Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Random Photos Part Three- Toronto International Film Festival

Reese Witherspoon
Keira Knightley
Benedict Cumberbatch
Kate Bosworth
Hailee Steinfeld
Laura Dern
Sam Worthington and Jennifer Aniston
Channing Tatum and Jessica Chastain
Elizabeth Banks and John Cusack


discoflux said...

Ew. Take a shower, Cusack.

Kno Won said...

Coming Fall 2016:

msgirl said...

People looking good! Love Hailee's skirt

sandybrook said...

Everyone here except Cusack looks good.

msgirl said...

Did Aniston do something to her face? Between yesterday and today she looks different

Erin B said...

I agree everyone is looking good, but Reese gets an A++ from me. She has been looking great lately.

Ms B'have said...

Reese FTW!

Seven of Eleven said...

Bobblehead Photographer strikes again!

I love Reese's look. Perfect.

I hate that I love Cusack's acting and also know he's a tool. Grrr.

Bendy looks like Gumby there.

I hope Sam W's career picks up. He wasn't terrible in Avatar.

YoB said...

Reese looks gorgeous.

Something is off about Keira in that pic ... can't figure it out.

I will always love Laura Dern.

Not crazy about Jessica Chastain's bangs. Maybe they're too poofy? It's kind of a mature look.

Oh jeez, Cusack. Get it together!

califblondy said...

Reese and too skinny Kate look great.

Unknown said...

I've figured out why Cumberbatch looks better (to me) as Sherlock than IRL: it's the hair. In addition to it being darker in Sherlock, it's longer and tends to DE-emphasize the fact that his head looks like a thumb.

Rosie riveter said...

Cusak looks like dogshit

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Elizabeth Banks IS the SHIT

Unknown said...

Kiera looks stunning. Cusack looks like an old creepy bar perv. I loved him. Once.

saltygirl said...


Unknown said...

God bless Mel Brooks. Some of the last of a dying breed. For my vote, very few of the younger crowd to take place of this older generation- Chris Rock, Chappelle, Seinfeld, Larry David are all a yes- But I don't like Louis CK. Never once found him funny for all the raving about him. The old guard- Carl Reiner, Brooks, Pryor, Rivers, Sid Caesar, Rickles, Woody Allen, Neil Simon, Nora Ephron- all that really smart writing. Not sure those shoes are going to be filled except for the few exceptions above.

MinPinGirl said...

Over all a good looking bunch. Special mention to Reese and Bosworth. When she isn't flinging old fashions in airport bars, Kate looks striking in red. Love Keira & Bennedict! Good to see Sam W. Is back in circulation. Ever notice how John Cusack looks the exact same in every movie he's in? Hair the same, wardrobe schlubby, personality SAME SAME SAME. I loved him in Better Off Dead. I Want My Two Dollars!!!

Kelly said...

Reese is branging it!
Bosworth looks like death warmed over. Nice dress though.

Unknown said...

love Elizabeth banks and I cannot for the life of me dislike john cusak

((waves a LDern))

((gives KBosworth the finger))

I like the dresses on keira knightley and boozy witherspoon

Yeoman Princess said...

Daaaaaaaaang, Reese!!!!!!

Are press photos being photoshopped now? The last batch also had some softy smoove looking faces!

Unknown said...

Reese for the win!!

Unknown said...

Why does Keira look reminiscent of Lohan...? Ugh. I usually love her.

Gertie Raus said...

My John Cusack crush is officially dead...he looks like a supremely hideous lech there.

Yoj said...

Shag: Benedict Cumberbatch, with narration.

Marry: Jessica Chastain, on the condition that she'd also employ me as her stylist.

Kill: John Cusack must not be allowed to tarnish the memory of Lloyd Dobler, my first love.

Yoj said...

Shag: Benedict Cumberbatch, with narration.

Marry: Jessica Chastain, on the condition that she'd also employ me as her stylist.

Kill: John Cusack must not be allowed to tarnish the memory of Lloyd Dobler, my first love.

chopchop said...

I love the smell of that Moroccan Oil shampoo but man does it destroy the hell out of my scalp. It makes my head itch & burn so badly. My daughters too. Weird.

chopchop said...
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chopchop said...
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SugarTitz said...

She said no ice!!
The bonesworth is giving slenderman some competition. It's really the only thing in Kate's career left for her to compete for. The hungriest..

cowbulls said...

Reese is physically beautiful.

Do we have a picture of Sam and Jennifer from the back? Sam's hand is missing and the last time I saw a picture like this Gerald Butler was give Assiston a rectal exam or maybe it was foreplay.

StuffandNonsense said...

Why is Kate Bosworth still getting photographed? Such a try-hard.

Oh John, my girl crush just died a sad, oily death - take a shower and get a haircut man!

Reese looks great.

J-Mo said...

Keira Knightly's legs.

Gabi said...

I too loved John Cusack...hate the thought that he is a douche...

And yes MinPin Girl 'gimme my two dollars' is still a phrase I use today, even my 12 year old says it!!


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