Saturday, August 27, 2016

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A list chef/reality star told his wife he was in one place doing something when he was actually with a woman in a completely different place. The problem for our chef is he was caught in a place he shouldn't been. If his wife looks at a map, he is done for.


Tricia13 said...

Gordon Ramsey

Derek Harvey said...

gordon ramsey

me said...

Trisha wins!!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!

inga said...

curtis stone & lindsay price (ramsey & oliver r both a cheaters, but wives r used to it, they both have a bunch of kids also...
lindsay can go stephanie murch...


Gordon and his wife just lost their expected baby. It definitely isn't him.

Kno Won Uno said...

You know you can see everywhere you've gone (with your phone) in an iPhone's history. Or you could two phones ago,

You said...

How does Tricia win? They answered at the same time. Derek wins!! He will always win!!

Seriously? said...

Well @Derek-(oops)Go Away- Malibuboreass, Barrel of Monkeys(where they go?)...list too long. You might wanna tell your whack job of an (honestly not even sure what term describes that kinda kray)that he seems to claim he "Nailed It" when she or others do the same. Same time stamp and all. Often a complete answer given as opposed to HiS, I mean HIS, no- I mean, his.
Worth posing your own self, I mean him, the question!

pifal said...

You "nailed it" inga

Seriously? said...

And lmfao.

Zen said...

Tricia took the time to capitalize her response so she wins

AndrewBW said...

Rewriting so at least it's funny: "This foreign born A list chef/reality star told his wife he was in one place doing something when he was actually in another place doing someone."

You're welcome.


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