Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Robert Pattinson Gets Kristen Stewart A Dog For Her Birthday

Kristen Stewart's birthday was yesterday. I'm sure you join me and most of the world in not caring about that particular milestone. I also don't really care whether Robert Pattinson celebrated it with her and her friends one of whom she might be particularly close to. None of that matters. What matters is that apparently Robert purchased Kristen a dog for her birthday. I'm not a fan of giving animals as presents. How do you know the recipient wants one? Yes, you may have discussed it with them at some point, but a discussion and the commitment or two separate things and if you are the gift giver, what kind of commitment are you making? The commitment to bring it over to the recipient's house and the once a year phone call to ask how the animal is doing? Meanwhile, the recipient might have been drunk during the discussion or just seen some great YouTube video and wants no part of the animal but is going to be stuck with it for the next 5-20 years depending on animal.


O'Really said...

It would've been more practical to give her a case of dry shampoo

Unknown said...

She always looks like she hasn't seen/used a shower in at least a week. Ick

LottaColada said...

Haha i love the first two comments

Amber said...

I kind of hope it's the yappiest Chinese Crested on the planet with no teeth.

a non a miss said...

I have some dry shampoo for her. Lets create a care package for her, a belated birthday gift!

Anna V. Xol said...

I was just going to say that. Holy shit! Can someone push her into a car wash. I would say bath but that tub would be scary afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Why dry shampoo when she's so obviously in need of an industrial-strength scrub down? I'm thinking makeover montage like in dumb and dumber

greenmountaingal said...

I wish he would've gotten her a new face and new attitude for her birthday.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Aww, Amber, what did the yappy Chinese-crested poochie do to you that you'd wish that?

OneGirlRevolution said...

I'm not disputing her cleanliness (or obvious lack thereof), but he never looks very fresh either.

Maybe a care package for both of them.

And no to animals as gifts. Unless it's your kid. And you've already decided that you are okay with the burden of caring for it. People treat owning an animal much too cavalierly. I used to volunteer at a shelter and have done a lot of foster work through the years. People piss me off.

Brenda L said...

Actually when they were "dating" there was a dog involved. I guess RP got that dog.

libby said...

A firm Silkwood shower would do the trick!

Melissa said...

Not like RPattz is any cleaner...they kind of match.

figgy said...

Plus it's really important to choose your OWN dog! You never know which one you're going to bond with, and no one else can make that decision for you. (I'm assuming a pound or rescue organization here, of COURSE.)

Christopher Cruz said...

Gross! I can't wait for their Twilight fame to vamoose.

Unknown said...

Something to keep her company after their contractually obligated relationship ends

VIPblonde said...

I think we all know what Jodie Foster got her for her birthday

Charis said...

Was logging on to say what Brenda said. I thought when they broke up there was a custody fight over the dog that they'd owned together.

Star said...

Yep I second that. He's leaving for work soon, taking his dog back now contract pretty much over so he got her a new dog. Maybe she'll leave him alone and stop the photo ops

Patty said...

OMG, I was thinking the same thing. hahahaha She always looks so skanky and miserable.

msgirl said...

I actually think they're friend, even with the contract over. That said, they did share a dog so she obviously loves dogs, so this might end up well. Still, I'd want to choose my own dog.

Unknown said...

Uhm, PURCHASING a dog is NEVER a good thing. It blows my mind how many people buy animals from breeders and support puppy mills and animal torture. I'm hoping to GAWD that this is just misreported and he ADOPTED an animal from a shelter. Some 4 million animals are killed every year because people continue to BUY pets. GRRRRRRRR (and YES, that bia needs a SHOWER). Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.

libby said...

I'm saying 'bye' today in threads, 'cause I lurves our 'community'!!! Hope nobody gets annoyed at OT's; there's such an unfortunate dearth of other gossip sites online.

Oops...more OT than ever.
I hope I'll be back, I miss you guys. ALL y'all! Even Jerkula, god help me.
kindest regards, every one.

libby said...



That is all.


Topper Madison said...

See? These sorts of unspecific articles get people all riled up when it is most likely nothing. An ex and I bought each other dogs once. What happened was he asked me to go dog-pound shopping with him, which I did. He found a dog, but the pound didn't take credit cards, so I bought it for him. In a surprise move, I fell in love with a different dog that day, but I slept on the decision overnight. The next morning I called my ex and said, "You owe me a dog," so we went back to the pound and he bought me mine.

Sherry said...

Aw I don't know. I once got a dog for my (now ex) boyfriend for Valentines Day. It was a malamute and we LOVED that dog. Tragically it died of hook worms 10 days later. We never got over that and never got another dog. He JUST now got one (literally last week)after 30 yrs. This time a husky.

But yeah dry, wet, some shampoo for the both of them..Stat!

msgirl said...

Well I'm gonna stir the waters and say that I happen to love a certain breed (GSD), we are a perfect match and after my beloved dies I'd get another. And in this case a good breeder is necessary to avoid the common orthopedic problems that occur in the breed. So when people start shouting about shelters I have to say what about those of us who love a breed? I get my dogs from a small time breeder who does it only for the love of GSDs and they are fairly inexpensive. Of course I would look at the GSD rescues first (they "save" them from the shelters).

Unknown said...

Topper, I realize it could be misconstrued, I'm just an AVID animal rights activist and I have tourettes when it comes to that kind of stuff :) Oh, and your story is ALL sorts of sweet <3

O'Really said...

