Blind Item #3 - He Tried And Failed - Mr. Hedge
As a young actor, he played a supporting role in a small-budget horror film, about 4 decades ago. Let’s call this person C, and the film Film #1. Film #1 was financially very successful for its time. It became a cult-classic, and launched the career of its director, who we will call F. F became A+ list for the rest of his long career.
Several years later, C became a director himself, while in his early 30s. The 1st film C directed for American audiences was a low-budget teen comedy. Let’s call this film SB.
During SB, C attempted to molest one of the young actors. Thankfully, the young actor was able to escape his attempts. Unfortunately, this was because the young actor had been abused before. The horrible experience scarred him enough to vigorously fight off C’s attempts.
C was good friends with a couple of serial child molesters. One of them finally went to jail about a decade and a half ago. A short time later, C won his first major award as a director. Although C was only about 50 at that time, he suddenly retired from the business. It probably had something to do with his past. It is highly unlikely that this unsuccessful molestation attempt was C’s only misdeed.
If anyone knows anything more about C, you know who to contact.
Film #1 -
F -
C -
C’s friend / serial child molester -
SB -
Several years later, C became a director himself, while in his early 30s. The 1st film C directed for American audiences was a low-budget teen comedy. Let’s call this film SB.
During SB, C attempted to molest one of the young actors. Thankfully, the young actor was able to escape his attempts. Unfortunately, this was because the young actor had been abused before. The horrible experience scarred him enough to vigorously fight off C’s attempts.
C was good friends with a couple of serial child molesters. One of them finally went to jail about a decade and a half ago. A short time later, C won his first major award as a director. Although C was only about 50 at that time, he suddenly retired from the business. It probably had something to do with his past. It is highly unlikely that this unsuccessful molestation attempt was C’s only misdeed.
If anyone knows anything more about C, you know who to contact.
Film #1 -
F -
C -
C’s friend / serial child molester -
SB -
Film 1-Halloween?
Director-John Carpenter
“C”-Nick castle as actor turned director
In that case, C = Nick Castle and SB = Tag: The Assassination Game or The Last Starfighter
Or TheBoy Who Could Fly-Fred Savage the child actor....
That's what I was thinking, Tricia. However, I don't see Nick Castle as a major award winner at any point.
Hmm, I don't think its Nick Castle. He didn't really win any "major" awards, and the last one he did win, it was for the Boy Who Could Fly in '86. He directed a film every few years after that up until 2006. Although, his credits do include films with lot of teens in it.
Nick Castle is in the new Halloween that is currently filming.
True, Nick Castle hasn’t won any major awards and last film he directed was in 2006 at the age of 58.
Most of his movies centered around young boys..."Delivering Milo"..ughh..wonder about what happened to all those young actors.
He’s playing Michael Myers.
I had to look this up.
But, @Tricia, you are too good at this guessing game!
I was going to say Nick Castle, too!
I met Nick at a Sci-Fi Academy (anybody remember that organization?) screening of his Last Starfighter film way, way back when.
He seemed like a nice enough guy. But, I was never into young boys -- so we parted ways amicably!
OH! I am so, so sorry. That was mean.
(I will hang my head in shame the rest of the day.)
Is hNick Castle retired? He's in the new Halloween movie
I'm not sure we can do this, but considering everyone knows Himmmmm is RDJ, then I guess it is okay. So, Mr. Hedge is Gabe Hoffman, who produced An Open Secret. "Hedge" is because he is a hedge fund manager. Considering his blinds have to do with molesters or SEC money laundering this seems obvious.
I guess someone could just ask him on twitter.
Thanks David and not too mean if in fact him:((((
Film #1 - The Hills Have Eyes (first one, hence Film #1)
F - Wes Craven
C - Robert Houston
SB - Growing Pains (1984) (His first film was Shogun Assassin which was not for American audiences)
Still working on C's friend.
Well, we don’t actually know it for a fact. However, thou shalt not plainly guess the identify of the Himmmms. I love them, and I don’t want to run them off.
Ugh. *Identity*
Agree witb Meh Blah that it is Robert Houston--directed low budget teen comedy (Growing Pains) then directed a couple of docs--inr nominated for Academy Award and one which won the Academy Award. Nick Castle does not fit those two parts of the blind--teen comedy as first American film and award win.
How about Tommy Lee Wallace for C. SB being Aloha Summer, Film #1 being Halloween and F -John Carpenter.
The Craven/Houston guess works too.
Just a thought
He won an Oscar for best Short Documentary
The Nick Castle guess makes some sense. Delivering Milo won 3 international awards (imdb), and he would have been 52, 53 when he won them. He officially stopped doing things by 2006 on the directing end. However, The Last Star Fighter and The Boy Who Could Fly don't seem like teen comedies to me.
Side note: Wes Craven is labeled as A+. This discussion has come up before
I thought of both movies, and both combos but I think its Craven/Houston because the wording of the blind makes it sound like the A+ director is dead, and in previous blinds Wes Craven was connected to the pedo creeps and was called A+ at that time. Plus of the two movies Hills Have Eyes is more of a cult movie, Halloween was a mainstream success and considered a classic.
