Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kim Kardashian Is Gaining Weight On Purpose

The new issue of In Touch takes their weekly jab at Kim Kardashian and says that she is purposely gaining more weight than necessary during her pregnancy because she wants to make millions from a weight loss plan. Honestly, most of the time I would think that is ridiculous and I'm sure In Touch is guessing, but they are probably right. If anyone knows how to work an angle and get paid it is Kim. I'm sure she saw the big bucks that Jessica Simpson has got and will get and if Melissa Joan Hart can snag six figures, Kim probably thinks there are a few million bucks in it for her. Baby photos and weight loss photos plus being on commercials everyday in front of us probably has Kris Jenner so happy she is letting Bruce sleep somewhere other than the garage.


nevermindthat said...

It's not on purpose...She can't stop eating.

ethorne said...

Yeah right, I think she's going to get big enough without purposely packing it on

Cathy said...

I think that Kim has a naturally stocky build (similar to Khloe's, rather than Kourtney's), but under normal circumstances she evades it by spending ridiculous amounts of time at the gym and dieting. Now that she's pregnant, I think it's just her normal body type coming through.

The Dude said...

Can't K- free February extend to keeping the site K- free everyday?

SusanB said...

I think it's a little of both, she can't stop eating AND she's looking forward to a lucrative weight loss deal. At least she seems to be dressing a little better the past 2 weeks or so.

__-__=__ said...

They don't call her PMK's prize pig for nothing! She's eating because she's a hog. Look at Penelope Cruz and Halle Berry. They won't be half as big as KK when she births out Kimye.

Silly Girl said...

It'll be a huge reality smack when she realizes that she has created eating habits over the years and no magic pill will cure that for her. The weight will be slow to come off (if it does), or she may not even be healthy when doing it. Not the best way to care for a newborn.
The weight isn't going to come off as easily as she thinks. This could be a huge backfire for her, if not in the media then for her personally. We should see a downward spiral or heavy drug use if that happens.
Get help now, girl, don't go down this path.

Agent**It said...

Wendy Williams said the same thing a few weeks ago. I don't think she looks healthy.

Mama June said...

What happened to the Quik Trim they were shilling for a while back?

Izzie said...

Weren't they hawking some weight loss pills at one point before the krappy kosmetics and klothing? I seem to remember that.

Unnatural weight gain is NOT a good idea for mother or baby. I hope this article is a joke, because gestational diabetes isn't.

libby said...

I agree w/ SusanB. I do think it's a little from column A, a little from column B.

Is there ANYTHING this family won't sell though? None of this should be surprising. Perhaps Kim will sell pills made from her plaKenta to the highest bidder....that family is SICK over money. I'm an agnostic, and this is what I call 'selling your soul'---this family exactly.

Kelly Simmons said...

I confess I thought the same thing a few weeks ago -- and said the same about Jessica.

I have a dark and evil heart

Wen said...

We all know the nasty skank will have liposuction, tummy tuck, and so on. Why would any weight loss company associate with a known habitual liar?

Anonymous said...

I don't think she looks unhealthy, her legs and arms are still pretty slim. Granted that photo yesterday she had major bloat-face but I assume that's transient. Her problem is she only has about 2' of torso and so all the weight goes to her already ample butt and boobs with no space in between. Again if she would quit dressing like an absolute baffoon then She wouldn't have so much of a problem. She doesn't look half bad in this pic, just hippey. She'll lose all the weight. It might be through a hose at her favorite doctor's office but it will be gone. I'm so bored with the "she's fat!" posts. Y! She's pregnant and predisposed to being a little fat anyway. Let's hear more about that divorce and charity scam, or one of the many other crap things she does

La Descarada said...

This does not surprise me at all and I figured this was her plan from the get go. I read an article yesterday saying "everything she does is for a reason" and its true. Think about it. She has to show that she's out of control eating, gaining weight while she's pregnant (a struggling working fast paced mother trying to cope with her cravings, pressure, etc is the pitch she's prolly using) and she's going to use the excuse that she needs a structured eating regiment to help herself once the baby is delivered...similar to Jessica Simpson. Don't get me wrong, she's probably delighting in the fact that she's getting to stuff her face knowing she'll be paid to lose the weight. Make herself as large as she possibly can so that it will be a dramatic weight loss.

