Friday, May 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3- Kindness

February 27, 2015

So, there was this actress. B list. Hit almost television show. Used to be on a hit network show. Our actress has a new hair color. Makes her look much different. Two tables away at lunch from a group of four women in town for a convention. They are talking about celebrities they want to see and go through a list but all get excited when they mention the name of our actress. There is no way they can see her. Our actress arranges to have their bill paid and on the back of their bill signs her name and something about how they made her day better. The waiter couldn’t see the whole thing.

Laura Prepon


back again said...

Why didn't she go up to them so they could meet her & really make their day?!?

Kno Won Uno said...

(because this didn't happen?)

Erin B said...

I call BS. Out of all the celebs you hope to see, who the F picks Laura Prepon?! Just kidding, Laura. Never change!

texasrose said...

Might have been a group of SeaOrg recruits or followers at a COS convention.

Dee said...

Lies. She could've just said hi. This isnt kindness this is weirdness

Riven said...

@Dee She paid for their meal and left them a sweet note, yet that's not enough? Damn. There's no pleasing anyone.

Laura, on the off chance your PR sees this, that was a really sweet gesture and fuck the haters.

Riven said...

Forgot to add: I can understand why some think it's BS since Laura Preppon isn't the first celeb you think of to encounter, but I can also understand why she would be. Maybe the girls were higher than 1 on the Kinsey scale and remember their teenage crush?

Ellie said...

Laura Prepon is pretty huge on Orange Is The New Black right now...


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