Sunday, March 26, 2017

Jodie Sweetin Called Police On Now Ex- Boyfriend

After a huge fight which ended their relationship and any chance of getting married, Jodie Sweetin called the cops on her now ex. Not because he hit her or she hit him. Nope. She said he was suicidal about their breakup. So, the police came over and Jodie showed the police the news that her now ex had a gun. The police got the gun and then found out Jodie's now ex is a convicted felon and not allowed to have a gun. Soooo, they waited for him to come home and arrested him. Was he suicidal? No one knows. Did Jodie know he would be arrested for having the gun? Yep.


Joel Theriot said...

She's the kind of crazy where you have to just let her pass by.

s said...

White trash.

Dan D. Lion said...

He has the universal douche haircut.

david said...


Guesser said...

He's the convicted felon, he has the illegal gun,and everyone is saying she's​ crazy because she called the police? What did I miss?

Alistdiva said...

She must have daddy issues, along with possible mental issues, but to be fair she has two children to worry about. I won't want someone that may have threatened me and I knew had a gun coming into contact with my children and I.

b626 said...

If someone really is suicidal they often dont go alone so yes, good call

Y said...

+1 Guesser.

When did reporting a crime become a bad thing?

Zilla1 said...

Exactly, Guesser.

SnarkIsFun said...

Gotta agree with Guesser. In this situation, it's called the smart thing to do.

OKay said...

It clearly never bothered her before, but now that they've broken up she's all concerned about being a law-abiding citizen? GMAB.


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