Blind Item #9
Just like on that Friends episode, this A- list mostly movie actress still not old enough to drink from an acting family is out of the country. She tried to watch television in her suite. She has a television in the living room, bedroom and even one built into the bathroom mirror. None of them will stop playing porn. For some reason it is locked into the on demand porn and keeps playing the same feature over and over and over. She was going to put it on social media but her people said it would make the hotel look bad and just to let it go.
Elle Fanning?
Elle Fanning?
It was weird. The pizza man showed up, gave us our pizza, took our money, and left.
The horror of spending quiet time with the TVs turned off.
Why is this even a blind? Does anyone care? She could have easily had them change her room or called maintenance to deal with it.
Yeah, I’m lost....
I feel stupid now for reading this.
I guess I'm the only person who finds it hilarious. Oh well.
LOL @ Florin, that's one of the best episodes.
Not gonna lie...this blind made me smile. They can't ALL be The Church and Hollywood Pedos and who-is-gonna-O.D. soon.
Lighten up people. Not all blinds have to be God awful acts of evil.
Watching porn and then giving bad excuses when caught. #metoo
I'm curious who the actress is,
but I'm more curious to find out if
anyone famous rented the suite before she did.
Any guesses?
Sometimes you can hear god laughing with you lol
It's probably a scientology mind trick
I hate it when that happens
Why shouldn't the hotel look bad? This sounds like it's a problem they should be dealing with.
ha! this reminded me of a story once told to me by my aunt who used to be head housekeeper at A++ Vegas hotel with skanky offspring 😏
anyhow she told me that when Rodney Dangerfield came to stay they had to wheel in 20+ TVs into his suite. everywhere he looked he had to have a TV, a true wall of TVs. well she went up there to bring him something (remote? hehe) and he was in a robe laying on one of those beach chairs with skinny plastic straps that fold out in like three sections. well he was laying there bitching about something all the while his balls had escaped and were dangling between aforementioned skinny plastic straps, just hanging there. she said she was trying to keep straight serious face but she could not stop staring at his junk and finally lost it LOL. she used to tell me greatest stories. now Iam laughing. was this one? yes! lol
Lucy, that matches stories I've heard from comedians about meetings with Rodney at his place. He always wears a robe with nothing underneath and does not care at all that his junk is hanging out.
I mean, so what if the hotel looks bad? Then again, if she never bothered even trying to make them fix it, she's the idiot.
I’m trying to figure out what A++ LV hotel is owned by someone with skanky offspring @lucy
Well, crap....just go read a book.
lol @jx I bet she is too! 😉
@steve your comment made me web search and very interesting I read a mention of him and Dionne Warwick working same show as my aunt also told me one Thanksgiving DW deep fried a turkey in her room and invited everyone to Thanksgiving dinner. I was young and thinking oooo stars are so mysterious and quirky who deep fries a turkey? and nowadays turkey fryer is a thing. must have been a vision..
wish I could remember other quirky stories she told me. I do recall her loathing the Judds. called them all bitches and said they were by far cheapest and rudest she had ever encountered. her best tipper? bill cosby. yikes.
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