Monday, May 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 7, 2017

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who chain smokes and loves hookers and may have a price on his head brought a stripper to a charity event he hosts. He said it is easier to date strippers and hookers.

Sean Penn


sandybrook said...

So escorts you pay to be with you are all you've got left now Peen?

just sayin\' said...

he's never struck me as the type to fall into a true love. a self-centered, cold and abusive man. so he's just finally being true to himself, and i say, lucky for the women of the world who might have fallen victim to his, cough, "charms?".

StarJones said...

Does Robin Wright have low self-esteem, or how did she end up with this guy for years and years

Zip said...

No, it's easier for women to date a man who clearly has a lot of issues to not care about him and just want a paycheck. Don't get it mixed up.

dianavonthirstybird said...

Could someone send him my phone number? Color me crazy, I have always liked Sean Penn enormously. His work after Katrina in New Orleans and his continued hard work and support for the people in Haiti show what a real mensch he is. Hope to meet him one day in person so I cal tell him how much I admire him.

Melissa said...

Good for him, at least he will not be wasting his or anyone else's time anymore.

Bleu said...

He beat Madonna to a pulp. He hobnobs with El Chapo, pretending to be a journalist, when the Mexican drug cartel had killed more than 100 real journalists. And he praised Hugo Chavez (no concern for real people in Venezuela, who are in ruin). You can have him.

dianavonthirstybird said...

He was photographed that night sitting next to Leo D. Is Leo a hooker or stripper?

Sarah said...

This is not at all shocking. Men like that should not be in serious or committed relationships with women. He has no respect for our gender. I just hope these poor women are being compensated generously for having to endure his personality.

Hot Cola said...

There isn't a compensation generous enough to ensure 'his personality'

Charlize said...

I hope they are paid well. They deserve it for putting up with that asshole.

Hot Cola said...

He hates our gender just loves stickin it into pussy.
What a life

Hot Cola said...


Sd auntie said...

With his attitude, sounds like he may have the gift that keeps on giving.

Mary Rose Stonehouse said...

I never understood why Robin put up with that vile man.

Hortensia said...

Madonna publicly stated Penn didn't beat her.

Random101 said...

Leos probably his PIMP!!

anonymous said...

This is a long read. To summarize. NO ONE knows what happened that night except for Sean Penn and Madonna. The actual arrest report was destroyed in the early 90s. She only said recently that he did not tie her up and hit her. For over 20+ years, she has been asked yet she refused to answer. That is until recently, due to his libel case against Lee Daniels, that Madonna actually denied anything.

Marlo said...

Yeah.....those lucky Haitian, between Sean Penn and Hillarity, everything is honky dory there now, ey?


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