Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snooki Now Says She Lost Weight Through A Diet Pill

I know I have been Tweeting about my diet and my struggles and I want you to know that I am using no pills at all. Of course if someone gives me a check for millions of dollars to say I did then all bets are off. No seriously, I want the weight loss to be something that lasts and I don't think diet pills are the way to go. When Snooki started losing her weight she Tweeted that she was doing it through diet and exercise. Now though with a fat check in her hand all of a sudden she is saying her weight loss is thanks to some diet pill and is doing ads for the company. I think she lost the weight without the pills or maybe she took them but was not going to say anything until she got paid. If she did lose it naturally it kind of sucks that she took a paycheck and is touting something that is a quick fix and not long lasting. The thing about doing these ads for products is you can never gain the weight back again or else you look like you were lying all along.


surfer said...

I remember reading a quote from her months ago where she said she was using diet pills, so this really, is old news.

BrandieMarie said...

Yea there were pics of her with pills in her purse. But I don't think it was JUST the pills. They showed her on the show working out more. I think it was a combo of it all.

Most those diet pills say in small print that they should be combined with the proper diet/exercise program. Meaning the pills don't do shit other than make you think they are helping you lose weight.

Seachica said...

Don't the advertising endorsement laws state that the celebrity has to be actually using the product?

Enty, you're doing it the right way. Diet and exercise are the only way to make a long term change. On the pill route, as soon as you come off the pill, you still need to make the diet and exercise changes or the weight will go right back on you.

Mango said...

She claims to have lost 17 pounds, but it sure looks like a lot more. Then again, she has a tiny frame so I guess it's possible. Either way, I'm not at all surprised she's cashing that check but I hope for her sake that she's banking her paychecks because I really don't see her having a long career.

__-__=__ said...

Exactly Mango! I don't see her "fame" lasting much longer. And she doesn't appear to have any real skills. Good luck to her.

RJ said...

In that picture, she looks pretty fit so I think it is safe to say that she was doing some exercise, too. If I am not going to blame the Hangover actors for cashing in while they can, I'm not going to bust on Snooki for doing the same. Get that endorsement money while you can, girl. A few years from now, you'll probably be the answer to a trivia question.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I thought that was a picture of a child-snookified. Yikes!

BigMama said...

honestly, I am so tired of trying to lose this weight that I have considered the pills.

If she gets paid for it and took them, then I don't blame her. She won't stay famous for very much longer and UGG's and tanning beds are expensive.

strawberrygirl said...

I wonder if she didn't rely on the booger sugar to help her lose weight.

Maja With a J said...

If there was a diet pill on the market that actually made you lose weight, Oprah would be endorsing it.

Anonymous said...

I can't hate on her. Ya gotta get paid while they payings good.

timebob said...

I admit I lost a ton of weight with ordering Phentermine online (from god knows what country)it also made me nuts and had boundless energy. I used to clean at 3am becuase I could not sleep.

But the affects wear off after awhile and once you stop taking them. The weight came back in a few months. Now I just try to eat better and walk more.

Bleu said...

I'm going to cut slack here because I don't know what pills are at issue here. Some just suppress appetite -- like a cigarrette would, or, like drinking water would -- and sometimes that kind of pill help keep a person on the diet to lose the weight. I mean would the weight loss be any less real or more likely to be regained immediately if you relied heavily on drinking a bunch of water -- or, smoking a lot of cigarrettes (DON'T!) -- as the appettite supressant instead? Ideally, sheer will power alone would get a person through it -- but I'm betting virtually everyone ever on a diet has to rely on more than sheer willpower and uses some sort of suppressant.

Mandy G. said...

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, go to a doctor and get a physical. Then, get him/her to put you on a plan that will let you eat healthier, exercise, and maybe even see a therapist if needed. That's the way to lose weight and keep it off. Most of the time, the fad diets and pills just don't work for very long, if at all. I know, because I'm the victim of all kinds of fad diets that didn't work. When I lost weight the right way, I kept it off. You can, too.

hunter said...

I can see 17 lbs being a LOT of weight on her frame. My friend was 5 feet tall and two pounds was a noticeable difference on her.

That said, I also heard long ago that Snooki was using diet pills and it would actually surprise me more if she DIDN'T use some sort of pill.

