Friday, April 12, 2013

Blind Item #3

This actress is making a comeback. A big comeback. You would think that since she was out of the game for four or five years it might be tough for her to get any kind of roles again, let alone the starring roles she had when she was on the verge of being an A lister. marriage and then kids and now getting juicy roles in a matter of months? All thanks to her A++ list mostly movie actor ex. She knows things. Very big things. She knows the one secret he can never let out. None of his other exes know it. So, when the actress called to say hi and ask whether he would be able to help her get some auditions, he not only got her auditions but a movie role in a day.


camembert said...

Clearly this is supposed to sound like Katie.

camembert said...

...but she was never on the verge of being A list prior to marrying Tom.

Maximus said...

...I would say Katie Holmes but then I become seriously disturbed as to what that one secret may be, because if it's a preference for men, that's been widely widely widely suspected.

Cathy said...

It also says kids instead of kid(s), so this person has more than one.

LottaColada said...

Robin Wright? Was she "out if the game" for 4-5 years?

LottaColada said...

Nvm she didn't have kids recently

Anna Nonymous said...

She was the lead in the Batman returns... she was on the verge of A List, in that middle ground that so many tread water in, between B and A. Didn't Katie walk in on him and Becks in bed, with Suri in her arms? Or perhaps David Miscavige? Sorry guys, just had to throw that one in there. I love screwing with the Church of Cash crazies.

Anonymous said...

Kate Hudson

Anonymous said...

I think the A++ ex was a boyfriend before she got married and had kids. Can't think of anyone's who's " back" hopefully Enty will drop an old school style hint in randoms today.

SusanB said...

Perhaps Tom knows where Shelly is and it's not good (murdered?) so she's holding that info over his head. He's protecting Muskowhateverhisnameis.

FSP said...

Minnie Driver

Anonymous said...

Penelope Cruz dated Tom. She's been out of the spotlight for a few years. But she's pregnant right now.

Anna Nonymous said...

His name is David Miscavige, the sociopathic head of scientology, and his wife and former right hand who helped him run the church, Shelly Miscavige has been "missing" for years.

Karen said...

Katie probably signed so many non-disclosure agreements that she can't hold anything over Tom's head. I think that she traded whatever knowledge she had for physical custody of Suri.

FrenchGirl said...

it 's written "kids" with a "s" so it's not Kathie Holmes
maybe Robin Wright? since she worked with Fincher in Dragon Tatoo,she works much (even if she always worked)

Katherine "Katie" said...

Katie Holmes does all of a sudden have a movie role...

Izzie said...

@FSP - great guess but she wasn't married (she was engaged to that a*hole Josh Brolin) and only has one kid. I WISH this was her, she's one of my favorite actresses.

Unknown said...

Yeah, the secret is that Suri Cruise is actually David Miscavige's biological daughter.

Topper Madison said...

To me, it sounds like someone who recently got married and had kids, and the ex was a previous boyfriend.

Dasha said...

I agree that this seems to be Tom Cruise, however I think the ex in question is someone other than Katie. Nicole went away for awhile after her marriage to Keith and birth of her daughters? If someone knows a big secret about Tom, I'd put money on it being her or Mimi Rogers. That said, Nicole has some big movies coming out, and Katie doesn't. Not sure what Katie's big comeback would be... a failed play and some pap shots? Nah. Not her.

All about Eve said...

We need to figure out who the A++ list ex is, not many of those.

SKOR said...

Is Tom Cruise mostly movie? I would say all movie.

Boozie said...

Susan I was gonna say the same thing

SKOR said...

Vanessa Paradis with Johnny Depp as the A++ mostly movie ex.

Topper Madison said...

I don't think Katie starring opposite Luke Kirby(?) is a "big comeback." I think Spike Lee had a budget.

Anonymous said...

A++ list. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington? Trying to think of headliners that get nominated and run their own projects.

camembert said...

Vanessa Paradis has been A list in France forever now and she's never seemed interested in penetrating the US market.

Anonymous said...

Since when would Cruise be "mostly movie"? What else could he be known for other than movies (in a performance sense)?

auntliddy said...

Hey, shes keeping her mouth shut and getting work. Sound like win win.

Nyan said...

