Friday, April 12, 2013

Alec Baldwin Slams Shia LaBeouf

I think the reason Alec Baldwin will take any opportunity to slam Shia LaBeouf is that Alec loves talking about people who act like jerks who are not named Alec Baldwin. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Alec says that Shia was out of line and that he was wrong for the role and that Shia needs to grow up and that as you get older you are less likely to act out and be a jerk. Umm, Alec is a bazillion times older than Shia and is almost as big of a jerk now as he was when he was Shia's age. I'm not sure which world Alec is thinking about when he thinks he is some kind of quiet statesman and not the a-hole who slammed his daughter publicly and never misses a chance to denigrate anyone who comes close to him trying to take his photo.


Henriette said...

The battle of the douches begins.

greenmountaingal said...

I love that picture haha.

ethorne said...

What an elegant pic.

Unknown said...

Didn't even read the article, but LOLing @ the picture. +1, Enty

urban chaos said...

Great image to accompany Alec, seriously sums him up well.

kriss_t said...

Pot meet Kettle

discoflux said...

Eat that puddin', Alec.

auntliddy said...

The douche leading the douche, lol

Agent**It said...

+2 on that picture.
My friend had to wait on him in a vegan restaurant in SoFla. He said he behaved so atrociously (sending food back, berating the staff, told a table of fellow diners to get their own lives, etc) that the owner told him to never return and treated the house to a round of drinks (very small, $$$$$ place).

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Maybe he is envious because Shia is approaching to his überdouchea$$holeness.

The pic is great, and describes this guy's annoyness perfectly.

Sarah said...

I hate to side with Alec, but what he said wasn't nearly as inflammatory as this makes it sound. Shia was clearly a dick and contributed at least 50% of this drama, as well as leaking private emails bringing outsiders into the fight as well. Alec gets a pass from me this time.

Anna Nonymous said...

Yeah, nice picture Enty. It's like to rage filled roidy blowhard assholes blowing hot air at each other. The only one they're amusing or bothering is each other. Shia, I am your Fathah.... pass the pudding..

AndrewBW said...

Is he talking on the phone while he stuffs his face? I'm glad I'm not on the other end of that conversation!

greenmountaingal said...

He's the worst. Good for the owner for getting rid of his ass and treating everyone to drinks. I had seen him in a bookstore in NYC years ago and all I did was nicely tell him that I enjoyed his work. He told me that pissants like me are what make him hate his celebrity. So no nasty stories about him surprise me at all.

surfer said...

I'm no Alec apologist, but he never "shamed his daughter publicly." He left a message on her machine which was leaked (most likely by Kim) to the media.

ablake said...

Oh it was most certainly leaked by Kim surfer. At the same time, it was a mean message. I don't think anyone in their right mind would accuse Alec as acting like an 'adult'. Ever.
And really, what kind of thespian does he think he is? Just because people have been stupid enough to pay him doesn't exactly give him the authority to talk about other people's ability. Where's that Oscar, Alec? Yeah..keep looking.

Pip said...

It's like his head had no shape. There is just a blob with potato salad entering it.

Pip said...


nettalovesrobin said...

I used to give him a pass on his asshole ticks but when he called that photographer a "coon" i was done! How can he call Shia immature when he is acting the same way prob worse.

Anonymous said...

Nice headset! Article is the same old shit I don't know that most people care about a fight between Alec and Shia. Usually to pick sides there has to be a good guy.

katie said...

Tina is to Alec as Jodie is to Mel.

surfer said...

@ABlake - you're right - it was an awful message, and honestly, I think he's an ass, but this is one thing he can't be blamed for.

Jessi said...

This picture is amazing!!!

Please can we let the "Little Pig" rant die already. Yes we get it he bitched out his daughter, it was inappropriate!! Seriously let it go!!! I get it, he's an asshole, a really big big asshole!!!

MISCH said...

well they are both such lovely men...ha!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Mr. Pot? It's Mr. Kettle on line 1... *shakes head*

delete account said...

That picture!

Nyan said...

That pic is PRICELESS!!!!!! ROFLMAO Love it!!!!!!!

Sherry R. said...

I never thought Alec looked miuch like the most unattractive brother Stephen, but there it is in this pic - nice!

LottaColada said...

What a rude thoughtless little pig you are, Alec.

Anotheramy said...