Baby steps...she has an obvious aversion to water

crila16 said...

How long are these two going to fake it for? The twilight movies are done. It's no longer necessary.

Topper Madison said...

@Lauren Eaker I wouldn't get hung up on the term "buy". Rescues and pound-puppies cost money, too.

But I hear ya. Pound doggies rule!

Anna Nonymous said...

Bye Libby! I love shelter dogs, rescue dogs, I've gotten both. Buuuutt..... I have to agree with MsGirl, that sometimes if you can't find the right dog at a shelter, that you may want to find a great nearby small time, family breeder. Now I'm going to go hide before the stones start being thrown!

Sarah said...

Where you going? I'll miss the pit

Sarah said...

It's probably slightly less rude to buy a dog for people with staff to care for it. It's not exactly like Kristin will be cleaning up dog poo

Amber said...

@msgirl & Anna - I have really bad allergies/asthma, and only some breeds are hypoallergenic. I wouldn't be able to get any old "mutt", because I'd need to know if I'm going to be allergic to it or not. I'd love to get rescues or shelter dogs, but unless I know for 100% fact what it is I can't do that.

Amber said...

Actually I even recall the Obamas catching a lot of flack for not getting a rescue, but they're in the same boat. They had to get a dog that's hypoallergenic.

Anonymous said...

@VIP haha!
Kirsten Stewart is gross and can't act for shit. That is all.

LeeKay said...

So, what about the part about one friend she is particularly close to? Any ideas?

Star said...

He must be referring to Tamara Katy Perry assistant. Isnt she gay or rumored to be gay?

Robert said...

On the other hand, she's reportedly very fond of dogs and has been since she was a child.

ClaireFrasier said...

Topper, that is so cute! I can't go anywhere near the Shelter.... I had to block the view when they had Adopt-A-Dog day outside. (We have a 17 year old cat, and he would not adjust well).

Star said...

What the hell happened to her cat. When she started to get famous all she would talk about was how crazy for her cat Jella she was. Now not a word its just about these dogs, probably all pr to try to convince us that they really are together if you adopted 3 dogs together.

Kloie said...

I don't like Kristen, but you always hear about her being a dog lover and you see photos of her with her dog, Bear. Unless she is the person from the BI who gave her dog to a friend who gave it to another friend, in which case I rescind my olive branch.

Anonymous said...

totally OT guys, has anyone heard from renoblond? i wonder ir her dad's ok.

Izzie said...

Well, one good thing is that dogs jave to be bathed once in a while. Maybe she'll get a little spray and doggie shampoo at the self serve doggie wash station...

tamarind said...

my guess is she will pawn the dog off to someone else, after a fight.
as for gift giving of pets, couldn't agree w/ you more...

ljsmed said...

This happened to me, right after my boyfriend broke up with me in collage. We were supposed to be going to South America for a while, he broke up with me and brought me over a dog the day before he left on the trip we were supposed to go on together. I was right in the middle of finding a new place to live and did not have a lot of money, it was a rough situation. Jackson (the dog) is amazing but it was really hard at first. I know he was trying to be sweet, in fact I heard from home the other day, but you can't just drop a dog off with no preparation.

Sweetiebird said...

"Like dykes and dogs."

mistang said...

I saw something a few days ago about her upcoming birthday. Kristen specifically ASKED for another dog for her birthday and that's all she wanted. SO, it wasn't really a surprise. And they both look grody to me. Never saw the attraction for him. He looks pretty nasty.

OneGirlRevolution said...

First, it is totally a myth that any dog is hypoallergenic. It isn't the hair that causes an allergic reaction it is the dander (shedding skin) that does. That said, "drier" dogs (like poodles) tend to shed less dander than "oilier" dogs and therefore cause less of an allergic reaction. Also dogs like poodles don't shed as much because they have a single coat as opposed to a double coat, with a much longer growing period than most dogs (they shed more like people, several hairs a day, instead of blowing their coat a couple of times a year) Again, NO dog is hypoallergenic.

On the topic of rescue/breeder. If you can't find a particular breed that you love in a shelter, there are breed specific rescue groups all over the country. Go to:

On the right hand side is a link to breeds. Within each breed page, there is a link to breed rescue groups which, when you click will then be broken down by state or area of the country. also allows you to search for specific breeds.

We have a Standard Poodle which we got from a breed rescue group when he was 5 months old. He had papers and comes from grand champion bloodlines (which is really a moot point since he is neutered and not shown). (We normally get mutts but when my daughter got "her" dog, she was dying for a poodle)

OneGirlRevolution said...

One more comment and then I'll get off of my soapbox:

On the mythical "hypoallergenic dog"...thousands of "hypoallergenic" dogs are in shelters and rescues around the country because people believe such a thing actually exists. When they find out it doesn't, it is the dog that pays the penalty.

If you are allergic to dogs (as I am...cats too) you can mitigate the allergies by bathing the dog and vacuuming very often. Even doing those things, if you are highly allergic, you will likely still have symptoms. I take four allergy meds every day so that I can live with my animals. If you aren't willing to do those things DON'T GET A DOG!!!!!!!

And I'm sorry if I sound bitchy but anyone who has seen the heartbreak of rescue/shelter animals would say the same.

YourNameHere said...

*Bookmarks this story to read on the nights I can't fall asleep* Yaaaawn with these 2.

Henriette said...

That's an ugly dog! They are sweet, but ooogly!


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