Monday, June 10, 2013

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Five parts today.

Nina Dobrev gets a pat down from an actor playing a police officer in her new movie.

Russell Brand still has those shoes. According to me he has two pairs of shoes he has worn for the past five years.
Another selfie from Snooki and another without her ring. She only seems to wear it when in public or with her boyfriend.
Tom Cruise and Hugh Jackman together on stage extolling the virtues of Wal-Mart.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5


L said...

yayyy for all the beautiful readers!!

on a separate note, dare I say Snooky looks beautiful in the picture?

Gayeld said...

Wow, Tom's face looks seriously jacked up (no pun intended, Hugh.)

Look at all those great reader smiles!

skimpymist said...

Is snooki on the adderral diet.

PugsterMom said...

#1 and 3 love your doggie pics! #2 and 4 so pretty. #4 where are you in the pic? #5 sweet.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Tommy Girl and Hugh plan to share any of the big money they were paid to shill for WalMart with actual WalMart employees, who are barely scraping by even with government assistance? I despise WalMart. :/

On the other hand, lovely reader pics!

Gayeld said...

@Dulcinea. And yet, the Wal-Mart employees are still better off than the members of Tom's church.

Unknown said...

Snooki does look good! Her closet is busting at the seams just like mine.
Cute reader pics ;-)

The Dude said...

Beginning to wonder if CDAN is on the Snooki payroll? Not sure anything she does is worthy on the site.

Roman Holiday said...

In Snooki's defense, I only wear my rings when I am going to work or going out with my husband - other than that I never wear them. I am not a jewelry person, and they are both georgeous rings!

Walmart is the scourge of America!

Mari said...

I'm rethinking sending in a picture.
Everyone is just so damn good looking! It's gonna be like "one of these things is not like the other" on Sesame Street! This blog attracts, er, attractiveness.

CharRicho said...

I'm the same way with my rings, only wear them when I go out in public. I'm just NOT at jewellery person at all, and I'm more comfortable without wearing any.

Redd said...

Yes, Mari- I was having the same kind of thoughts, maybe I will just send in one of my dog checking the blog!

Surrender Dorothy said...

@skimpy, Magic 8 Ball says signs point to yes. ;)

sandybrook said...

All the readers look so happy and lovely.

Unknown said...

I was going to say Tom looks his age when in proximity to the hotness of Hugh.

mamabot said...

Reader #5 - Love! <3

Brittany said...

Cdan readers are all so gorgeous! I love seeing all of your pics :)

auntliddy said...

Walmart blows. Dont shop there, eont shop there, and havent ever shopped there. Treat their help like crap even though they stupid with money.

sylmarillion said...

Snooki looks good, but just wondering: when I had my first, all I could think to photograph was her. Certainly not myself (though admittedly I didn't look my best for a while). But she never seems to do that (though maybe she does that in private). Is that selfishness, or protection of baby?

ktmonster said...

Whatever work Snooks is doing to her face, she looks better than ever. Good for her.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Hello Readers.

I wouldn't mind "patting down" Nina Dobrev.

Theresa said...

I would not have known that was Snookie without being told

msgirl said...

So disappointed with Hugh.

OKay said...

Eek. Cruise's face is looking very "done", isn't it?

portlandjewel said...

me too...

PrettyChicagoSailor said...

#4 looks like she's standing in front of Monroe Harbor in Chicago. In the winter/fall. Because now it's chock full of sailboats.

sifichick said...

I think Russle Brand is an absolute disgusting pig of a man. However I do admire that money doesn't seem to rule his life. He's also very good to the homeless. So I can't totally hate the guy.

SophiaB said...


SophiaB said...

Is this not sad? Hugh Jackman just fell off the Pedestal of Perfection. How much money does he need to sell his soul like that?? AWFUL.

SophiaB said...

And to be honest, Hugh looks horrible in that photo. What is HE doing to his formerly gorgeous visage. Is that make-up, rouds, Botox, what? Bad bad bad look.

SophiaB said...

Maybe there is self-selection going on? I am with ya sistah! No way am I sending in a photo after seeing the gorgiousity of these readers so far. Totally astounded. Lovely lovely lovely.

SophiaB said...

Rouds, not rouds. $%&##!!!!

SophiaB said...

Few of us would object.

Cocokitty said...

I have the BIGGEST girl crush on Nina, oh gawd I love that woman.

Count Jerkula said...



Crusie: he is the only one besides the chicks that would likely have vast knowledge of being a bottom.

Count Jerkula said...

That should be Snooki, not Sookie.

Unknown said...

love the reader photos! great hair in all of them.


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