretzky and actress Janet Jones have five children. One of those children is Paulina Gretzky. Until yesterday she had one of the most popular Twitter accounts in Canada. Well, popular with young boys and other horny people. Paulina loved posting pictures of herself on Twitter. The sexier the better. There was never any nudity, but there was also not a lot left to the imagination. Well, parents started to complain because their kids were you know, doing what they will do when they see something like that. So, Wayne was constantly being reminded of his oldest daughter's photos. Last week Wayne had a sit down with his daughter. She even Tweeted that her dad wanted to talk to her about social media. That was her last Tweet. The account was shut down after the dinner. Apparently even though Paulina is 22, she does not want to cross dad. Do you think Wayne should have stayed quiet since his daughter is 22 or do you think parents should come down on their kids about that stuff at any age?


Baka Neko said...

Depends on what he said. He can't order her to stop but he can warn her that doing things like that will ruin any chance she had of being taken seriously.

Feisty said...

If he's financially supporting her, and I'm guessing he is, he has some right to say something. Also, she's 22, she hasn't finished growing a brain.

He didn't force her into an arranged marriage with someone 40 years older, he asked/told her to quit being a famewhore on twitter.

Jessica said...

I think when she is 22 and still living at home, doing basically nothing with her life except being a whore, and living off her dad's money, he had every right to say something. It's not like she is 22 and lives on her own and works as an accountant.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

I think all of the above said everything I was thinking.

Doc Girl said...

I think you can come down on your kids at any age, but the older they get, the less they will heed your advice/warning/whatever.

So, I'm impressed that she actually listened and closed her account. It shows that they have a strong parent-child bond, or at least that she doesn't want to cross her father.

We have a 22-yr-old and whenever we have a disagreement with her, she stops talking to us for a while, and continues doing whatever she was doing. Her older sister, on the other hand, has lots of influence on her and can get her to stop or start whatever behaviour.

Sonia in MO said...

I'm thinking if a few more parents had a sit-down, kick-your-ass kind of talk about consequences with their kids, even if they are 22, there would be a lot fewer Lindsay's, Paris's, and Miley's in the world out there. And it isn't limited to the celebrity world - I know a few neighbor's kids who desperately need that same talk.

Anonymous said...

My dad has dementia and lives in a long-term care home and he still tells me what to do.

I agree with someone above, you can always tell your kids what to do but as they get older, they can choose what to listen to. And those pictures must be mortifying to a father, especially one that has spent a hell of a lot of time in a locker room. He knows what guys say.

Why was she posting pictures like that? What sad need for attention is that? I'm more curious about that.

surfer said...

What people (kids) don't realize is that once you post something, it never truly goes away.

She may think she's being cool, hip, edgy or whatever, but those pictures will come back to bite her in the ass one day.

Respect for my parents, and knowing how they would feel about things, certainly kept me in line (and believe me, I did my share of crap). Good for Wayne.

Rita said...

Bravo to Wayne!

His daughter listened to him because he raised her to respect her parents. Period.

He didn't raise her to smirk at him, or to go drinking and partying with her as her friend!!!

That's when you know that you were a successful parent: no matter their age, you can sit down with your child, and have a talk with them. And have faith that your upbringing would help them make the right decision for themselves.


KellyLynn said...

It seems we are all in consensus here.

weezy said...

Their household has a specific issue: the mother is a compulsive gambler. Aside from that, their children grew up in a very wealthy home with a father who is a Canadian demigod. Her behavior in these social media postings suggests she has a poor sense of boundaries and needed to be reined in.

BrandieMarie said...

I agree with most of you. If she's living off his money meaning, she has nice things and can basically do what she want, she probably didnt have a choice. But I don't think she closed it because she was raised to respect her parents. If she respected her dad she wouldn't have used the family name to gain popularity for herself.

I agree more with what Weezy said. Her behavior shows that she craves attention and his little self respect by getting next to naked on Twitter. She probaby EMBARASSED her dad. If I were him I would have done the same thing. Close it and be a lday or get a real job and stop living off my money. Shocking which route she chose.....

LadyWawa said...

I don't this is parent/child issue. I would tell a friend (and have) if I thought they had posted information that made them vulnerable and that they should consider removing from a social networking site. Sometimes people don't have perspective and realize how things are perceived by others. They will post a photo they think is funny without realizing that it puts them in a bad light. My friend's boss posted photos from a Halloween party on Facebook which were quickly circulated among employees and friends. Why? Because although she claimed she was dressed as Catwoman she looked more like a dominatrix and became the immediate topic of ridicule.

If you are a friend (or parent or boss) be a friend and say something.

annabella said...

I'm with Jessica. no doubt she is living on daddy's dime, which is why she'd have the time to post pics like that to begin with. she and that blonde 17 y.o. who had her boobs tested on dr. drew should get together. they seem like two peas in a pod.

MISCH said...

