Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 19, 2016

The full on press of pap photos and tabloid leaks is apparently because this B+ list mostly movie actress with A+ list name recognition is looking for another lump sum payment from her ex. He has been dragging his feet. She can play very dirty when she wants.

Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise


back again said...

whatever works with the absentee dad! Better on them then to Zanu-Zanu I say!

sandybrook said...

I think maybe Xenu should be coughing up sone cash for Siri, I think Katie's silence agreement ends soon and Xenu has his secrets to protect.

David Brown said...

I doubt this because TC/COS are such control freaks that I honestly can't see them leaving any open issues of what gets paid when. Also KH's father is a lawyer and I can't see him leaving any undefined payments to his baby. Not to say that KH can't be trying to "re-negotiate".

Kno Won Uno said...

Both parties locked all loose ends up tight, I'm sure. Mixed metaphors, I hate them.

david said...

So, she only married Tom for his money.
And, only made him a baby for even more money.
How do I get in on this action?

biance said...

power to katie

took a lot of guts to escape for the wellbeing of her child


Guesser said...

It would help if you were an attractive female of childbearing age, and hook up with a rich guy who has something to hide.

LauraOK said...

Child support agreements and orders are ALWAYS modifiable in any court in the US, so Katie is well within her rights to request more. She'll get it for Suri, too, if the court deems it reasonable and/or necessary. However, whatever agreement exists between them as divorced adults regarding non-disclosure, separation of property, alimony, etc., remains non-negotiable. But we all know Tom and COS do not want this played out in court, so, go for it Katie (and stay safe)!

OKay said...

#TeamKatie Any time she goes up against the GMD, I am all in for Katie.

H2O said...

Exactly! I have no sympathy for her. She's been blabbing ever since they split. She sells a story every time he opens a movie.

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Really???? I have not noticed any interviews during his crappy movie openings? Maybe its cause nobody gives a hoot except COS.

H2O said...

There aren't enough COS numbnuts to give Cruise the box office he enjoys. On the other hand Katie doesn't have the career she thought she would after dumping Cruise.

I think it was when he was opening Reacher, she did something with Redbook with tidbits about how Suri was sick so she called a doctor and Cruise was meditating and yelled at her in front of other people for bothering him.

It's always things to make him look bad. Where do you think all the stories about Cruise not seeing Suri come from. We have no idea what's going on. He hasn't been photographed with Suri. That's all we know.

Everyone calls the marriage a contract and blames him. Well, guess who the other party was that signed the contract. She married him for a career and a $5 million payoff.

H2O said...

It was Katie who put the plan on the table with the help of her father. Cruise just signed.

She definitely needs more money to keep paying paps and buy herself spots at DM.

I don't envision Cruise withholding any money for Suri.

Hortensia said...

Katie may be more of a flake than anyone realizes. First, she puts the kid in a private Catholic school in NYC, then pulls the kid out to enroll her in a woo-woo charter school. Next thing, they're in California. Not a stable beginning for a child.


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