Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Dark Closet

This actor is foreign born. He is A/A- list. He has multiple children and had multiple relationships with famous and non famous women. He actively tries to make it seem as if he is a Playboy who goes from woman to woman like some kind of heterosexual poster boy for what a popular actor should do. It all covers for him being in the closet. He vowed at one point after a very close call to never let it happen again. He was making a movie. He was one of the male leads. He fell head over heels for a local hire production assistant in the country where the film was shot. Our actor wined and dined the assistant and got him to bed and kept him there all the time to the point the assistant got fired. Our actor told him not to worry and would make up the wages for him. Our actor never did though and the assistant went to the management of the actor and sent them photos of the assistant and thee actor. Both participants were naked, but the actor was always sleeping or unaware his photo was being taken. Apparently, one of the producers had a friend who could make problems go away. One of those people paid the assistant a visit and the problem never reared its head again. Our actor vowed to never let himself out of the closet again and he hasn't for a very long time.

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