Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mena Suvari Files For Divorce

That did not take long. 18 months after her "dream wedding," Mena Suvari has filed for divorce. This is Mena's second strike at marriage. This time she was married to Simone Sestito. They were together for almost three years before getting married, but I think they had a very long distance relationship and when they got married that did not change much. It is tough to be married to someone when they are never around. Also, as much as I like Mena, she can be a bit off putting and maybe some of those quirks do not fully make themselves known until you are spending way more time together. What does suck is that she said they separated right before the holidays. If I had known that I would have invited her over to the family home. My dad likes the off putting part about her. Mena also made way more money than her husband and that could have contributed to it too.


Anonymous said...

I saw this yesterday and wondered if she fit into any blind items. My head is swirling with 1,000 blind items and I can't put them all together any more.

nolachickee said...

Why do people think that they can make a marriage work when they haven't spent a lot of time together? She's another one who is going to keep trying and failing at it - I guess she'll have at least two more husbands before she's done.

Go for it, Enty! She can be your sugar momma and buy you things like a nice new comfy bed!

The Black Cat said...

I'm behind with the times I guess, I thought she was still married to the old guy.

EmEyeKay said...

"Mena also made way more money than her husband and that could have contributed to it too"

Read elsewhere that she petitioned to not have to pay spousal support, so I think Enty's on to something.

Pookie said...

i'm w/ Black Cat...i too had no clue about this marriage.

Del Riser said...

What a bad string of items for me.
Don't care or want to care about the K's.
I'm not a twihard, don't care.
Mena and this husband were not on my radar, don't care.
So I guess this is my fruitless comment about not commenting.*dumb*

feraltart said...

I am sick to death of people blaming distance on marriages failing. My husband has a job where he is away half the time during the year. At the moment he is on a two week stint. We have been together almost 13 years. What about all the spouses of armed forces personnel? Marriage takes work and too many people, when the marriage isn't bad, give up too easily because they can. I write this having had a bad first marriage, so I know you need the easy divorce, but maybe we need more realistic views of marriage in general.

kerri said...

Hhhmm, what are her quirks? Can someone fill me in?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

You're dad loves her off putting way? He must go nuts every times he watches American Beauty and she yells "Cunt!" at that one girl. I know I always love it.

Lelaina Pierce said...

My old boss was neighbors with her before she moved out to Hollywood. Her dad told my boss they were moving/why and my boss said he kind of scoffed at the idea & though "Good luck with that!" Shortly thereafter, she made American Pie & American Beauty, so he had eat crow.

Too bad about the divorce. :(

Murphy Brown 2020 said...
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lutefisk said...

Last night we were watching American Beauty. She really was very beautiful. I am sorry to hear her personal life isn't working out as well.


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