Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Trying To Recover

This actress used to be A list. Maybe even A+ list. An Academy Award winner/nominee. Everyone always thinks it was one thing that brought her down to B- list, but it really wasn't. Although she has talked about some things in her past, she has never discussed what really brought her down. About a decade ago now she was confronted by her past. She had forgotten part of her life and only when she went through therapy did it come out. As a pre-teen she had been molested by a close family friend. A neighbor who would watch her after school. She says that for almost an entire year, she was subject to his advances with no one there to protect her and he had her alone everyday after school for several hours. After she discovered her past, she was unable to work. She was unable to cope. Drugs, especially prescription ones became her life. She numbed herself for years and watched her star slowly fade. She had no interest in guys and when she would date, it was because her friends forced her too. She has not been with a guy in many years and says she can't stomach the idea of being with anyone after what she remembered. Her career is starting to resurrect itself and she has spent time in mental institutions over the years. She has slowly weaned herself off all drugs and says she is starting to actually feel alive again. Still nowhere in sight she says though is any relationship with any guy other than being friends.


VIPblonde said...

Winona Ryder

MontanaMarriott said...

Winona and Heather G have all started resurfacing of late with both having several projects in the works. maybe one of them?

fritters said...

Winona Ryder...? She seems to fit.

Aly said...

Faye Dunaway.

SKOR said...

I also thought instantly of Winona.

Caraface said...

I was thinking Demi Moore until the end, Winona seems like a better fit.

Catherine said...

love the winona guess

BeagleOne said...

Winona Ryder

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Thinking the same, Winona with the thing people think brought her down being her shoplifting?

Rhody said...

Winona does seem to fit here. She's always seemed so fragile. Wasn't she raised on a commune?

Anothergrayhare said...

Sad story. Leave it alone. God Bless her as she recovers. Abuse ruins lives forever. And for every one who comes forward, dozens more were molested.

SoggyCrunch said...

I thought it read like Winona too.

sherri dee said...

Winona has a boyfriend:
Scott Mackinlay Hahn who designs Loomstate

FSP said...

Dammit VIP!

Murphy said...

Renee Zellwegger

Diane Marie said...

I first immediately thought of Winona but I like the Renee guess too.

Andrea said...

Renee or Winona.

MadLyb said...

I think Murphy has it. I mean, she did beard for BCoop.

Susan said...

Renee all the way - so sad

MBK said...

Winona is in today's DM http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2316920/Winona-Ryder-heats-things-screening-new-film-takes-plunge-low-cut-black-dress.html

auntliddy said...

Hugs to all survivors and victims of abuse. Hugs.

auntliddy said...

How about thora birch?

Unknown said...

Hilary Swank?

Unknown said...

Doesn't renee have a bf? Wasn't she photographed with a bf on this site not too long ago?

Unknown said...

I thin k she was at an airport

parissucksliterally said...

I thought Winona too... :(

Jessica said...

For some reason I thought of Marisa Tomei when I read this. Not sure she's start to come back though.

MISCH said...

some times not remembering is a blessing

Unknown said...

Winona seems to fit. Her career is back somewhat now. Was a shame she lost her Oscar to Anna Paquin. She had the best performance out of the 5 nominees IMO.

Sandy said...

Unfortunately, Moore was pimped out by her mother when she was a teen, which is at the root of all her problems. This sounds most like Ryder, who grew up in the hippie environment of Petaluma, CA.

Really horrible for both of them.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Whoever this is, I hope she's able to come back and work at a level that makes her happy, and perhaps even meet a good person who loves her and helps her feel safe.

FrenchGirl said...

Ryder had many many boyfriends since 10 years

__-__=__ said...

But did she have any PTSD therapy? With this happening certainly she was in a state of C-PTSD all those years. Did they just drug her instead? Sounds like it. And why don't real men give these pervs the beat down they so richly deserve?????

Unknown said...

cosign on ryder. first person i thought of.

skimpymist said...

Mimi driver used to be a list.

Sarah said...

She just got engaged or married to a younger super hottie

msgirl said...

