Monday, September 08, 2014

Blind Item #2

Apparently this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress, who only gets that high on the list because of the franchise she headlines can't stand her most recent co-star and said some really nasty things to the foreign born actress who would be C+ as an actress but almost has higher name recognition than the A lister. They were standing on the red carpet posing and our A lister started talking smack under her breath until the C+ lister said something which sounded like, "then why did your husband try to f**k me?"


Tricia13 said...

Sienna Miller(c lister and)

Cleodacat said...

Dame Judy Dench and ....

Cleodacat said...

Helen Mirran.

Tricia13 said...

Keira knightly/sienna?

Brin said...

Kate Beckensale and Cara Delawhatsis.

sandybrook said...

KStew for the one with the mouth.

Kelly said...

Kstew not foreign born

DJane said...

Kate Beckinsale & Cara Delevignee

FrenchGirl said...

Kate beckinsale and cara name.Andi don't believe Beckinsale's husband wants to f**k whatshername

Just Another HR Lady said...

Cosign on Kate Beckinsdale/Cara D

Kate and Cara at TIFF

FrenchGirl said...

It was the red carpet of their movie yesterday at TIFF

FrenchGirl said...

Beckinsale's Enty rating is really really generous in my opinion

Steven Flores said...

Meow is right....I like Kate for saying this ...Cara is famewhore and a trainwreck waiting to happen. Cara thinks "everyone" wants to f**k her. Kate is a guys gal, who's rep is that she doesn't have girl friends and kind of doesn't care for other women

Dena said...


auntliddy said...

Ooopoo! Carpet snark!! I'm in baby!!!!!

Seven of Eleven said...

If it's Kate, FrenchGirl is right, that's a pretty generous rating. He's called her B something before, in the BI where she chooses the Underworld series because she doesn't have female friends and likes to work with guys.

I'm weary of Cara DeLasagna.

Maria said...

how in the world Beckinsale would be A- and someone like Robin Wright is B. Not only tabloids and photo ops count as recognition Enty! There’s also talent and peer recognition.

Sherry said...

Well truth be told Kate started that shit so fuck her. I don't trust any woman who has issues with other women and tries to start shit with them. Notice that last qualifier? And one of the shots of Kate in that dress I swear she has cameltoe!

hothotheat said...

Sienna and.....

Michael said...

Kate Beckensale and Cara Delevingne. Fits all the clues as far as I can tell with Carla being a pretty big name outside of acting. Kate being the star of the Underworld series directed by her husband

SugarTitz said...

I loved cara's green dress. Anyone know who made it??

Sprink said...

FrenchGirl, to me she's B- at best, but I've not followed Beckinsale's "career". I do know everyone seems to think she's amazingly beautiful; I disagree.

Tina Mallette said...

Is this all going on at TIFF sounds quite fun

Sprink said...

Maria, I'm thinking Enty must have a while new category for ranking. So in addition to A-List talent, and Box Office Talent, and Musical Talent, etc, we now have Looking Good For Paparazzi Talent rankings: voila, Beckinsale is A- list.

Lady Heisenberg said...

@sugarbread: I was wondering too so I search around for 15 mins to no avail. I found out all the designers for everything Kate's wearing though, even though I could care less about that beige human cameltoe of a jumpsuit.

It wouldn't surprise me if the green column dress is vintage, which would explain the absence of a designer shout out. I do not find Cara even remotely attractive but she looks to die for at Tiff

Lady Heisenberg said...

Oh but there were three links that reported that Cara and Kate were playing "the penis game" at this event together. Too bad Kate didn't realize her hubby's peen would get called out LOL

Unknown said...

LOL those pics from the DM are hilarious!!

It really did look like they were talking shit to each other

Cara looks the best I've ever seen her

Kate missed the mark, which is really rare for her

Normally she looks on point at all times

crila16 said...

I actually liked the Kate Beckinsale guess, but it can't be her. Enty has her ranked as below.

Kate Beckinsale – B- list mostly movie actress who would be higher or lower depending on movie success if she did something other than one character.

Yoj said...

Well, Enty lists Sienna as C+ and she is in Foxcatcher, which premieres at TIFF today. But, there aren't any franchise-starring actresses in the film with her.

Unknown said...

LadyH: what's the penis game?

Wendy said...

Are you sure it's Cara? I thought she was a model and he doesn't even mention model, he just calls her an actress. I would think he would at least say model/actress

Wendy said...
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rolotomassi said...

how about ZOE SALDANA & SIENNA GOINES PROMOTING "NINA"(the nina simone biopic)..sienna's a well respected producer-ie.'40 Year old Virgin', etc

rolotomassi said...

or, MILLA JOVOVICH at Venice International Film Festival.

Movie being "CYMBELINE"(?;

Her Franchise is "Resident Evil"

cowbulls said...

I call BS on the Kate/Cara guesses. If (be still my Johnson) I had the unbelievable good fortune to have slept with Kate a 1,000 times, I would rather sleep with her 1 more time than with Cara for the first time. Nobody would believe that a man doing Kate would downgrade to teenage boy body Cara.


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