Being nasty to his daughter is only the beginning. He talks to everyone that way, including his mother.

Julie said...

I don't know how Tina Fey put up with working with him all these years on 30 Rock. He is just a supreme ass!!

SusanB said...

Some people may get less jerky as they age, but he's the exception. He's gotten worse as the years go by. Can you imagine what he'll be like in 15 years? I used to like his work but can't watch him any more. I loathe him.

bored soccer mom said...

Take it from someone who knows- the 30 Rock cast couldn't take Alec's big ego anymore. Especially since he started up with Hilaria. That is why their last season was shortened. Tina was just emotionally done with him.

Trust me, I know.

OKay said...

Alec Baldwin is not a worthwhile human being, which is sad because he can act and he's got a charm about him that I just love. (And Jack Donaghy has got to be my favourite character ever, but Tina Fey gets 50% of the credit there!) However, I will still take him over Shia any day. Every. single. time.

Mango said...

@ bored soccer mom - Why did taking up with Hilaaaaria make him worse? I'm not doubting you, but you'd think if he was madly in love he'd be in a much better mood. You know, like normal people.

Anonymous said...

I thought they never produced the video of him calling that reporter "coon" (also, I don't think anyone outside of backwoods Mississippi calls anyone a coon) which makes me think that never actually happened. I do t think you should be an asshole but at this point I feel like soapy people just like to harass him in hopes of getting a reaction and that has to be a crappy way to live. Doesn't excuse being an ass to servers and such thought

Pip said...

Empress, I have heard that ugly term used in rural areas, and in a diverse city. Racists, and their terms, exist everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going to see Alec B. in Orphans in a couple weeks on Broadway and I fully intend on speaking to him if I can after the show and telling him how much I admire his acting skills. Can't wait to see if he calls me a "pissant" or any other derogatory terms. If so, he will be in for a nasty little surprise since my Italian temper will certainly be ignited at full volume ! : )

Anonymous said...

@bored soccer Mom - do tell more about 30 Rock ! One would think he would be a happier more even keeled human being if he was in love with Hilaria !

Alicia said...

Whoa. Seriously? I officially loathe him now.

Sherry said...

OMG!! Your comments are cracking me up! Elegant picture, a blob with potato salad..Solid gold!!!

Great story Agent! Good for the restaurant owner.

Yeah, Alec is an ass. No doubt about that as there is too much real and not anecdotal evidence that proves it. BUT, Shia was totally out of line with what he did. He gets a pass from me on this one. Now if he would just STFU the world would be a happier place.

Scallywag said...

@Empress, not only that, apparently some paps there have video proving he didn't say it. He was on Letterman last night saying at least they could have claimed he used a word other than one last used by Rod Steiger in In The Heat Of The Night.

I enjoy his work but he does seem like a walking creation of Mamet. I think it would be awesome to see him run for Mayor, though.

The paps can shoot you from a mile away and get a close-up (ask Princess Kate). They are in your face to get a reaction and Alec is easy prey.

Shia is a whiny putz proving the producers made the right decision.

tamarind said...

this one made me lol

Jenn said...

Where did he get those talky headphones to fit his giant head? I'm surprised they didn't burst under the strain. Ya know, I'm sure Kim was no angel, but she didn't kill him and bury him in that backwoods hometown of hers she owns while they were together, so, she's kind of a saint. I'm sure there's a few bayous down there big enough to sink even that fat head.

di butler said...

Jenn, that "backwoods" place in GA where she bought in with a corporation that had plans to make it a smaller, Dollywood like area, is NOT her hometown, however, it is where I live now, and I'd be glad to show you the resort/winery/golf course/equestrian/4 star restaurant property I live on. It's toootally all backwoodsy and hillbilly! Stereotype, much? Besides, I know her from that time period, and happen to really like her. She's very sweet and gracious, something that slur throwing jackass she was married to, can't say.

Unknown said...

@greenmountaingal - What an asshole :-/

Anna said...

Wasn't there a rumor that Shia is really the secret son of some famous actor? I wasted an entire morning on on escapist nonsense comparing his photo to young Harrison Ford's teen photos, who was known for his anger issues in the past. The rumor would be better if it was Alec Baldwin and secret son Shia, but the Baldwin boys have such a distinct look that Shia doesn't fit.

bored soccer mom said...

The crew named her Yoko. She is not a nice person. At all.


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