Most of Winona's past few boyfriends have been only rumors, and as for her last, maybe that's why they broke up? She does fit. Explains a lot actually.

Karen said...

It sounds exactly like Winona. BUT at her peak she was not maybe A+ she was A++.

All about Eve said...

I thought if Winona also. Whoever it is I wish them peace and happiness, that's just horrible :(

discoflux said...

For the people guessing Renee Z - Have you totally derped out on the fact that she has a boyfriend right now and not that long ago was in a relationship with bradley cooper?

Silly Girl said...

@disco, relax, Cooper could have been a beard and her boyfriend right now could fall into that 'friend' category, but it's not up to us to know what goes on behind closed doors.
Winona, Renee are all good guesses. Winona's incident could have been the shoplifting, Renee's incident could have been her brief marriage.....Who else used to be A+ list?
I thought Demi until the part about the boyfriends. Long (by HW terms) marriage to Bruce Willis AND Asshat Kutcher, so I don't think it's her.

1Jazzimom said...

I seldom get these but instantly thought Winona. God bless!

Meli said...

If it is Winona, I wonder if the abuse had any connection to the little girl Polly who was kidnapped and murdered from the area where Winona grew up. The film Little Women was dedicated to her. Sad story :(

My actual comment, kinda excited!

Meli said...

*My first actual comment

annanaannnaaaa said...

I read it as winona.

Unknown said...

Wasn't winona raised in a commune or with some hippies in northern California - Petaluma I think.

Kelly said...

I worshiped Winona when I was a teenager. I hope she's doing well.

Discobitch said...

I read this as Carrie Fisher - no idea on her relationship status though

Trips + 1 said...

renee is dating hottie doyle bramhall an amazing blues musician who ive seen in concert many timeswith eric clapton

jane3113 said...

I read this as Meg Ryan until the very last part. The incident being the affair with Russel Crowe sending her to therapy. But she's been dating John Cougar Mellencamp for a while.

Brady88 said...

I thought of Meg Ryan too but it doesn't quite fit, but close.

I thought Winona was thought of as the diva bitch who was horrendous to her assistants and movie crew.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that "found memory" therapy notoriously kind of BS?

Unknown said...

The word Mental Institution bothers me. I thought it was old fashion way to describe people with mental health issues. The term i find aas used years ago by people with little understanding of the matter. I don't live in the US so the word ental institution may be freely used where the blog is written.

Suck_My_Dicculus said...

Winona dated Conor Oberst for a while.

He wrote a bunch of songs about her. They appear to have had a sexual relationship. So, Either the fat lawyer is spinning tales, or it is not Winona.

Unknown said...

It's not Winona as she has never won an Academy Award.

hothotheat said...

@chris Sutton Academy Award Winner/nominee means one or the other. Winona has been nominated for an Oscar twice - Little Women in 1994 and Age of Innocence in 1995. So she fits.

Unknown said...

Thank you Auntliddy for the hug. I sometimes read these types of posts just to be encouraged that I survived. It's a private pain you really can't talk about.

it took forever said...

Not sure this is winona, she always seems to have a boyfren

OKay said...

"Abuse ruins lives forever."

Only if you let it. I know whereof I speak.

B626 said...

I have a close relative with a 5yr old son that had a family friend's son that was only 7yrs old(!)that coerced the 5yr old into sucking his wiener when parents weren't around. Social services over the phone didn't know what the phuck to do! We all warn our kids about adult pervs but don't forget to warn about they're own age group too!!

Marie said...

Most of these guesses are currently in relationships!

I don't have a guess, but that's mostly because I'm not ignoring the biggest clue in the blind!

Liverpool Fan said...

Just to throw it out there, Ashley Judd?

Anonymous said...

Wynona Ryder... the panicky look in the eyes makes more sense now.. .hope that she gets the help she needs and keeps getting better. Wow.

Voodoo Vixen said...

What about Marisa Tomei? We have seen her in a lot of pictures lately.

Unknown said...

The blind refers to this actress as being nominated and winning and academy award. Winona has not won an Oscar while Renee has.


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