Friday, October 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Ke$ha feels left out with the attention Miley Cyrus has been getting so sent out this photo and a bunch of herself half naked so you will notice her too.

Jack Osbourne decided to dress up his daughter like Ozzy.
Speaking of kids, Victoria Prince has two. One just happens to be really overweight and old.
Katherine Heigl and her dog and two steps behind her as always is her mom.
Khloe Kardashian just had to go to Kitson. Uh huh. More like had to make sure she gets photographed every day.
Kate Walsh at the premiere of her new project.
Matt Damon now speaks at colleges.
Melanie Griffith saw a college once.
Marie Osmond explains to Wendy Williams why she is a blonde at home and it had nothing to do with anything sexual. It was something convoluted and I think she made it up.


VIPblonde said...

Matt Damon

NapAssasin said...

Heigel- no one looks good in those sunglasses, not even you. Quit trying to be so hip, it's not working. And your hair, my god what a lovely shade of old lady yellow. Ugh.

Gertie Raus said...

I never realized how much Jack O's kid looks her grandpa.

Harry Knuckles said...

There are 50 million reality shows on tv yet it's the KTurds that are in the photos almost every single day. hmmm

VIPblonde said...

Since Melanie Griffith is in the Randoms, I feel like it's fair to post Antonio Banderas :)

TalksTooMuch said...

Mebbe Marie Osmond's hair is falling oot. Go easy. She's done her time.

Oh yeah, a skank contest between Miley and Kesha - guess who would win that? All those old dudes. So gross.

Ginger said...

Why do the paps follow Kevin around? Enty stop posting photos of him.

Marie looks better as a brunette.

I see Melanie is wearing crazy pants again.

Heigl looks like my grandmother.

Seven of Eleven said...

Hey, guys, surprise! A K-fed fat joke! I didn't even get it at first because I don't know who Victoria Prince is and the guy in the photo doesn't look "fat and old."

Kitson sounds like how a Kardashian would pronounce "kitchen," but when the first Google entry reads, "This store is a well known place for celebrity spotting, especially by paparazzi," well, we are all *SHOCKED* that a Kardashian would ever go there!

Matt Damon is still cute. "How do you like them apples?" (Thank you, Leslie Knope!)

Sylvia said...

I can't stand Marie Osmond and blonde is not her color.

Sugar said...

Did anyone see those hilarious pictures of Katherine Heigl's dog doing the Miley? His tongue was all hanging out to the side of her mouth and she was wearing some blingy collar and was compared to Miley's awful tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. Twas funny.

skimpymist said...

I remember when kitson came out onto the scene and it was the hippest place to shop. They tried to sell some of their kitson logo'd stuff in other states but bombed terribly. So what is that saying, its basically saying that if you want to buy over priced clothing and kicked out of the store when a celeb is on route then shop at kitson where the customer is never right unless your a celeb that has paps mobbing the store in the front. What a twatty store.

MommaBear said...

Oh Melanie, you gotta let your crotch breath girl! You're ripe for a yeast infection, wearing pants that tight.

timebob said...

I'm going to guess Marie switeched to blonde to hide the greys easier. It's very apparent with black hair and her hair was over proccessed.

Beetlejuice said...

Great episode last night. I love Parks and Rec!

Wen said...

Obviously POS PMK is paying the new Enty's. Seems Kong is in the photos everyday. Sorry to say, she is unfortunate looking.

Jeneral said...

That baby pic is somehow both cute and creepy.

Unknown said...

I think K-Fed looks good and we all know that he takes great care of all of his children, so why the hate? He's never done anything to deserve all the hate he gets. People didn't like him because they thought, at the time, Brittany Spears was out of his league. There are worse crimes.

urban chaos said...

The baby pic is adorable! And Entward (or Jaxx?) STOP with the ktrash. We're going to stop thinking it's a daily fail conspiracy and begin to believe you're in cahoots with TMZ.
And, yes! I just used cahoots. Crazy Enty, you bacon fiend, you!

Sherry said...

Amen Sylvia!

warmislandsun said...

Agreed 100%.

ecua said...

Why is the universe so cruel?? Matt Damon is losing his hair, but Ben Doucheffleck gets to keep his?!

Pip said...

Those two dudes at Kitson ate quite unfortunate looking. Especially the yeti on the right

Pip said...

Are unfortunate looking, dammit^

abob said...

Of course Keshit is bathing in mud and glitter, she chops down children's dreams of faeries and innocence to feed her habit.

Ja'mie King said...

The smug look on that one Kard? Jenner? girl behind that tall one Khloe makes me wanna punch her in the throat.

Melanie girl, I can feel that front wedge camel toe from here.

So, that IS really Heigl in that NyQuil commercial, right?

Alexa Rose said...

Someone really hates K-Fed. I don't think he's that bad.

PotPourri said...

Why does Marie feel the need to be blonde? She's a gorgeous brunette...I don't get that. It bugs me.

BackyardChupacabra said...

Happy Friday indeed! What are those pics from???

parissucksliterally said...

who shops at kitson anymore? Is it 2005?

cowbulls said...

I can't believe there is still a man or men that want to have their way with Heigl. A TV series, please no. I wish she would just go away.

Anonymous said...

Love the baby Osbourne. At first glance I thought it was a blythe doll. She also looks like Dio.


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