Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 16, 2016

This world leader shows photos of former lovers who are now dead to remind current lovers what the price is for breaching confidentiality. The photos are from homicide scenes.

Vladimir Putin


Sarah said...

No brainier Enty.

BigBlue said...

Wouldn't you basically need to have a death wish anyway to date a former head of the KGB? This guy makes Terrence Howard look like Richard Simmons...

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Still, I'm sure it was safe for all involved for Enty to post this blind and reveal. You think Vlad went through a few innocent parties before getting to the one who leaked this?

Me said...

Sure. Enty. Sure. Whatever.

Betty said...


Derek Harvey said...

So someone named DAVID wants me to die of aids

Apparently he plays violin


Tapioca said...

those russian dudes they sure know how to deal with their whores and sluts, old style baby, always!!!

Derek Harvey said...



Me said...

What is familiar? It links to Google and all.

hm? said...

oh, I thought this was Magnus Nordborg

Derek Harvey said...


His pic is under poster name David

same as the pic in the original thread..

Derek Harvey said...

David Inman A bible thumper from

from Sandiego California


Cinabun said...

Like I said before, Putin should hook w/ Seagal & his buddies. They could have an awesome rape, torture, sell, & kill fest.

Malibuborebee said...

He's hidden his facebook page, good work, Derek.

Serves him right.

david said...

Thanks, for clarifying that.
I held a violin once, and said: This is too hard to play.
Besides, I think only Charlie Daniels made it look cool.

Malibuborebee said...

It's shocking how many right-wing nuts in this country talk about Putin with ADMIRATION. Fucking morons.

Dutch said...

It looks like once he is done with the girls he kills them whether they "breach" their confidentiality agreement or not. Since they are going to die anyway why not slip the monster some poison?

Derek Harvey said...

haha---Never suspected you. David is a popular enough name, anyways.

glue said...

Man. Putin is one sick fuck, that's for sure. Erdogan better watch out now that NATO said they will not support Turkey if they keep fighting w/ Russia.

Galina said...


Pretty accurate.

June Gordon said...

Oh, and they are underage males.

Hot Cola said...

I hope he gets to reborn as a armless begged in the streets of India or something like that

anna from savannah said...

What are the chances that this is accurate? I don't believe this for a second. There are many reasons to admire Putin, Malibu. Go to the library tomorrow and take out some biographies on his life. You gotta be smart as hell to still be around after what he has seen in his lifetime. Wonder how many celebrities he's had over for a play date? Sharon Stone is definitely his type. How much would THAT sex tape go for?

Patrick said...

How much safer would it be to turn him down if he asked you out?

Dereks mommy said...

Why did you draw attention to the original blind? That was one of your worst days ever! I am so embarrassed and wish now more than ever that I had aborted you when I had the chance.

HH314 said...

You are dead wrong. He is not smart, he is cunning and vicious, there is a difference. The only reason he got his current job is that he was a non-entity who nobody at the time felt threatened by. He is rotten to the core, a true sociopath, trust me.
As far as his relationships go, he is acting no different from the rest of his clique. Women are objects to use and throw away in Russia. That being said, I do not believe for a second this blind, it is pure 100% BS. He allegedly has two children with Alina Kabayeva, the gymnast, and many other short-term flings.

me said...

Lmao. It sure was! Posting as 20 different people and being the narcissistic assclown he is - he draws attention to it. Smdfh.

texasrose said...

Russia is basically run by organized criminals.

Vladimir Pootin said...

Is fake blindness of me! I am not unromantic man! I am being tender to many more woman than I am having killed!

me said...

No he didn't. He's still right there loud and proud "Malibu" Harvey Henchman. Nice try, though.

Derek's Protuberance said...

Hey Mrs. H.! Thanks for coming back to visit us! FYI, there's a technique I once heard of called "retroactive abortion" that you can still use on Derek. It was demonstrated on the Howard Stern show once. Basically you get a really powerful vacuum like the ones professionals use to clean your carpets, and then you just crank it up to max power and suck the person in. It's quick, painless, and you can get your carpets done at the same time. Please try it!

anna from savannah said...

Do you personally know this man? When the Russians came to NYC starting in the 80s the young Russian women (many who spoke perfect English) hooked up with the syndicate and became high end call girls. I know this because the apt. across from mine became a cathouse overnight. I could not believe my landlord would let this happen to our bldg. Then learned HE was not the kindly Polish man I thought he was. Over the years many more Russian women have joined the ranks. Former NY Gov. Spitzer was involved with one and she blackmailed him. She quickly returned to Mother Russia. What the hell happened to her once she got back? Probably not anything good. I really hate it when people talk about men they don't even know in such broad terms. Why are we even talking about him on a gossip site that specializes in the Kardashians and zero talent entities? Someone start up a site where this topic would be appropriate. Alina, by the way, is no short term fling. They have been together for years. He takes very good care of her and the children. They want for nothing.

HH314 said...

I know way more than you. I speak, read and write Russian fluently and read their papers daily. Of course I do not know Putin personally, but a man is judged by his actions and I have plenty of first-hand data to draw conclusions. I have no idea what the hell was that garbage about Russian hookers you posted and frankly don't give a rat's ass about your irrelevant crap. You're wrong, move on

anna from savannah said...

And the US ISN'T?! Every country on Earth is run by organized criminals. Think about it.

Patricia Solomon,PHD said...

Mr. HH314 (also known as Mickey Mossad): Wow! You speak Russian. So do a billion other people. Garbage about Russian hookers? That's all they are. We Americans did not want you here in the first place. I don't remember sending you an engraved invitation to come over. The Russian government at that time wanted to unload all the Russian Jews and get rid of them so they sent them here. Crime in the US (California-NY) like you've never seen because of you people. They don't talk about it for very obvious reasons. Every dog has his day. Just wait till Trump is president. Start packing your things.

Snarknado said...

1 billion? Really?

170,000,000 people speak Russian worldwide. I guess the other 830,000,000 were killed by Putin.

June Gordon said...

"There are many reasons to admire Putin"

Amen Sister Woman!!!! I bet you voting for Trump two!!!! I looooooooove me some Donald. What a fine man. I was sold BEFORE he said he got him a big YKW!!! LOL!!!!!!

CC said...

Hey @PhD, I hardly ever stand up to defend the Jewish people bc they do a good job themselves, but Christ man, easy on the racism.

CC said...

+a couple of trillions

CC said...

I'm just going to step up for fam members and friends who are Russian Jews... um, they are good friendly decent people that my people married into. Ease up man. They are not all whores and killers.

texasrose said...

Was wondering how long it would take for someone to say that. That's a very 'in' thing to say nowadays. Other than the Clintons who may have actually had someone hit (Foster), I don't think our politicians come close to Putin.


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