Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Female DNA Found On Boston Bombs

The FBI spent a great deal of time at the home of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's house yesterday after the FBI admitted that female DNA was found on one of the bombs used on the attacks at the Boston Marathon. It was the first time the FBI had actively been looking for something inside the house even though it has been watched by them constantly. The implication here of course is that the widow, Katherine Russell is somehow involved in the bombings. Of course as soon as the FBI makes sure to leak something like that they then say it could have just been caused by a random hair or a store clerk touching one of the parts of the bomb before it became a bomb. The FBI did collect a sample of the widow's DNA. Even if it matches, does that make her guilty of conspiracy or murder or is it because she lived in the house and her DNA was everywhere?


Robert said...

I don't think that's a question that anyone but a forensics expert can truly answer, and even they may disagree. And that's assuming that the widow's DNA matches what was found on "parts of the bomb."

Cathy said...

Isn't it also possible that one of the pressure cookers they used was also used for cooking before it was used as a bomb?

FrenchGirl said...

@Cathy: i had the same idea

Susan said...

I can't speculate on this until I have more information. I do find the female DNA very interesting.

Unknown said...

Cosign the previous three posts.

FSP said...

I don't know if she's guilty of this. I do think she's guilty of not coming forward after the bombs went off and her husband's face was ALL OVER THE NEWS!

figgy said...

I agree with all of the above, but especially @FSP that this woman should have come forward.

But she was apparently abused/ controlled by him. Who knows.

Pogue Mahone said...

The female DNA could also be from one of the victims.

libby said...

Have you seen this woman speak? She's no criminal mastermind. I got the distinct impression she was just another battered wife, nodding and smiling just to stay alive.

Just my impression, though.

The DNA could be from the factory.

MISCH said...

What a mess...

msgirl said...

The are taking samples to rule her out so they can proceed to try to figure out just whose it it.

However, she worked 80 hours/week, so gone much of the time, giving opportunity for the brothers to make the bomb in the kitchen, so I don't think if it is her DNA that it implicates her.

All about Eve said...

It doesn't make her part of it but I also wonder why she didn't come forward when their pictures came out??

mikey said...

I agree with above - I'm much more concerned about her silence when the photos were posted.

auntliddy said...

Who uses a pressure cooker anymore?

auntliddy said...

Mb scared to death? Mb shocked? Who knows!

auntliddy said...

Wouldnt that be something if she was in on it? Soooo freaky!

TracySwingKid said...

Yeah, I'm guessing that she was probably in her kitchen one day thinking, "Where the fuck did I put my pressure cooker? It was RIGHT HERE."

Pip said...

The DNA could have been from the factory, an employee at the stores where this man went, he could've had a stray hair from his wife on his clothing, which got onto one of the items. There are so many different scenarios.

Cecilia00 said...

Way too soon to effectively speculate on this IMO. It could be from a victim or innocent person who touched a component in the sale of it, etc.

All about Eve said...

@auntliddy, my mom! Lol

DewieTheBear said...

I believe her married name is Katherine Tsarnaeva. And I hope she goes to live with her crazy mother-in-law in Mother Russia.

kelgela2 said...

I think I remember there being a woman following these two guys everywhere. Didn't the authorities say they found two more bombs that were dropped off?

SusanB said...

@TracySwingKid - you made me laugh out loud. And yeah, I find her silence suspicious. The only people I feel sorry for are her parents - can you imagine how they must feel? I'd guess they were against this marriage/conversion in the first place but did their best to live with it because they love their daughter (and grandchild) but then to have the FBI rummaging through their house (and I'd bet taking their DNA samples also) because their daughter might be a terrorist? It's horrifically sad for them.

iknowpeople said...

@FSP, she did come forward -- to her husband. According to the brother, she called and warned him, which set off the rampage. She will eventually be charged with something, even if it's just obstruction of justice.

Now! said...

@FSP and others There is a fairly short timeline between the point the guys were all over the news and the point they began their shootout - like 3 hours. If she was out working during that time period, she may not have had the opportunity to see the pictures and call the cops.

Now! said...

@iknow Where did you hear that? I had actually read that it was friend who emailed Johar with the images that set off the rampage - but that information could be wrong.

iknowpeople said...

@Kelgela, Cop/military sibling noticed the trailing female, too, but have never heard mention made of it by law enforcement or media.

iknowpeople said...

@nutty, it was all over the news the day after the younger brother spoke to FBI. It was a leak attributed to law enforcement.

Patty said...

According to the accounts I read, she was an outgoing young women with a bright future. Then she hooked up with that a-hole. As an American young women, to give up your independence and identy to become subserviant to a husband...I just don't get that. What I do know is that I need to be sure I give my daughters the tools and skills they need to not be brainwashed, dickmatized, or whatever you want to call it and grow into strong and independent women.

portlandjewel said...

I do.

portlandjewel said...

That's what I was thinking.

__-__=__ said...

auntliddy - still use pressure cooker. It's energy efficient compared to an oven.

portlandjewel said...

Maybe she didn't believe it could be them. Maybe she thought it was just another false report... But warned them so they wouldn't get hurt, not knowing they were armed bombers until after the arrest. Maybe...