There was a blind over the summer she has been out of control for a long time...

HannahPalindrome said...

She hasn't finished growing a brain...


Momster said...

MISCH, that's what I was thinking--that there was a blind about her fairly recently.

*girl said...

Except she's not in Canada, they live in/around LA and has been party-hopping for some time.

I heard that she was trying to get a reality show... my guess that was the straw that broke papa Gretzky's back.

*girl said...

Oh - and he's trying to buy the Leafs. Should have mentioned that too.

timebob said...

Dad: Stop tweeting

Daughter: You can't tell me what to do.

Dad: ok, your montly allowance is canceled and your trust fund will be emptied.

Daughter: fine, i'll stop.

Doc Girl said...

Before I was a parent to adult children, I thought if you raised them 'right', they would grow up to make sensible decisions for themselves...

Nope! Your children are ALWAYS your children and will ALWAYS need input/guidance from you. Whether they accept your input or not is really up to them.

BrandieMarie said...

@timebob - EXACTLY!!

Dishtlk said...

@*girl, whaaaaaaaaat!!?? As a die hard Oilers fan, the thought of him owning the leafs would be DEVASTATING!!!

Good for Wayne! I think he regrets taking his family to LA everyday when he looks at his daughter.

There are a lot of problems in their home, aside from Janet's gambling which she was busted for they both have their battles with the bottle. I worked in media for years and a very good friend works one of our sports networks, he was at a banquet 3 or 4 years ago now and him and a few buddies were hanging with some player and decided to shut the banquet down. I don't know the exact details but at some point he came across a very drunk, very distraught Gretzky who had apparently just faught with Janet and poured out his drunk heart to my friend. They have problems, and its so sad.
I do think it says something that they are still married after everything I believe they've been through.

Anonymous said...

If you ask me, many, many more parents need to have come-to-Jesus meetings with their offspring, adult or not. Good for The Great One.

Sherry said...

Good dirt Dish!(and others) I never knew Janet had a gambling problem. I just came across "The Flamingo Kid" the other day and watched, like, the last hour. I always wondered what happened to Janet.
I am on board with what most have said here. Tweet when you support yourself or stop if you're under my roof but more than anything, completely understand the long term consequences of a slutty
on-line presence on future endeavors.

surfer said...

@Sherry - a number of years ago when Wayne was coach of the Phoenix Coyotes, his assistant was busted in this gambling ring, which included Wayne's wife. They tried pretty hard to keep it quiet, and the assistant took most of the heat.

Sherry said...

@Surfer: Well that 'splains my cluelessness.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Wayne can't buy a team that isn't up for sale. Last I heard the teachers union that owns the majority share isn't selling.

Somehow I don't think it would be o.k with the people in Toronto if he owned the Leafs. 1993 wasn't so long ago;)

RocketQueen said...

Uh, just because she's posting scantily clad pictures of herself doesn't make her a "whore". Anyway...yeah. If she's still living at home, I don't blame Wayne for expressing his disapproval. My understanding is also that one of his former (known for being a dog) Coyote players had started to tweet to her and that was kind of the last straw. Yes, we get all the dirt here in Canada :)

pilly said...

I had to remind my dad not that long ago that I was no longer 16 years old and he could stop barking Orders to me---- in my own home! He just smiled and continued ordering!

__-__=__ said...

Well said Feisty! Well said.

Jolene Jolene said...

I'm with Doc Girl/Sue. A parent is a parent until the day they die, I don't care how old their children are. I want to scream when I see Dina Lohan go on the Today Show and claim she did everything she could to help Lindsay, "but she was 24, she's not a kid anymore and I can't tell her what to do." Pfff. Tell my mom that and she'd laugh in your face. My mom has always said that if that was me, she'd come to LA and club me, tie me up and drag me to rehab faster than you know it no matter how old I was. Parents never stop parenting.

You just have to know the line between doing what's best your kids and their health and being a helicopter parent (like the ones who call my recruiter husband and bitch that their 25 year old kid didn't get the job...I mean...)

La Pachuquita said...

Rich, poor, or in between, not teaching your kids to be accountable and self sufficient from a young age is a disservice to the kids and everyone who will deal with them in the future. You end up with disrespectful immature adults who don't take accountability for their actions and depend on others to resolve their problems for them.

I remember my neighbor in my college dorm yelling at her mom "f**k you" because her mom would not give her $10,000 to go to Europe. Seriously, my mom would have shut me down even before I got the F out!

Lelaina Pierce said...

She's living at home and living off his money at 22? Hell, yes, he had every right to say it.

emailchallenged said...

She' back.....

Reese said...

Not the brightest girl, apparently. Maybe Wayne asked her if she fully understood the word "disinherit".

Jasmine said...

Holy fake boobs Batman!

It should so be illegal to get any and all unneccesary plastic surgery before the age of 24- when your body is actually done growing.


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