Thursday, February 20, 2020

Blind Item #12

Speaking of working at a cut rate price, this foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor from multiple franchises is getting about a tenth of what he got before his scandal to star in a movie. The studio thinks people have forgotten. I think they will remind the public every chance they get once the movie is being readied for release.


  1. So the studio will remind people of scandal before movie released?? I must be reading this wrong.

  2. I guess that would gain attention. No publicity is bad publicity theory.

  3. Was Keanu involved in a scandal.... is t Bill and Ted coming out

    1. Really?

      That’s the best you got then. 🙄

  4. If so public has definitely forgotten, and by public I mean me lol

  5. Holy shit, I had no idea that Keanu was born in Beirut,Lebabnon.

    1. Not referring to you or anyone specific, but I quite often see people guessing "Keanu" connected to all kinds of scandals, and it never turns out to be him.
      This has been going on for a long time here.
      Am I missing something? Did he do something terrible that I missed in the news? If not, why does he keep getting accused? Not saying he's squeaky clean, cuz I don't know him! But everyone seems to like him and yet they also keep trying to connect him to bad stuff XD
      It's just kinda weird! "Please tell me it's not Keanu", spoken a zillion times....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Freed Weave I have to admit Depp was my first thought, but he's USA born. Keanu always been so clean, he squeaks.

  8. I think this is Mel Gibson, even though he is American born

  9. Liam Neeson maybe.

    1. Not a bad guess. Scandal being he stupidly shared how he felt after a friend was raped and his thoughts of retaliation. Came off very racist.

  10. 8 lukewarm maybe yes, the public has forgotten, lol

  11. Jackie Chan?

    In scandal cause of how he treated his kid.

  12. His scandal- wanting to go out and kill a black man


    nice Texas

  14. I like the Liam Neeson guess!

  15. @gauloise Now scandals involving kids are always bad publicity! This one is tricky...

  16. Tricia13 - Just in deadline a few days ago

  17. PhillyWilly - I'd feel better if a story in Daily Mail about him today though:))

  18. Has News on (autocorrect, but thought it appropriate) Neeson got anything in production?

  19. +1 definitely texasrose. Good one

  20. @Texas good guess with Liam!

  21. +1 @Texasrose. Are you implying Enty reads the Daily Mail? Lol 🤣

  22. +1 Texasrose. I think Enty meant that people offended by Liam Neeson's interview will remind the public.

  23. @MyDog, Yes Keanu's mom was English and his father was Hawaiian of mixed ancestry, they were both working in Beirut when they met.

  24. Still not sure if Keanu is eligible to run for president but it's worth a try. :)

  25. The Mel Gibson Santa Claus movie?

  26. If this is Liam Neeson, the blind would actually be quite stupid with just a look at his IMDb entry.

    Since the "scandal", Neeson has been in Men in Black: International. Not a hit, but they didn't replace him with another actor because of the scandal. Ordinary Love was released in the UK last December and is getting great reviews. He also has two other films in post, he's filming one other and Memory may be some quite high profile project. Which means that the guy has been working consistently as a lead. No need for him to divide his fee by ten to get parts.
    He may not be making another bunch of cheap action and vigilante movies just like he did a few years ago, but it was time to move on, as he was basically becoming the second coming of Bronson.

  27. Anonymous12:35 PM

    PMSL, @ Nellie... Yea, it's PROBABLY Gibson

    It CLEARLY says, " Foreign Born". Here, I will get the definition for you.

    Foreign-born (also non-native) people are those born outside of their country of residence. Foreign born are often non-citizens, but many are naturalized citizens of the country in which they live, and others are citizens by descent, typically through a parent.

  28. @Brayson Cool fact on Keanu that I didn't know.

  29. @Brayson87 Keanu is Canadian.

    Liam Neeson is from Northern Ireland, so British.

  30. I was thinking a different Liam...maybe Hemsworth.....I know one franchise he was in but I don't know about multiples.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Probably Liam Neeson,nowhere does it say he is not working, but he is no longer a bankable lead. His next lead role will determine if he is in the future. People don't forget things like this. No one will look at it in context of the whole interview,just the headline.

