Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Blind Item #16

Dear former A list mostly television actor from an iconic show and role turned A- list take what he can get but keeps getting work because of that show,

Yes, I know you have had "injuries," over the past decade or so and those doctors have been really good filling out those prescriptions. If they ever stopped, you found new ones. That self-medicating has been going on a long time while you try and convince the world how sober you are.

The result of the years of  abuse is what happens to most people who do it as long and as hard as you did.

Get better soon and get some help.

Love & Bacon,



  1. Matthew Perry came to mind first

    1. Who coincidentally just had a “ruptured bowel”

  2. I have no idea about this one, as it could fit so many! Love and Bacon LOL

  3. Matthew Perry just had gastrointestinal surgery that was more than likely related to addiction... I agree with Andrea.

  4. Yes and he closed his sober living facility in 2016. I think he likely felt hypocritical having that sober living home while he was still using. Sad. I hope he gets well.

  5. Matthew Perry still gets work?! Why ;)

  6. I feel bad for Matthew Perry. Had to have gone through some shit in his teen acting days.

  7. There was a photo of Mathew Perry that I just saw in the past couple of days that shocked me. He is getting in bad shape. Looks like an angry 60 year old. Dude looks like the kind of guy that sits around popping pills and listening to Rush Limbaugh. Nothing like Chandler at this point.
    +1 to Andrea and those who guessed him.

  8. That's too bad. Never watched 'Friends', but he had a short stint on 'The West Wing' and was very good in it. Hope he gets healthy.

  9. i love him. i really hope he gets his shit together.

  10. Matthew Perry stole my Vicodin

  11. @nancer,I know what you mean, but that literally is necessary. I don't really know why people turn on someone like this, the most judgemental are those that use drugs and get drunk All the time. Do any of you long time readers remember an old blind about him,that may shed some light on his inability to stay sober? I don't think it was officially solved, so it would be hard to find.

  12. We really need better drugs in this country, the garbage they're giving celebrities is ruining them.

  13. Poor man, I feel for him. I've always liked him. He must have been in agony. I know how very painful severe constipation can be. I was given morphine by paramedics for the pain once - I have to take high-strength codeine because of a botched operation from which I nearly died - in ICU and 2 months in hospital. It's so easy to forget to drink enough fluids while on those pills.

  14. of course matthew perry (Friends, bc his name is forgettable to most)

  15. No reason to hate on Perry. He truly can't control his addiction though someday maybe he'll find a way. He was doing so well there for a while.

    1. plot 3:46 PM

      No reason to hate on Schneider. He truly can't control his addiction though someday maybe he'll find a way. He was doing so well there for a while.

      No reason to hate on Allen. He truly can't control his addiction though someday maybe he'll find a way. He was doing so well there for a while.

      No reason to hate on Polanski. He truly can't control his addiction though someday maybe he'll find a way. He was doing so well there for a while.

      No reason to hate on Sandusky. He truly can't control his addiction though someday maybe he'll find a way. He was doing so well there for a while.

  16. I like him
    Feel bad for him

  17. HEY - big difference Geeljire - Matthew Perry isn't hurting anyone but himself. Don't be a dick.

    Yes it's probably Matthew Perry, he's got a weakness for the opiates. Now I'm curious to see that recent pic. Too bad he decided not to keep it together.

  18. Compare opiate addiction with plugging

  19. I was comparing plot's comments with plot's comments, actually

  20. @Gee

    Where have I ever said any of that my little camel fucker?

    Direct quotes or it didn't happen.

  21. MP keeps getting parts because he's a good actor, Enty. So fuck you. Having said that, dude's a complete mess of a human being.

  22. MP is a good actor? LMFAO !

  23. Yes, yes, "Bloat" in honor of the topic of this Blind Item, Matthew Perry.

  24. Maryscott plot, such language! Knickers. Cutting all through that hoohah. And racist to boot? Who’s acting like a little notsee now? Lololol! Get her Tiger!

  25. Matthew Perry. Ruptured bowel from opioid constipation, perhaps? It happens a lot and kills a lot of people.

  26. He should call AA central office. There are many of us that are more than happy to help him.

  27. It shows how farcical the "sober living" industry is, when he and Demi Lovato owned their own rehabs. No one should be handing out drug/booze advice unless they've tested negative for a solid decade.

  28. Junkies gonna junkie. No great loss. Couldn't he have shared pills w/ Ross though?

  29. He's lucky he's still alive! I know people years younger than him that have passed away due to long term drug abuse.

  30. Fools Rush In is one of my guilty pleasure movies. I hope he keeps trudging on.

  31. Anonymous2:02 PM

    awww @Geeljire … @plot took your sweet bait and called you "my little camel fucker"

    The two of you are so cute. It's lovely to see you both playing so nice!

  32. Why dont they teach drivers ed and sex ed on the same day in Saudi Arabia?

    They dont want to wear out the camels.


  33. chandler was a prick

    i was just hoping he'd get smart with the wrong person and get the **** kicked out of him

  34. Jesus I haven't seen him in years so I had to google him today - not a good look

    Hope he gets this shit under control

  35. Sorry, Enty, but people can have ruptured bowels and not be doing drugs. My husband endured a ruptured bowel several years ago -- we thought it was appendicitis. Very very scary, emergency surgery, hospital for a week. He has an occasional drink and that's it. So don't minimize this medical emergency!



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