Sunday, December 05, 2021

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

I was a young engineer at Nabisco in Toronto, and somewhere around 1990, my secretary told me a wild story about her part time job.  She drove a stretch limo at night, and the previous weekend this one named permanent A list singer was in town, and she was hired to drive her around.   My secretary told me that she told to drive around and find a young woman for the singer, who was in the back.  Well, they found someone, not sure of the details around that, but my secretary told me that she had her back window up the whole time as she drive around for a few hours.  When she got back to her depot, she advised her boss that they should dispose of every alcohol bottle in the back liquor connection.  She was not explicit about what she thought had happened, but it seemed obvious to me.

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