Katie Holmes ALL the way!! She also helped raise Connor and Bella (kids ref) and maybe the big secret is about their biological parents?? Marc Headley is supposed to help shed light on that subject. And quite a few stories of underaged Sea Org members being "raped" by senior officers, including Miscavige's father, have been floating around the net for many years. Who knows with those crazy $cienos!!! But their adoptions within the "church" has always been thought of as suspicious. She must have some really BIG secrets on him and those crazies to be granted such a quick divorce, and full custody of Suri!?!? The custody thing has always "baffled" me, because of the past and illegal workings of that "church"

Taracu said...

NOT Katie& Tom! Enty clearly said KIDS not kid(s)

Silly Girl said...

It's NOT Katie Holmes! It reads like she's married NOW and has kids with that guy, but called her ex for the movie roles, etc. So, who is an A++ movie actor with an ex who dropped off the radar for awhile because she got married and had babies?
I think we should look at the A++ actors, then their old girlfriends and narrow down who got married and had kids...

leemonada76 said...

Sarah Michelle gellar

Anonymous said...

I read this as Winona (Johnny Depp as ex)

Tinydancer said...

Diane Lane?

Taracu said...

What about someone like Jessica Alba?

Taracu said...

Winona doesn't have kids, does she?

MISCH said...

What about Mimi Rogers Tommy's 1st wife.

Unknown said...

Jessica Alba
Maggie Gyllensomething

that's all I got (and I'm sure I'm wrong)

I don't think it's Katie.

crila16 said...

I was thinking Lara Flynn Boyle...but I don't think she has children.

Taracu said...

Sarah Jessica Parker with the ex being Robert Downey or Nic Cage?

surbonzzzz said...


Mango said...

@ camembert - I'd heard that Vanessa Paradis badly wanted to move to LA so she could be a star here and that was a BIG bone of contention between her and Johnny Depp. He did not want to live here (he likes his islands and his yachts where he can lie low and do drugs) and she wanted to be a stah!

If you remember, Johnny bought Vanessa a house in LA as part of their settlement.

msgirl said...

I don't see Katie calling Tom to say "hi" - gotta be someone else. Who is making a comeback?

msgirl said...

Vanessa was never on the verge of being A-list here.

Silly Girl said...

What about someone like Rebecca Romaine Lettuce, except that John Stamos isn't mostly movie. She went on to get married and have kids....GISELLE BUNCHEN!! Her ex would be Leo!!!!

Unknown said...

hudson and parker have worked and been in the public eye recently....

it's written super vaguely, but it seems like the person is currently married.

ms snarky said...

I was thinking Matt Damon and one of his exes....but Minnie Driver wasn't married, but did have a kid.

All about Eve said...

@Mango, just checked Vanessa's IMDB and she does have a movie coming out with Woody Allen, Sharon Stone and Liev Schriber, sounds like a big deal to me

MISCH said...

Is she an ex-girlfriend or wife because there's also Rebecca De Mornay...she def knows lots about Tom

urban chaos said...

Remember that Enty fudges a bit with tiny details to throw us off a bit..

Unknown said...

I'm wondering how long it takes for a movie to be finished filming before it's released. Sienna Miller could almost fit. I can't even read the blind in such a way that Katie Holmes fits it.

Mama Abroad said...

I was thinking JLo with Ben as the ex but I think he'd call her a celeb rather than actress.

Mama Abroad said...

Oh I forgot to add JLo has a movie with Jason Stratham out/coming out.

E=MC Hammer said...

Co-sign Paradis

mooshki said...

Aaargh, I am so sick of this discussion. Enty says "all movies" or "mostly movies" as a generalization, because there's no way in hell he's going to IMDB everyone he writes a blind about!!!!! All it means is that that person is best known in that area.

jane3113 said...

I thought I had it with Jennifer Espisito but she isn't married with kids. DAMN!

lazyday603 said...

Getting cast in a Woodie Allen movie is the opposite of a big deal. The last Woodie Allen movie that appealed to an audience outside of the upper west side of Manhattan was "Manhattan". And even that was seen by a relatively small fraction of the movie going public. Studios fund & actors clamour to be in Woodie Allen movies for the prestige. Nobody suffers the illusion that it's a stepping stone to stardom.

Bravura said...

Entry also says mostly movies to cover the basis that said actor could also be producing or directing which would help the nod to Tommy Girl.

This seems too easy to just be Katie and TG though...

hunter said...

Whoever it is, it is NOT Katie Holmes. I was thinking Winona Ryder or something but she's not married with kids.

greenmountaingal said...

I thought of Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp for this one.

Unknown said...

