Sunday, April 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 3, 2010

#3 - This B+ television actress from a hit network dramedy ensemble show was rehearsing for a play she was doing for a benefit. When she walked out on stage she looked around for cue cards or teleprompter. When told there were none, she stated, "You mean I'm supposed to learn these lines? There must be hundreds."

Teri Hatcher


clatie said...

(In George Takei voice) "Oh, my!"

Alicia said...

Hmmm.. She's been an actress for decades.. I find this one hard to believe

.robert said...

I don't. Live stage is not like TV/movies.

Anna Nonymous said...

Agree with Robert, it is two completely different things to be acting on stage, projecting, memorizing, ACTING in a big way, compared to acting in films or t.v where it's more of a natural, real life approach to acting/emoting w/ cue cards and teleprompters.

timebob said...

Artie Lange told a story once on Howard Stern about Jennifer Esposito having a complete melt down on set cursing people out because she couldn't remember her lines.

Movie was The Bachelor.

MissInfo said...

I was in The Fantastics in middle soon as I stepped out on stage, I forgot all my lines! Worst moment of my life! My cast mates tried to feed me my lines but nothing registered. Then I realized I could never be an actress because I suffer from major stage fright. I still get shaken up when I need to speak in front of audiences. :-(

Unknown said...

Eh, I give her a pass on this one. If it was for a benefit I could see her thinking that since it was a one night only event that she wouldn't have to memorize all of her lines the way she would if it was a long running engagement. On SNL and on late night talk shows they have cue cards, so I don't see the big deal. At least Snatcher was doing something for charity.

MrWolf said...

Terri Hatcher also has a "I'm dippy and cute with a sense of humour" scthick going on. This sounds like exactly something she'd say trying to sound cutesy.

Geebz said...


FlirtyChick74 said...

+1 @ clatie

Gabby said...

Also, on TV and in movies, you don't have to memorize the entire script at one time. You only really have to know that scene or that day's lines, and even then there's someone to feed you your lines if you forget.
@MissInfo - I had the same thing happen to me during my senior performance in high school! I had been performing basically my whole life, and had always been nervous, but suddenly during that show my stage fright came to a head! I forgot every line to every song I was supposed to embarrassing :(

Sydney21221 said...

Actually that made me laugh - are you sure that she wasn't cracking a joke as opposed to being a diva?

FrenchGirl said...

and i understand her

Mango said...

re stage fright - Speech was a requirement in college and it was murder for me to speak in front of the class. I dropped the class the first time I took it and took it again the next near and kept putting off the speeches and on the very last day of class gave three speeches because each speech represented a letter grade. By the end of the class I was high on adrenaline and got a B but it was a horrible experience.

Jessie said...

SNL has cue cards because they can sometimes be rewriting sketches even while the scene is playing. The magic of watching a play would be lost if they had cue cards.

PugsterMom said...

I used to teach college voice and because forgetting lyrics is so common for singers I made everyone do an exercise to help them when (not if) it happened to them. They sang their song and at some point I'd yell "switch" at which point they had to stop singing the correct lyrics and make new ones up (or scat or sing syllables like lalala or ooo baby"). Then I'd yell it again and they has to go back to the real lyrics. I figured if they could do it in class, they'd know what it felt like already and maybe wouldn't panic as much when it happened in a "real" performance.

Sherry said...

Pugster I wish I had your class whien I studied voice. Sounds awesome.

I did film, tv and theatre and nothing had cue cards save for newscasting. She must never even try to learn her lines!

whocaresnow12 said...

Teri Hatcher has actually done a lot of stage work and presenting. I call BS.

PotPourri said...

BS!!! She's just being silly.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Mango - College is when I developed a huge fear of public speaking and dreaded going to every speech class. One of my first speeches was on why I hated public speaking and anxiety. :-/


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