Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Your Turn

Biggest turn off in another person.


Jayne Townsley said...


auntliddy said...

Self absorbed. Ignorant of current events.

No Wuckin' Furries said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sandybrook said...

They have tattoos--for a female
loud and obnoxious or showing a lack of intelligence for all but especially men.

Mrs Meat said...

Low IQ. I'm no fan of blubber, and obviously nasty body stuff will be a no-no. But I'd take those things over stupidity.

Sd Auntie said...

Dummies, liars and racists.

AvaCherryVanilla said...

Ignorance in all its forms.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

This hefty girl is looking for exercises lazy people can do. Has anyone tried diddly squats?

Susan said...


Itttt said...

Biggest turn off? Rapist...take for instance Charlie Sheen. Come on Enty, drop the truth bombs and reveals on that scumbag...and his "mentors" too like possibly papa Martin, Oliver Stone, etc.

This utterly depraved, vile Turd needs the mother of all flushes to cleanse the world of his corruption.

MC98033 said...

The combination of ignorance & arrogance which all too often go together.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

Plus 1 @Sandybrook.

Oh, and woman who are dumb as rocks (or pretend to be.)

Intelligent woman were always a turn on to me.

(Probably why I've stayed married for 32 years to the smartest woman I've ever met!)

Okay, I'll stop bragging and step down from my soap box.


Unknown said...

Blogger Itttt said...
Biggest turn off? Rapist...take for instance Charlie Sheen. Come on Enty, drop the truth bombs and reveals on that scumbag...and his "mentors" too like possibly papa Martin, Oliver Stone, etc.

This utterly depraved, vile Turd needs the mother of all flushes to cleanse the world of his corruption.""

I would say the same. Finally the press ( National Enquirer / Daily Mail) have named him and others have supported what Corey F. has been saying. It's no longer just down to him!

Lurky McLurkster said...

swastika tattoo on their face

hothotheat said...

Misogynistic, racist homophobes are the worst.

texasrose said...

Bad breath and all listed above.

Few Views said...

Bad driving (doesn't signal, tailgates, loses temper over trivial things) and being rude to service people.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

You should never make fun of fat people. They already have enough on their plate.

WickedBee said...

Visible tattoos or all tattoos?

cc423 said...


Maria said...


shakey said...

At work, people who don't even *try* to find out information for themselves, even though they have the resources.

Weak people, in that they constantly moan about the same things wrong in their lives but do absolutely nothing to try and change things around, even little things. There comes a time when you listen to yourself and realize bitching and moaning won't change a thing.

Misty said...

Alcoholics/ drug users/ cheaters/ bisexuals

Velvet said...

People who never say please or thank you.

sandybrook said...

@wicked bee I think you are asking me so I will reply to you. If the tattoo is small, and maybe hidden, no prob. I don't wanna see sleeves, or large tats or tramp stamps. I was just out at an establishment and the girl bartender, who was pretty otherwise, had a sleeve and a large tat on her upper leg, no bueno, but I still gave her 30% tip.😎

OKay said...

While intelligence is a real turn-on, I'll take a sweet dumb guy over a raging type A, high-testosterone prick any day of the week.

Unknown said...

A bombastic, egotistical, braggart.

mooshki said...

Trump voter.

Lissette said...

People who make conversations about them.

ForSure said...

Bigotry (racism, sexism, etc)

JJ said...

Them being Lena Dunham.

Wen said...


monteverde said...

People who combine infinite amounts of stupidity with hypocrisy.
For example: oppression of women, misogyny, rape, pedophilia and racism are perfectly acceptable to shout about, unless the perpetrators are Muslim. Then it's cool apparently.
Scientology, that persecutes those who leave it, is a brainwashing cult, but apparently Islam, that kills apostates, isn't.
This level of hypocrisy is mindlbowing and indicative of a very simplistic mindset, that is a huge turn off.

Blue Margarita said...


FlirtyChick74 said...

Bisexuals? Why?

FlirtyChick74 said...

(1) long-winded people!!!!!, (2) insecurity, (3) racism, homophobia (4) arrogance, (5) rudeness

Unknown said...

controlling and/or manipulative behavior, especially men who try to pressure me or manipulate me into have sex with them.


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