Saturday, January 16, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #7

November 17, 2015

This former A- list movie and television actress no longer acts but has A+ list name recognition. Apparently she made a sex tape with a classmate who has been showing it around school.

Amanda Bynes


Derek Harvey said...


sandybrook said...

Amanda still makes some idiotic decisions.

PoniTayl said...

OK, so referring to my earlier comment...It's called a Flash Mob? So...We're waiting for the song and dancing....all you tons of newbies. C'mon, don't be shy and don't sing a stupid Disney song FFS!

And-so-on.. said...

Knowing her problems and struggle with mental heath issues I am sure someone will slug the evil cur hard and ha ha right in his chump face daring him to retaliate!

Derek's Protuberance said...

I want to apologize for Derek's recent rants on CDaN. Ever since his Zac Efron blow-up doll sprung a leak, he has been completely beside himself with grief and cannot shut up with his narcissistic postings and obnoxious put-downs of others. We've found a patch kit, though, that will restore the Zac doll's strap-on functions, so hopefully everything will calm down in short order.

Derek Harvey said...

Shows how much you know, FOOL. I like James Franco...

Derek's Protuberance said...

That's absolutely true and he also has a James Franco doll, but what you don't know and only I know, since I'm his protuberance, is that he likes to have the Franco doll WATCH in the corner as the Zac doll does its thing.

Sarah LA said...

Step up your game that was corny as f***

PoniTayl said...

Someone or Somebodies, needs a Snickers Bar...

Ron said...

first time poster but have visited the site and failed miserably guessing for about a year. also, i had to google trolling because i have no clue what it means but it is mentioned often here. i love entertainment gossip but hate technology. anyways, i hope amanda bynes pulls through, i like a comeback! take care everyone.

Wendy said...

Seriously the fake Derek is just making themselves look bad....why must the childishness continue? What are you accomplishing from this?

Why can't everyone just be nice.....

Cinabun said...

Cue John Lennon

Lisa G said...

While I agree- they can't be any worse than the "real one" Wendy. If there is such a thing.

Derek Harvey said...

I'm not Derek Harvey nor Trisha13 but see how easy it is? Don't jump to conclusions. I personally think they are both needy. Trisha, especially. Like the girl who had no friends in highschool.
Anyway, why don't you call a truce? There are bebe's involved that need attention.

Everyone knows its...... said...


Jake said...

Not so much-"not Derek"- the dude (I think anyway) was on a blind like 11 hours yesterday as a bunch of different people posting with their avi's and being called out for it again. That's pretty needy in my book. Kinda like Bynes at her worst.

Who run the world said...

Why would the Dereks care if Wendy thinks they are making themselves look bad?
Why would the Dereks care if they look childish?
Why does Wendy think ANYONE is accomplishing ANYTHING on here?
A whole lot of your posts haven't been nice.
Wake up and smell the bull shit--it's Cdan.

tk said...

Poor Ananda. Hope that doesn't send her off the rails again.

Claire said...

Oh my God, shut up. People who complain about Derek are far more annoying than Derek himself.

Claire said...

+1 on the Tricia eval

Claire said...

She was never A+ or even A-, but whatever. If she really had a sex tape, I'm sure she'd be bragging about someone murdered her vagina on tape.


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