I can't buy Katie Holmes being an A-lister, although this does fit. A++ to me is Affleck, Cruise, DiCaprio, Depp and a stretch Pitt.

Reads more like Winona IMO, although she's had pretty prominent roles in the Dilemma and Black Swan since, and she's got like 3 movies out over the next year.

Unknown said...

it could be Nicole Kidman, but did she ever drop from A+?

CF98 said...

I don't think its Katie when she divorced Tom I think they have no ties to one another at all not even where Suri is concerned.

Unknown said...

not kidman -- she was in "the paper boy" and is filming another project currently (or it just recently wrapped).

TotallyDistracted said...

I think Rebecca de Mornay is a good guess. 3 films either filming or in pre-production right now. Not much for several years before.

Sherry said...

I almost said Juliette Lewis but she has no young'uns. Count me as another who doesn't think it's Katie either. I think it's someone still married.

Vanessa Paradis looks like the most possible guess from my point of view.

Taracu said...

This CANNOT be Winona.
Lets recap, shall we?
Actress on the verge of A list at one time. Dated an A++ mostly movie actor.
They broke up. She got married. Had 2 or more kids.
Dropped out of the spotlight 4-5 years,
Now has a movie with the help of A++'er as she is the only one to know his skeletons.

geminigirl789 said...

I read this as Goop from almost the first sentence. A list, she won an Oscar. Married Chris Martin, two kids, stepped back out of the limelight, maybe not entirely but definitely less than when she was acting.
And the A++ ex is Brad Pitt

MAC said...

I read this as the ex was her ex-husband and that the 4-5 years that she was out of the picture, she was married to him having children and not really working. Now they have divorced for maybe a few months ("now getting juicy roles in a matter of months") and she is calling on him for favors to get back in the game.

danatestingsite said...

Liv Tyler and Joaquin Phoenix.

__-__=__ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

@GeminiGirl: Goop's career is doing better than Brad's right now. She has the Iron Man franchise.

I can't think of who the A++ actor would be like at all.

Ivs said...

@Karen As any good mother would! I totally heart Katie: if I wasn't certain it would freak her out, I'd stop her in the middle of the street just to give her a hug good luck.

Ivs said...

@lazyday603 but in my little corner of the world Vicky Christina Barcelona was a pretty big deal though, no? Though admittedly I have no idea if it was in the states!

saycheese said...

sienna miller just had a kid, and was the it girl a while back. jude law as the a-lister with some pull?

saycheese said...

and she's in the photos today

AB said...

Yes! I have said it before on this site that Bella Cruuse looks EXACTLY like miscavige. It is uncanny the resemblance!!!! Check it out. I am sure that secret would be shocking to some. Although surely Nicole would have known.

Unknown said...

Just to throw someone else out there: Jennifer Garner? She finally returning to acting and Ben will be loking after the kids.

littlemanwhatnow said...

Robin wright in house of cards and dragon tattoo Sean pen Madonna for the ex

bruce said...

katie holmes was not on the verge of verge anything other than forgotten when she was trotted out as tommy boy's lastest beard completely out of the blue.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why if Katie Holmes knows anything why she wouldn't be on every talk show out there revealing what she knows!! Why stay silent?

Dorothy said...

Midnight in Paris was great too.

Dorothy said...

Midnight in Paris was great too.

Unknown said...

I read this as Penelope Cruz w/ Tom Cruise being the ex. I know it doesn't fit exactly - she is now pregnant. But she was a pretty big deal a while back and now she's flying under the radar, being a wife and mother.

Sandy said...

I read this as Paltrow too, with the ex being Ben Affleck. Enty fudges time frames, too, you know. Being in the Iron Man franchise is no prize - it's a girlfriend-of-the-hero role (usually played by no-talents like Blake Lively, Kate Bosworth or, yeah, Katie Holmes).

Paltrow has been working overtime lately to revive her once-huge career (she has an Oscar, you know), with diminishing returns (she IS over 40, isn't she?). She's so self-serving and calculating I can totally see her hitting up an ex for help by holding some dark secret over his head.

J-Mo said...

sounds like Liv Tyler and Joaquin Phoenix to me, although she doesn't seem to be attached to any upcoming big movies. i hate to bring it up but the incestuous relationship blind was put out there and pointed to him. I don't think she would spill any secrets but assuming there was any truth to that blind he would probably be grateful.

Theresa said...

Katie Holmes, and the secret would be the paternity for Suri..just a guess


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