Sunday, April 11, 2021

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

Around 15 years ago, I partied with a guy[3] and his girlfriend[2]. She was a professional assistant to an American singer[1] who was part of a group in the 1970s, and went solo in the 1980s. As highly-strung as she was, a bottle of red wine seemed to calm her down. She was beautiful – unlike her life coach boyfriend, who seemed to be perhaps two decades older than her – and she enjoyed the attention she was getting from someone new (me). She was rather more touchy-feely than he was comfortable with. Her boyfriend wasn't such a pleasant host, especially with how I was clearly mentally undressing her, and tensions were raised when she was fawning over how wonderful this singer was to work for, has beautiful complexion considering his age, and how she has travelled the world with him, and seen everything, and so on.

Boyfriend decides this is the best time to reveal "Of course, you should know he is gay."

Cue girlfriend flying into a rage fit, screaming that "We agreed we wouldn't say anything!" and words to that effect. I left shortly afterwards.

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