Calling Wes Craven 'F' makes sense also because the F would stand for Freddy.
It's 100% Robert Houston. The movie was Growing Pains in 1984. Actor would have been Joey Coleman who was in An Open Secret, which makes sense given who this blind came from. Also, Houston hasn't done anything since winning that Oscar for the documentary short in 2004.
I thought Craven as well. Better fit than Carpenter, though Halloween seems like the film.
Houston would be C. Maybe Paul Rubens for child molester in jail.
The molester who went to jail was probably Victor Salva who was directing horror movies in that early 80s period and still does today.
going to +1 the Robert Houston guess. All three make some sense, to some degree, but Houston won an Emmy in 2003, and disappeared shortly after. He was also close to 50 at the time. He makes best sense for the timeline.
However, I don't think his friend was Victor Salva, at least not the one arrested. The one arrested seems to have been done so in 2002, and Salva went to jail in 1988.
Bob Villard?
Bob Villard didn't direct anything. Someone who directing things and would have went to jail around 2004 was Brian Peck. Weirdly, this is on Peck's IMDB "In 2004 he pleaded 'no contest' to charges of committing a lewd act against a child under 14 and oral copulation of a person under 16. He was convicted and received a sentence of 16 months, and was ordered to register as a sex offender."
Film #1 - The Hills Have Eyes
F - Wes Craven
C - Robert Houston
C’s friend / serial child molester - Brian Peck
SB - Growing Pains
The Gabe Hoffman guess was funny. An Open Secret was a mess from the beginning, but Gabe isn't a bad guy (at least not compared to the actual predators). Plus, he's friendly with enty too, and I don't think enty would be friendly with someone he believes is one of the "bad guys".
Gabe is The Hedge, but that was just a reference to tie in Joey Coleman
Yikes, both Sutherlands were in the movie Joey Coleman made before Growing Pains. I hope that doesn’t mean anything!
@paul I think you’ve got it.
I went down a rabbit hole with Texas Chainsaw Massacre before reading the comments. +2 to @paulfooff who seems to have it.
No regrets for the rabbit hole, though. I learned a few new things about TCM, and that was cool.
Adrian Zmed, Paul Ruebens did not go to jail for molesting, he was arrested for public lewdness in a porn theater. I am not sure exactly what he plead to.
Joey Coleman was also in the movie Growing Pains, which is why The Hedge title, I assume.
Also weird is there is another actor named Joey Coleman who is playing Jean Grey's uncle in the X-Men: Black Phoenix movie. Just an interesting coincidence.
None of these are teen comedies. I can't find a major award for him either. Otherwise he fits
Sorry but you are out of line
Also the Blind makes it sound like F is dead, since it says "the rest of his career".
+1 @Canuck Lurker
"In previous blinds Wes Craven was connected to the pedo creeps and was called A+ at that time" - irrelevant, because F isn't implicated in anything here. I do agree it's Craven and Houston though.
Also no one knows RDJ is a Himmmm. A lot of people here desperately cling to the idea because everyone loves RDJ and they want it to be true, but it probably isn't.
Radio head for cult classic - Nance for rest of his career
Spring break - sb movie
Was the director name lynch or something will have to go look it up. Just going off the top of my head right now because I read about all these people recently in a blind we all thought was about jerry vdyke daighter
They are all jews. That´s what i know.
I love RDJ but I seriously doubt he is Himmmm.
I loved the Boy Who Could Fly when I was a kid, but I don't think it is Nick Castle. He def likes them young, as an older colleague told me that Nick was sleeping with the lead girl by the time they were promoting the film. Not sure if in production too, but heard mom was there as guardian the whole time and didn't care.
Really hope this is revealed but we all know the predators wont be named. we know why but its still heartbreakingly frustrating.
Nick Castle was already in his 30s when he was in Halloween, so he can surely be ruled out here.
Hate guessing these . . . but yeah, Craven, Houston, no idea about the friend. HILLS was just about 40 years ago and was enough of a cult hit to be remade recently.
RE: SHOGUN ASSASSIN, yes it was in fact for American audiences. It was a bastardization of the LONE WOLF AND CUB series Frankensteined together for Western audiences. Houston only edited those original movies into one. Does IDMB give him a director's credit?
Robert Houston directed Bad Manners—starring the young actor who also starred as Robbie Stuart in Rocky Road. Kind of all ties is together.
Has anyone ever seen Bad Manners? EEEEEeeeshhhh!
Emilio Estavez?
I remember my Dad bringing Gary Vinson over to our house in the early 70's. He came in walking on his knees with his arms outstretched and wanted all us little kids to give his cuddles and sit in his lap. First and LAST time he came to our home I might add.
@Guesser: hurts to say this (PR is an old family friend), but he did *settle* a chold p0rn case :(.
I made a video on the blind item
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