Pookie said...

i have to agree w/ @Cathy here...i've been around them and kim is not naturally a little thing, nor is khloe. they've had excellent tummy lipo which seriously helps them reign in looking big from the front, so kudos to them both bc they do seem to work at keeping fit.

...and i can't believe how polarizing kim's pregnancy weight has become (in general). poor girl. i know the entire family are fame whores, but i hate to think she's so money-hungry she'd purposely let herself go. she's not that stupid...if she's always struggled w/ her weight she knows it's going to be a nightmare after childbirth. i doubt she'd deliberately choose that path, you know?

and i know personal accountability has to come into play here, and i think a lot of the backlash she receives is brought upon, remember the early days when she dubbed herself a stylist--and yet can't seem to dress herself to save her life; her claims to have only gained 20 lbs, when come on, stop assuming you can play people for stupid; the lies about healthy food pregnancy cravings when photos prove otherwise...the list is endless. so yeah, i totally get the backlash and i think it's a case of reaping what you sow, but in the end i can't help but feel sorry for her. she's obviously miserable and feeling the pressure...her man is never at her side, she knows she's big thus always in spanx & declaring at every interview how wonderful pregnancy is and how she loves her body when it's the opposite that's obvious; her sartorial choices get worse by the day--so, for someone who's built a life on all things superficial, this must be killing her. for the sake of that innocent little baby she's carrying, i hope everything is alright in the end.

Agent**It said...

Izzie, diabetes was on my mind when I said she looked unhealthy (to my eyes):)

LottaColada said...

No wonder she's out every day. Getting all those before shots in!

All about Eve said...

@Izzie, I had gestational diabetes both times and that was not fun at all but at least it helped me keep my weight under control, the second time I even lost extra weight.

iheartgoss said...

@Libby PlaKenta...hilarious!!!

iheartgoss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen said...

I just don't understand her maternity clothing choices. My co-worker had a baby last year and always looked adorable. She's very short and so her stomach seemed bigger than her. Even hugely pregnant women without KK's budget can find clothing that doesn't accentuate all the weight they've gained.

EmEyeKay said...

I have also laughed (a dark, evil laugh) when I see what she's worn. She's going to look at the photos and be so embarrassed. She's worn some straight-up ugly stuff.

No joke, last night I dreamt that I was with KK and her mom, helping out on a photo shoot. She wanted to hide her stomach and was insistent on wearing a hoop skirt. I kept saying "no, dude, you can't wear that", and they both bitched at me.

*sigh* Apparently I was online too much yesterday. Stay out of my dreams!

Cecilia00 said...

She's currently creating a great "before" portfolio. Complete with pics of her eating junk.

Don't get me wrong, she can eat and gain what she wants, but it is suspicious to me.

Amber said...

@EmEyeKay - I had a KK dream recently, too. I felt so ashamed and dirty. ;(

I can't wait to see how huge this boar is gonna be in sweltering July.

greenmountaingal said...

I still think she's faking her pregnancy.

whocaresnow12 said...

I thought In Touch was the feeder rag for Kris to sell stories and photos directly. I buy that she's doing it on purpose for a deal since nobody wanted Rob as a spokesperson. Word on the street is that Dukan Diets is willing to make an offer, but I guarantee its not going to be enough money.

The Real Dragon said...

I'm sorry that story seems dumb. Must
Been slow news day In In touch

iheartgoss said...

Now hear me out, but I feel bad for KK. I would hate to go through my life the way she does. She obviously cares soooo much about material possessions and what people think of her that she spends every second combatting image problems and coming up with new ways to make a buck. That just sounds exhausting. I'm very happy in my life. Too bad she seems so miserable. The crap her and her sisters find to complain about is just pathetic.
Ok, I'm done now.

auntliddy said...

As i think.... iI still dont think she has come to terms with being pregnant. Look at the ridic clothes choices- shes not dressing a pregnant body, shes dressing an overweight body. She never talks about her baby, how she cant wait to see him/her, nothing. Just cutesy stuff like names, like a teenager. Still with the heels, too tight clothes, travelling overseas at drop of hat, not resting, claiming shes never been sick- i think she in deepest denial.

Unknown said...

Christ on a crutch, I can not fucking BELIEVE I'm about to defend this asshole, but here goes:

In that bare belly shot from the other day, to me she looks pretty normal sized for this stage of pregnancy. I think because she's hippy and has a huge ass, coupled with the fact that she wears wholly unflattering clothes, makes her look bigger than she is. I don't think she's inhaling food all day like everyone is trying to make out.

