Monday, February 19, 2018

Blind Item #6

If you are wondering how this one named A- list singer got a recent gig, it wasn't because she casting couched, but she did offer up her 20 year old friend for the casting couch and that apparently secured the gig. The guy who was in charge of the casting so to speak might be looking for a new job though.


one_eyed_bob said...

Fergie Allstar

Karen D.C. said...

Oh here’s the Fergie blind!

andy81 said...

a male friend?

Sd Auntie said...

Fergie needs to sit down . OMG WTH

one_eyed_bob said...

It was so confusing when they announced she was going to sing the anthem while watching the game. Like really? This was the best singer available for the nba-all star game? And it obviously got worse from there

T. W. said...

She did a bad job with it. She sang it like she was horny and got laughed at. I was more horrified than amused.

MichiganMama59 said...

I read it didn't go well

ZantiMissKnit said...

I'm dying over that rendition.

Unknown said...

She was abused and raped as a child and this is what she does? How fucked up is that?

Guesser said...

The reaction shots were priceless.

Sceptre said...

The tweets as this was going on were hilarious

cheesegrater15 said...

She made Rosanne sound like Whitney.

Unknown said...

I'm with everyone...Fergie and that dreadful rendition of the anthem.

Randaleese said...

Really. This so-called Enty is getting predictable And seems to follow the DM..🙄😒

Anonymous said...

Good god. I watched the video of her singing the anthem and it was like two cats fighting. And you can just tell she's standing there the whole time, thinking "Man, I am SO nailing this!"

Samantha Willow said...

Who co-signed her preparation for this performance is my question. Some yes person telling her to go for it. How sad, because we know she can sing.

Freckles said...

I was puzzled, what is the motivation behind sing the Anthem like Marilyn was singing to the President?

Serendipty420 said...

She tried to do what Marvin Gaye did 35 years ago at - surprise! - the NBA All-Star game and failed. Miserably. Does not have an ounce of his charisma.

Count Jerkula said...

Smart move on Fergie's part, offering up gifts of tight tight instead of her old blowed out axe wound. Would still make her clean my cock with her mouth, so she has some skin in the game.

delete account said...

Nasty ol' Pee Pants Fergie. Why is she even still famous at this point? I never understood her appeal.

MissDe said...

We all know this is fergie and she never could sing. Being in a pop group and doing trendy dance vocals isn't singing. But let's be serious she is FORMER A LIST. She hasn't been relevent in ages!!

lucy said...

aha! so this is how she passed sound check.

Snappy Dragon said...

@Count Jerkula that was hilarious!

Aoife said...

Fergie never could "sing". Her "voice" was good enough for dance music but she should never have even tried to sing the National Anthem, a song many real singers consider unsingable.

And the guy who okayed her for the gig was probably looking for a new gig himself by the time she was finished.


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