  33. @norster, He wouldn't be the first Canadian to run for president, look up Ted Cruz. Plus having a semi-Canadian president will make it easier to annex Canada once the Dunkin-Tim Hortons Donut Wars start. ;)

  34. +1 Guesser, He used to be box office gold, now not so much.

  35. @Nellie he's Australian

    1. @Gurly

      Mel Gibson was born in America.

  36. The central thesis of wokeness is that "all white men are racist," therefore it shouldn't be shocking or a scandal at all that Liam Neeson, a white man, admitted to having a racist lapse in judgement 30 or 40 years ago. He thought and behaved irrationally after his friend was raped. He condemned his own behavior as irrational and wrong. He was coming clean about something he did that he knew was wrong and how he spent years feeling guilty about it. He was condemning racism. Why should he be torn down or blacklisted for that? I bet many people in Hollywood have similar or even worse stories about themselves and their own prejudice.

    1. I heard Liam's comment and thought he was demonstrating how one can easily slip into a racist pattern. And those thoughts came so quickly and violently. It was a perfect demonstration of how racist thought turns into racist anger and makes one crazy enough to actually roam the streets looking to kill an innocent human being. It must have been a frightening realization.

      Who even admits to such a horrible thing unless it's a cautionary tale? It's a very rare admission by anyone, much less a successful actor. It's inside of most people and is often triggered by some irrelevant occurrence.

      I think he can be taken down off the cross and walk the world again.

  37. Johnny Depp. With his insurance rates, he has to work discount or not work at all. Both he and Heard are in the discount bin

  38. @Sage, I think he was having a senior moment where instead of the patronizing attitude celebs are trained to display in interviews, he was honest and sincere. Back in the day he got angry and walked around a lot. It's not like he hired two guys to help him fake a hate crime.

    1. Yeah, when I read that he was actually confessing that many years ago he used to be horrible and tried to do something horrible and failed....
      Well that's a non-story, isn't it?
      Good grief, Hollywood is ridiculous.

  39. Ewan McGregor & cheating on his wife of many years.

  40. Liam Neeson. I don’t think he’s racist, I just think he was poorly articulating & describing the context of that time & how what he felt was actually messed up. It’s sad cuz I think he was trying to show that it was wrong & that revenge can hijack your rational mind. He was trying to parallel it to whatever revenge pick he was promoting at the time & it backfired big tim

    Very sad he lost Natasha Richardson. I don’t think he has ever been the same since, they actually were in love 😞

    1. Exactly. An actor slips into an honest and sincere confession. He probably felt a catharsis. Little did he know it would turn into the night of the long knives.

      This little bit of honesty will convince him to spout the usual Hollywood lies and blather in the next interviews.

  41. So will the trailers consist of Liam asking a rape victim if it was a black man that did it?

  42. Mr. Peanut? Big Bird?

  43. I loved Natasha as well.Wondefrful actress.

  44. Gerard Depardeau

  45. I'm betting on Liam Neeson

  46. @ norster

    Liam Neeson is British

    i agree 100%

  47. Re Liam Neeson, years ago I had an experience not so different from his woman friend's, and I felt for a time not so differently than he did. I think anyone put in that situation might, regardless, if the color of one's skin/culture/gender/race/you name it/ is different from that of one's own. It surprises me that he spoke to a journalist about how he felt, given how he had to have known that doing so can only hurt him. It seems like he was just being honest, though it is extreme if he was actually walking around for a week with a gun hoping to kill someone. I'm not really a big Neeson fan but I don't hold that against him; he seemed appalled by his thoughts, as was I appalled and troubled by my thoughts at the time.

  48. Liam Neeson should have run his tale by a publicist first before blabbing to a reporter. People haven't forgotten.

  49. Thanks hunter,Natsu and Astra. Much Appreciated:)

    And Astra-lol, I know how dismal that is !

  50. It's Mel Gibson, may he burn in Hell. Enty forgot he wasn't born in Australia.

  51. Jim Carrey
    Sonic the hedgehog



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