__-__=__ said...

Again, this is a massive govt failure and everyone should be voted out of office never to return. And this isn't dem, repub, tea party, etc. This is our govt. Understand the same FBi director who allowed 9/11 is still in office? How can this happen? There should have been a massive house cleaning at FBI, CIA, NSA immediately after 9/11. The fish rots from the head. Vote them all out next chance!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think director of the FBI is a voted on position......
You maybe underestimate how difficult it is to find a person qualified for those top jobs, you can't be throwing them out every time something goes wrong, attacks will happen even if everyone is doing their job well.

msgirl said...

Agree with Empress. That's what scary.

amused bush said...

Pressure cookers are an underrated but fabulous kitchen gadget. Mine gets a lot of use.

Pink_Palace said...

what about the younger brother - a few of his friends were arrested, one had an interesting license plate...terrorista or something?!? have they been cleared?!? i just can't believe all the people that have been injured - over 250! so many more we are finding out every day have lost a limb! just makes me sick to think about!

Tyler said...

It gave law enforcement a valid excuse (if they needed one) to conduct a search of her parents home where she and Tamerlan spent a lot of time. This is a good thing imo.

trudi said...

She had been arrested for shoplifting before they met. They were made for each other.
Maybe she gave her mother in law tips before her Lord & Taylor shoplifting escapade.

hothotheat said...

If they can confirm female DNA, and they have DNA from both brothers, why don't they confirm that their DNA is on the bombs? And why are they not confirming the gun the brothers had was used to kill MIT police officer and injure one of the cops at the shoot out?

They are being way too sneaky about the events connected with this case.

Now there saying the younger brother asked, repeatedly, for an attorney to be present when he was questioned without Miranda Rights and was ignored.

hothotheat said...

^Now their saying.....

Tori said...

I'm with @hothotheat, at first I was all aboard the "all signs point to Tsarneavs" but now I'm reserving judgment until it plays out further. There were a lot of sketch people there, including at least 6 Blackwater thugs, & way too many conflicting reports from law enforcement to place judgment just yet. Even if they did it, this is America and the judicial system is supposed to treat you as innocent until proven guilty. I don't blame the wife for isolating herself. The entire country wants her brother-in-law + deceased husband's head on a stick a la Game of Thrones.

Great tragedies always highlight the ineptitude of our government + media. Hopefully the perps are brought to justice (Tsarneavs or whomever) and we are able to learn from all the many mistakes that have been made since the bombs went off. Also, the media has gone pretty mum on in regards to the MIT shooting. Probably because it wasn't them.

auntliddy said...

Well, show ya what i dont know, lol

Char said...

@hothotheat nope still wrong. "they're"

Cocokitty said...

I think information like this should not be open to the public,It isn't your job to solve the mystery let them do their job.

Cocokitty said...

Also I think that people should leave victims to recover and leave families to mourn privately instead of reminding them day in and day out of what happened. Some people just want to forget.

car54 said...

If the bombs were built in their apartment, they also had a female child.

I suspect this woman's parents are going to have to have her deprogrammed--it really sounds like he had her under his thumb completely.

Dzokhar has a really major league lawyer appointed now.

She's got some serious experience with big cases.

Anotheramy said...

If this were Italy and her name was Amanda Knox it would be enough to convict her.

__-__=__ said...

Empress - i know waaaaay more than you thInk. Do you seriously think this one man is that "special"? Trust me, there are dozens of ithers who coukd do a better job. Same at other agencies. He should have been fired and shamed after 9/11 along with about a dozen other managers who thought it was a good idea not to bother doing some work. And every elected politician that didn't see this happened swiftly needs to be voted out. They all have control over this. Lazy politicians are afraid to do something hard that would protect our country.

trouble bubble said...

When I see the pictures of her covering her hair and all the body in black, I think she was just lucky not to be brainwashed to the extent, when all her wishes would be to become "the bride of Allah". These are the girls who put on the belt out of the explosives and with the words "Allahu Akbar" blow themselves up in the crowdy places like Moscow metro station or airport arrivals. The majority of girls Chechen, and it's been happening in Russia for years. Read more about Nord - Ost musical siege or Beslan school crisis. That will give you some insight into what are Chechen terrorists are capable of

Lucy said...

for me it depends on what parts the DNA was found on. If it's on common household items she would have access to then I couldn't say for sure if she knew but if the parts she had DNA on were specifically parts for bomb making that she wouldn't really have access to then yeah she probably did.

feraltart said...

I want everyone connected to the bombs to be tried (& convicted). Maybe she rang to ask him what the hell he had done. I think I would ring my husband first before law enforcement. No-one thinks their spouse is going to be guilty.

Erik said...

There's been enough implicating people who had nothing to do with the bombing already, you'd think the FBI would be a little more careful. There are many reasons why female DNA was on the bomb. It doesn't mean the wife was involved.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@TracySwingKid - Your comment (which I read aloud) made my mom/dad and I laugh. :)

I keep waiting to hear who will get the first TV interview with the wife. Will be must see TV.

Christine! said...

I am so embarrased for the woman who gave up her life to wear black head to toe and bare a child for that piece of shit, WELFARE taking motherfucker.

His Mother- the best poster child for the Muslim Extremists I have ever seen- what a piece of shit as well.

I believe that it is too soon to full expect the investigating teams to conclude anything at this point- but it makes me chuckle, all the "inside job" theories people think up....really?


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