Glitter said...

It seems like I heard they (the Kraptrashians) have already reached out to some weight loss companies and were turned down. I pray she doesn't get hired for this.

Kelly Simmons said...

I agree with you Amy -- she's not that big -- she's badly dressed and hippy.

WHen I was pregnant, I gained a lot in my hips/rear - my friend asked if I was going to give birth to the baby through the back door. He thought he was soooooo funny.

Sherry said...

What Pookie said.

Although for the longest time I really REALLY thought this was a false pregnancy and was waiting for the "announcement" any day.

mybrothehero said...

one thing for sure, she's not making Tracy Anderson look good, if this is what her pregnancy workout is. I thought she'd be more concerned about getting that endorsement.

parissucksliterally said...

This woman lies every time she opens her mouth, unless it is to suck a dick.

Her face bothers me more than anything else. When her mouth is closed, she has serious Joker Face.

Hammer_Girl said...

I kinda feel for her in a very very very small corner of my heart. When I was preg I gained +80 lb with each pregnancy. With my first child I ate no junk. I couldn't tolerate it. About my 7th month I gained so much weight suddenly that I fractured my foot.

And I never had the cute belly. I was all hips, thighs, and boobs. To this day when I gain or lose weight those are the places it happens. I think genes play a big part in it.

babo said...

She s in for some serious post-partum depression. She does not look happy or settled about this baby at all. She had a plan and the plan is backfiring because it s a real baby inside of her and not one of her usual sex-tape, tweets, PR war, photo op schemes. This is getting real, her body is changing, she cannot sport the "f#ck me baby" body she has based her life on anymore. It was too much to take on. She just can t cope.

Nothanksdarlin said...

I had a baby 17 months ago. I am still carrying an extra 10-15 lbs. hate to tell her its simple but not easy to loose baby weight (at least without a nanny and trainer) and if she intends on breast feeding supplements are off the table. And that ol theory about breast feeding helps you loose weight isn't true for everyone. You are hungry. More hungry than pregnant hungry. Being said I wish her all the best

M. Brown said...

She is also styling herself to look bigger. When she wears normal pregnancy clothes she doesn't look particularly large for someone who is pregnant. When she wears tight leather straight dresses of course she looks ridiculous.

Patty said...

Well, she'll always have her Playboy pictures to look back on to remember how hot her body was in the day. Isn't that the reason Kris encouraged her to do it?

Silly Girl said...

I hadn't thought about it until reading it here, but you guys are SO right. I don't think she realizes (if she really IS pregnant) that there is a living, eventually breathing baby in there! She certainly doesn't act like a pregnant person: not one word about holding him, smelling him, seeing his/her face, etc. Nothing about how wonderful it is to have the baby growing inside you, etc.. I realize not everyone goes through those feelings but for someone who is such an attention whore, you'd think she'd be throwing this in everyone's face: Oh, I'm so sick, oh, I can't wait to hold my baby, oh, I can't wait to see if he looks like my famous dad, etc. NOTHING. IT's been all about her divorce and how she's dressing (which, let's face it, it really is HORRIBLE.).
I'm still questioning her being pregnant, for real! It could be a steroid bloat, which, I don't think it's that hard to lose the weight from (I could be wrong). If THAT is the case, she's even worse than I thought! OF COURSE a weight loss deal would be on the heels of this 'pregnancy' if it's steroid bloat!
Ugh. I'm done with the rant.
For the record, when I was pregnant, I always had one hand on my belly from the time I found out I was pregnant. I was NOT one of those 'I always wanted to be pregnant' people, but instead, I felt like my uterus was going to explode right out of my body and my hand was there to protect everyone! I've yet to see a pic with her lovingly cupping her belly....

Mango said...

I can't wait to see how huge this boar is gonna be in sweltering July.

LMAO Amber, I think that's the snarkiest thing you've ever posted and it couldn't be about a better target. I hope she's miserable in July and they have to spray her down with hoses to keep her cool.

I just cannot imagine Kim with a baby. She doesn't seem maternal to me. I think she probably has more affection for her Gucci purses than she has for children. "You mean I have to, like, change it and feed it, like, every day?? Maybe that magical maternal love will blossom in her breast when she holds her little K-baby in her arms, but I don't hold much hope of that. Thank the flying spaghetti monster she can afford a nanny.

ms snarky said...

maybe she'll sell the baby.

mooshki said...

