Friday, January 27, 2012

Fran Drescher Has An Alien Chip Implanted In Her

I am guessing that Fran Drescher is a person who stays up all night and listens to Coast To Coast every night on the radio. She told Rob Shuter that she was abducted by aliens back in middle school and says that her ex-husband was too and that is why they have a special bond. Fran also says that the scar on the back of her hand is where the aliens implanted a chip inside her. The thing is she is serious. She honestly believes it and she says that her ex has the same exact scar in the same place and it is because he was abducted too. Peter Marc Jacobson says that Fran got the scar from a drill bit or burning herself. Fran says no and that is what the aliens want the public story to believe, but that it is a chip. So, if you are driving across the highway late at night and you hear, "Lets go to west of the Rockies. Fran you are on Coast to Coast," you know who they are referring to. Well, that and the distinctive Fran Drescher voice.


__-__=__ said...

Love her!

BigMama said...

I don't know, she has a seriously wonky sense of humor (one of the reasons why I kinda like her) I think she is pulling a Kaufman

Princess said...

I think she is serious and I feel sorry for people that listen to Coast to Coast. People that may only be mildly delusional or have mild mental issues become full blown stark raving mad after listening to that show.

yourfaceisamess said...

I love coast to coast!! Mysterious Universe (podcast) is great too, fans of CTC should check it out.

Mango said...

The Nanny was (and still is) one of my guilty pleasures. I loved Fran and Renee Taylor on that show, and all of Fran's dazzling outfits. You know, the ones she bought on a nanny's salary although she was so gorgeous I'm sure she could have made a burlap sack look great.

Anonymous said...

I won't even tell ya'll what the aliens implanted in me.

Anonymous said...

Was she the freind doing Whip its witj Demi Moore

crila16 said...

I love Fran Desner. I think she's an amazing woman. I'm surprised she didn't lose it earlier in her career after the trauma she went through after she and her friend were raped at gunpoint in front of her husband at the time, by 2 men who broke into her home. That's something you never get over.

If she thinks aliens implanted her, then aliens implanted her.

MISCH said...

So that's it ! Love Fran

DixieTheNoble82 said...

Lmao @Brenda.

Nellie said...

@crila16. I think I love you

__-__=__ said...

You guys know all those outfits she wore on The Nanny she designed herself?

shakey said...

Whip it. Whip it good.

The aliens want the public to believe that Fran drilled her hand, or burned it? Does this mean her ex is working for them?

I'm picturing a group of aliens in suits sitting around a boardroom table, discussing how they're going to spin Fran's story.

Insert major eyeroll here.

Maja With a J said...

"Fran Drescher has alien chip implanted in her"

Somehow, this statement makes perfect sense.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

"Mistah Sheffieeeeeeld!"

I love the shit out of Fran.

That is all.

amh.producer said...

I had NO ideas she designed all of her Nanny outfits.

Jolene Jolene said...

Hahahaahhaaaa pretty much the best post I've read all week! She's nutty and I love it.

AKM said...

Love her. I'm pretty sure she's joking, though. At least I HOPE she is.

RJ said...

If she's happy believing that, then it's okay by me. Can you listen to Coast to Coast on the internet or on a radio app for mobile devices. I've never heard it, but it sounds like something I'd love. I love listening to those kinds of stories. I'm always torn between feeling bad for those yahoos and then halfway believing them. Well, I do believe that they believe what they are saying anyway.

Shay said...

LOL - this post made me think about the episode on Southpark where Cartman had a satellite implanted in his azz....

JoElla said...

I love C2C and don't get to listen enough... dang kids and having to be at school in the mornings and on time!

Anyone ever notice all the cool shows are ever during school breaks?

One of these days I am going to become a streamline member so I can catch up.

does Fran have a chip? Who knows.. but who am I to say this is bogus.

Amartel said...

What!?! You "feel sorry" for people who listen to Coast to Coast? Well, we feel sorry for YOU, Un-NightOwl. So there. Hmmph. George "space guy" Noori is the awesome, as was Art Bell before him. Nothing better if you're driving late at night or can't sleep.

El Roy 13 said...

art bell is still on?

Robert said...

Coast to Coast AM, in the days of Art Bell, was far more "fringe programming" (for lack of a better phrase) than it is now. Although it still has its share of eclectic shows (UFOs, ghosts, Sasquatch, etc.) a lot of George Noori's shows are about Monsanto, economic subterfuge, GMOs, government cover-ups, etc. And if you're a member, you can listen to their library of past shows and pick whatever interests you.
Maja, this means you!

Susan said...

I'm sure she's joking. Love The Nanny. It's so cheesy it just works. And her clothes in it make total sense to me.

Sis said...

I love listening to Coast to Coast!

RocketQueen said...

Fran's new show is AWFUL. That's all I came here to say. AWFUL.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Brett Butler was on TMZ the other day saying she sees dead people and is now doing mediumship. So, I guess it's 90's TV sitcom stars week to say weird shit to the press/paps.

Unknown said...

I wondered why she was trending the other day. I knew a woman who claimed to have been abducted several times. She was very interesting to talk to.

Anotheramy said...

In order to properly listed to C2C you must either be driving thru a strange place late at night or laying in a dark bedroom alone.

MadLyb said...

I once worked for an Institute that studied UFO sightings, abductions and cattle mutilations. Best job I ever had. I don't discount anything.

MadLyb said...

And you have to wonder if prominent members of NASA and CIA are on your board. Just sayin'.

Priscilla said...

BEST C2C shows for me were the HOLE TO HELL (in Siberia???) and the Father Malachi Martin shows. God, I miss Art Bell. I love how he let people go on, now matter how crazy without being judgmental. Just played it out.

Interplanet Janet said...

HEY!! What's wrong with Coast to Coast???

lutefisk said...

Why is it that now that we all have camera phones there are no more UFOs or aliens? They only showed up in corn fields when someone had a fuzzy Polaroid camera.

Goggles Pisano said...

I'll tell you, my guilty pleasure is watching Beautician and the Beast with her and Timothy Dalton.

But if I'm an alien, I'm probing her voice box to see if I can eliminate that nasal whine somehow.


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