Of course she dieted and exercised too, that's obvious. Either way, good for her, I'm sure it was not easy.

Linnea said...

Have you guys not seen the ads she has already done for this product? They have been showing up in Star Mag for the last couple of months and they are AMAZING. I love them. Why?

In them, there is a supposed pap shot of her with the pills in her bag, and the headline says

"Celebrity" Snooki caught with the new diet pill!

Even in her own ad, the company used quotation marks around the word celebrity... It cracks me up.

Shay said...

No comment.

nolachickee said...

Snooki's going to have to join the real world again and get an actual job, so I don't blame her for wanting to make some cash.

However, I can't stand the promotion of diet pills. Nobody should take any of them. Diet pills are never healthy. Some are like taking speed, others make you dehydrated, etc. It sucks, but the only good way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise regularly.

For those of you struggling with weight, here's a suggestion. Eat super foods, and stay away from all of the processed crap in the grocery store. Here are some super foods that you should eat weekly, if not daily: apples, beans (I like black beans), blueberries, broccoli, carrots, eggs, kiwi, oats, oranges, salmon, spinach, tea (green or black), tomatoes, turkey, walnuts and yogurt.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

"Her HEAD! It's like an orange on a toothpick!"

RocketQueen said...

what brendalove said. This chick's not actually dumb.

Unknown said...

For those of you considering poisoning themselves with these pills, might I suggest the book "Eating right for your blood type".
A very interesting read, backed by scientific research, that explains why certain types can't process certain foods, & give you an extensive list of good, bad, & neutral foods. Every time I stick to it, the weight just drops off effortlessly.

figgy said...

Snooookie please scrape off some of that crusty eyeliner! You looked so cute in that one makeup-free pic.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Jewels - I read that book. But it wants me to give up carbs completely. Noooooooo! ;)

I vaguely remember reading about the pills before too? Maybe she didn't make huge announcements about it in case they didn't work?

Unknown said...

@Lelaina, so you're an A like me! :-)
Yeah, I sure miss my carbs, trust, but it doesn't mean I don't indulge once in a while. I used to suffer, but since cutting out the offensive foods, I feel amazing! The two-sizes-smaller clothes were a bonus ;-)

Unknown said...

She looks good.

I finally had enough and bought a gym membership and sessions with a personal trainer. Obviously, I cannot do it by myself. The weight is making back problems ten times worse. I just don't want to be the fat lady on the 6 o'clock news who had to be cut out of her chair or rescued from her bathtub. Talk about mortifying.

No pills, though. Trainer is kicking my ass and boy, does it hurt. I hope I can stick with it.

Sure ain't easy.

Dani said...

I lost 65 lbs with diet & exercise, then gained half of it back because I went back to being lazy & eating crap. Last March, after spending 3 years going up & down, a friend & I tried the hcg diet. I lost 30 lbs that month! It helped me see how addicted I was to sugars & bad carbs. My doctor told me I would not keep it off with this "fad diet". To me it wasn't a fad or diet, but a serious lifestyle change.

After the diet, I've continued with regular exercise, taken up yoga and have lost an additional 20 lbs. I have dark chocolate every day (don't get between me & my chocolate), and eat very little refined sugars or starch. (white foods are the devil!) Every now & then when I want to have something "bad", I eat it. I don't feel guilty about it. My friends will go on about my "diet" while they are eating their fast food & I indulge in my favorite meal - cheeseburger (no bun), jalapenos & avacado. I don't feel like I'm dieting. I'm just making different choices.

I have struggled with obesity my entire adult life. I have tried diets, pills, flirted with starvation & even purging. At 38, I feel healthier than ever! My doctor was shocked when I went back for a physical, she told me she expected to see that I had gained at least 10-15 lbs. She was not expecting to see that I finally had achieved a healthy weight & BMI. (says the woman eating a sprinkled donut hole in her profile pic *L* )

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Jewels - That's awesome! I don't follow that diet BUT I do try and watch my carb intake and eat lots of veggies. I'm glad it worked for you, though! :)

Anonymous said...

Dani that's great! What is the hcg diet?

Anonymous said...

Never mind, I googled, which I should have done to begin with. Can't wait to read about it. Thanks for posting about it and good luck to you.


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