Sunday, June 24, 2012

Harry Styles Had 3 Month Fling With 30 Something Married DJ

Harry Styles is in the band One Direction. If you don't know who they are then just substitute the words One Direction for New Kids On The Block; Backstreet Boys; N'Sync; Jonas Brothers and if you don't know who any of those are then substitute The Beatles; Leif Garrett; David Cassidy or Shaun Cassidy; If none of those work, then substitute One Direction with Frank Sinatra; Frankie Valli; Richie Valens or The Big Bopper. Anyway, Harry Styles likes older women. Harry is only 18. He generally likes going out with women in their 30's. His latest fling was three months long and was with a married DJ named Lucy Horobin. Lucy was still living with her husband while she was enjoying this time with Harry. I always feel bad for the aggrieved spouse, but in this case, it's so much worse because you are getting dumped for a boy bander. I guess the bright side is that Harry could probably have any 18 year old he wanted and he chose your wife.


timebob said...

Warren Beatty said "being famous was like being in a whore house with a credit card".

This kid seems to be living up to that quote nicely.

Scandalous Candice said...

That chick cannot be 32. She looks 50.

Henriette said...

This reminds me of Patrick Dempsey and his first wife. She was about 40 when he was 20.

Anonymous said...

She looks like Marian from Indiana Jones. Plus, side note Enty... One direction being compared to the Beatles and Frank Sinatra? I'm going to hope you are just hungover and couldn't think of any other names.

swedishfish said...

NO NO NO NO NOT the Beatles. The Beatles actually changed the course of music history. People to this day hear Beatles songs on the radio and can sing them. Maybe the kids can't, but people my age (who were born after the Beatles broke up) can. Songs from the Backstreet Boys et al are already forgotten. Maybe the Beatles were kind of a boy band, but they were actually talented and meant something.

audrey said...

I'm all for older women/younger men relationships--but a grown woman with an 18 year old is just too big of a gap and kind of creepy--no matter how famous he is. That is borderline pedophelia.

Brenda L said...

I think she's lovely, she doesn't have a drop of makeup on.

hothotheat said...

Comparing One Direction to the Beatles?!?! Blasphemy! The Beatles A) played instruments B)wrote they're own songs C) changed the course of music.

No comparison.

heatherhug said...

Agreed commenters. The Beatles? Did Enty mean the Monkees? The Beatles are NOT a boy band and NOT to be used in the same sentence as N'Sync.

Another Josh said...

Her name is Horobin. What did you expect?

MnGddess said...

No - she looks like a young Christine Lahti.
And once again - if the man is considerably older than the woman you hear nothing, unless the age range is cavernous (see Woody Allen, Celine Dion). The other way around.....

Lux Luthor said...

Something about this picture makes me want to slap her silly. Maybe I just need more coffee.

Ingrid Superstar said...

That has to be really humiliating for the husband.

Sherry said...

Yes Swede, the Beatles are iconic. No way could one Ever compare a boy band to them. And I mean that seriously. These bands are manufactured and write nothing of their own and don't even play an instrument half the time. Maybe like the Monkees though.

Anna said...

The age difference is not a big deal. Humiliating your husband internationally in gossip blogs IS a big deal.

EmEyeKay said...

She doesn't look 30, she looks my age, and I think I look my age.

That's sort of like sleeping with your mom. Eww.

angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gary T. Burnaska said...

IM thinking that Niall is gay. The whole Demi crush is just a publicity stunt. Demz went along with it just some she can get people talking about her.

childeroland said...

Comparing the Beatles, Sinatra and the Big Bopper to most of those guys is horrifying.

Lilli Jay said...

You might not know it, but they do play instruments. Wtf does Niall and Demi has anything to do with this whole thing? Yeah, comparing them to Beatles isn't good, but they are the biggest boy and ever since Take That now. Plus they write their own songs. Please don't judge when you don't know half of it.
Btw, Harry didn't know she was still married. He thought they had signed divorce papers.


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