Sunday, June 09, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 23, 2012

This former A list tweener and now still almost A list as a celebrity is getting really good at the cheating on his celebrity girlfriends. Sex on a plane with the mistress and then change clothes and meet the girlfriend at the hotel.

Justin Bieber


B626 said...

When ya ready come and get it, nahnahnahnah, nahnahnahnah-Selena you idiot.

CrazyCatLady said...

Can an 18 yr old brat really call his f-buddy a "mistress"?

jp said...

By "change clothes", he means "have his bodyguards change his diapers".

Murphy said...

It sounds really weird to call those groupies "mistresses" when he's not even married... and I'm sure they're completely interchangeable too.

Kelly said...


sandybrook said...

Mistresses, bitches, hos all the same to this bad-ass gangsta :)

Christopher Cruz said...


Terri said...

I know I am old, but I just don't see what tweeners ever saw/see in him.

Unknown said...

He's disgusting...

Unknown said...


Munch said...

Will he ever have the self awareness to look back at this time and think WTF was I doing/wearing? He'll be broke within 10 years.

Fluffy White Clouds said...

18 year olds ... No wait, punk ass 18 yr old...

hollywood dime said...

An 18 year old boy with unlimited amounts of money and access...I'd probably be doing the same thing! Teenage boys do things like cheat on girlfriends, just usually not on private jets.

Della said...

I hope he turns green and drippy.

Unknown said...

And what do you expect when Usher was his mentor, my question is why did it take so long to find out he was behaving like this

MadLyb said...

As much as I dislike this little turd, I have to agree with @hollywood dime. He isn't doing anything a highly obnoxious and ill-bred 18-year old male wouldn't do with that much fame and money. I guess my issue with him is his publicly claiming to be religious, along with his idiotic comments on homosexuality. Then again, he's only 18. Still can't stand him, though.

MadamChef said...

This is what happens when you take a kid who has actual talent (the kid taught himself how to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet, all before he was 12) and throw him into a world full of yes-men and worship groupies. Pick any 16 year old guy and ask him if he could make $55 million a year, travel the world, have women throwing themselves at him, sex on private jets, drugs and booze whenever he wanted, fame, fortune, riches, no mom and dad to tell him what to do (that's what a "manager" is for), all while he's still going through puberty, would he? If you think he'd say no, I got some oceanfront property in Tempe you might be interested in.

OKay said...

"Mistress". *smirk*

yehpyehp said...

If this is true how come no one believes the girls who got knocked up by him? I recently saw a picture of Mariah Yeater's son and he kind of resembles Justin. Of course their only looking for their 5 mins of fame right?

His behavior lately fits well with this BI. I don't doubt he has 1 or 2 kids out there somewhere. He's a spoiled jerk.

There will be more paternity lawsuits in his future if he doesn't grow up.

bink said...

Bwahahah, Della! That's hilarious. I now hope for that as well.

timebob said...


NaughtyNurse said...

Dumb ass 18 year old. It is typical for that age, though. I am sure many regular Joes out there had sex with their college girlfriend before changing clothes and heading home for the weekend to their high school girlfriend. Pretty sure I dated that guy, actually.

Surrender Dorothy said...

Fantastic observation CrazyCat! Lol

G said...

Yeah. His time is almost up.

Habibti said...

Ewww...Justin has sex. Blergh!

ino said...

This is why I think Enty sometimes makes up a blind and then fits a reveal to go with it later. Isn't obnoxious little Bieber considered a solid A just for name recognition or notoriety? And really, at 19 he's still kind of a tweener. Also, "mistress" would imply someone who is married or at least seem old enough to have one.

Jenn said...

It says he changes his clothes, there's no mention of him washing his peen. Ew.

auntliddy said...

I cant imagine anyone wantung to hv sex with babypants. He looks like he's not even all there.

Ramone Love said...

I can only hope that this little punk catches an STD and his dick rots off.

Seachica said...

With Usher as his mentor, I would expect the mistresses to be men, not women.

KittensRUs said...


SophiaB said...

EVERYONE has sex. Why it is a bad thing is a huge debate that goes nowhere. Why we have such problems with kids having sex is that little bebes get made. That IS a problem. There ARE solutions but people insist that we insist that all children refrain from sex entirely. NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN.

But people seem to think that gasping and ewwing and aarrgghhing will help. It won't.

All the shaming blaming tut tutting and pearl clutching will not change one thing:

Everyone who can have sex will have sex. Socialization aside, rules, religion, morality aside-we are animals and sex is a natural body function. It is we who screw up the kids with all the confusing mumbo jumbo and then we get our panties in a twist when they do something that we have made possible by our very weird priorities-like turning teens into worldwide idols, millionaires before they can grasp the amazing responsibility that has been put upon them.

Poor kids. We have all been terribly misled, misinformed and fed gallons of bullshit about sex. Is it any wonder we are so confused and horrified?

Tab said...

Hang on... I think people might have missed something on this reveal. The tweener is Bieber, the girlfriend is Selena... who's the mistress? Remember, it said "celebrity girlfriends" (plural)...


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