Okay, this stuff is over the top even for a Kardashian. There's a line between snarky/funny and mean/judgmental, and a lot of these comments crossed it. :( There's more than enough potential for jokes making fun of her famewhoredom without getting into all the bullshit judging that people do these days for anyone who's pregnant. Gaining a little more weight than you probably "should" during a pregnancy does not make you Hitler! Jeesh! I'm so sick of people acting like gaining weight is some crime against humanity.

AngieEatACheeseburger said...

Someone about a month ago called a few of the companies and they said they would not be hiring Kim. Jenny Craig was one of them. Hopefully they keep their word!

Laura said...

The entertainment reporter guy on the morning radio show I listen to said that there was a deal in the works with Weight Watchers. Taken with a grain of salt, however, he's not always right.

Rhody said...

As soon as I saw her eating everywhere and in full view of cameras I thought she was either gaining on purpose or that she was padding her clothes to make her look bigger. Not to mention wearing bad clothes on purpose. All to make headlines after the birth of how dramatically she lost the weight.
I wish they'd just go away already!

CJ said...

@ Cathy - I agree. I don't think she's intentionally gaining weight, we're talking about a person who was Tweeting pics of herself in a bikini a million times a day before she got pg.

Anothergrayhare said...

Why do women gain so much weight? The baby is at most 8-10 pounds. Some fluid, additional blood volume, maybe another 10-15 pounds. 10 pounds of fat. Now you're up 35 pounds. Not 80, not 100. I gained 35 with my first by 6 months and was eating whatever I felt like. Got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and didn't gain another ounce. I actually watched what went into my mouth for the last 3 months. 2nd baby I only gained 30. I still don't believe KK is pregnant. I can stand in front of the mirror and push out my stomach and people would think I am too. She's just getting fat for their latest publicity stunt.

urban chaos said...

I've thought from the beginning she's getting big and looking frumpy so when she goes in for her mom makeover she can claim diet and exercise- scoring covers, diet deals and gaining sympathy as a relatable every day mom who struggles with weight.

Scallywag said...

I think Kim is happy to be eating whatever she wants while Kris is setting up her post-partum diet contract.

I remember when I was a kid doctors wanted pregnant women to gain like 20 pounds max. Then the pendulum swung the other way. You do have to worry about gestational diabetes, though.

jaariel said...

As someone who has been on a diet my entire life, when I got pregnant was the first time I felt no internal nor external judgment about what I ate or how much of it. I ballooned & put on 60 lbs that I just knew would come right off within the first year. Well, they didn't. It took damn hard work & 2 yrs to get my body back. I think KK is just as delusional about het pregnancy weight as I was, if not more so. She simply doesn't get how how hard losing the weight is going to be.

Amber said...

@Mooshki - I apologize if mine was one you felt was over the line. It was intended as snark, because the idea that she's purposely gaining extra weight to get a payoff later is a bit disturbing when her main focus should be making sure she keeps herself healthy to provide a healthy development environment for the baby.
My only opinion on any person is that as long as they're healthy and happy that's all that matters. At the gym I go to, most of the women are not supermodel material, but they're STRONG and that's way more important than being able to fit into sample sizes.

Bleu said...

She's so into cosmetic surgery and doing things NOT naturally that I hope Weight Watchers remains firm and refuses to give her that big, fat check she's looking. I would like for all of them to refuse to do it but some weight loss company will probably cave. It's totally believable that she's going to try to make millions with as many baby product endorsements as possible, baby photos, and diet product endorsements.

auntliddy said...

Even sadder, she may think her clothes are really pretty! Lol

zeldafitzgerald said...

I think all of this crap about her gaining weight is being planted by her PR to make us feel sorry for her.

Because it's working.

pickwickianmom said...

I'm curious to see what Kanye will do when this baby is born and Kris moves in to try to make money on it.

I have a suspicion she may have met her match in that guy. He's gone to Europe to avoid the reality show and Kris must have been salivating at the prospect of yanking him into it. He's said he doesn't want the baby to be sold.

Jon Gosselin tried to stop Kate from filming the kids, but he's not Kanye West. Jon had agreed to the arrangement prior and doesn't have the money and power that Kanye has.

For the first time ever, I'm curious to see what will happen with this family when this baby is born.

Anotheramy said...

I couldnt care less about any Kartrashian but, I don't think shes gained too much weight.


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