Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mick Jagger Wanted Sex With Mackenzie Phillips From The Time She Was 10

Lost in the whole Mackenzie Phillips having sex with her dad for ten years story from yesterday was this little nugget about Mick Jagger having sex with Mackenzie. It is also pretty damn disturbing. Not so much for what happened, but for what was said by Mick Jagger.

The first time Mick Jagger and Mackenzie had sex was when Mackenzie's dad left the pair alone while he went to the grocery store. "My dad walks out (of the apartment), Mick turns around, locks the door, looks at me and he says, 'I've been waiting for this since you were 10 years old...' and he seduced me. My dad comes back and (says), 'That's my daughter in there, let her out,' and we just ignored him."

Seriously? Mick wanted her since she was 10? Who the hell says that? Who looks at a 10 year old girl and says to themselves they can't wait to have sex with her? This episode happened when Mackenzie was 18 so she was legal, but had Mick been counting down the days since she was 10? This just gets more and more revolting.


littlemanwhatnow said...

old news....didn't even perez cover this like a week ago? ugh. preze i can't believe i just typed his name or go to his site!

littlemanwhatnow said...
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CDAN Mod said...

that interview was very good, but disturbing. you could just tell by her mannerisms that it she was nervous as hell.

she also COVERED for mick jagger. he may have screwed her at 18, but what he said was repugnant.

i have no doubt in my mind that mick jagger has taken advantage of an underage child somewhere. sorry folks!

jlb said...

Jebus what a life. No one would have a chance at leading a 'normal, productive life' when you're surrounded by perverts and enablers.

I sincerely hope all this crap coming out means she's on her way to healing the past and staying clean. Good Karma your way Mackenzie.

canadachick said...

what QS said....he's creepy

Lioness70 said...

Mick Jagger gives me the skeeves. He has NO boundaries whatsoever when it comes to women. And being turned on by such a young child? OMG. I think I'm going to go barf now.

(I have a daughter who is almost 8 and gorgeous. I'd throttle anyone who made a comment like that about my baby!)

Momster said...

I watched the interview, and I believe her. She wasn't given the chance to grow up like a "normal" kid.

The reunion with Valerie Bertinelli was very moving, you can tell they care for each other a great deal.

CDAN Mod said...

let me clarify something...

when i say that she covered for mick jagger, i meant that immediately after she told the audience what he said, she stated that there was no pedophilia involved. well, technically no, but what full-bloodied MAN who likes WOMEN says something like that. uh, uh...

hindsight now? she should believe what he also said was disturbing. just because mick is alive, she owes him nothing.

Karmen said...

Blegh. Horrible. I feel sick.

KellyLynn said...

Poor woman. Considering all the crap she had to go through at such a young age, it's amazing Makenzie Phillips has held up so well. I do hope these kinds of disclosures have helped her heal.

As far as Mick Jagger making such a comment, it disgusts me but doesn't surprise me.

GladysKravitz said...

I feel sorry for her. As jlb said, good karma her way.

As for Mick, he's had too many years of privilege. Even back then, he hadn't heard no from anyone--male, female, assistant, manager, banker, NO ONE--for many years. He's just as used to privilege as Prince Charles, and probably less humble.

selenakyle said...

Done. I call bullshit on half this Phillips family shite.

I suppose there is a book to sell somewhere here...

gossipmonger1 said...

Let me preface this by saying that what Phillips went through with her father is literarly the most disgusting thing ever and John phillips is nothing better than a sick rapist. I do believe that she was telling teh truth about all of that because why would anyone say they went through something so horrific if they had not. But, just playing devil's advocate here, but shouldn't we allow Mick Jagger the opportunity to defend himself against a comment that may or may not have been made before casting stones at him? I didn't watch the interview so I can't comment on how she came off, but I have dealt with an addict closely, and even when sober, the pattern of untruths if you will is still a big issue. I am not saying she's lying, but I just think that before jumping to totally 100% take everything this tell all book says as fact, I think we have to consider that there were drugs involved and memories do sometimes change themselves overtime. I am not accusing of her of lying, but what I am saying is I think that before just writing something off as fact, it is only fair to consider that there could be things that have been exaggerated to sell a book.

mikey said...

Can somebody please tell me where her mother was the whole time she was "growing up" with her dad and entertaining his friends? What's the story of Susan Adams? Was she even worse than the father?

Christine! said...

I too believe MacK- because why on god's green acres would you say stuff like that if it wasn't true- that really isn't something you just pull up and brag about.

She has been thru hell and back- and I truly hope she can continue to be sober and love all around her.

Very nice to see Valerie come out and congradulate her- and to take some of the heat for the drugs- by saying she was right there with er and no one would have ever believed Val was high too.

I understand the Phillips folks being angry, but who knows what they are hiding. Michelle left him- maybe she was protecting her daughter from the same fate.

Mick Jagger- well...what do you say to that? I imagine he is embarressed to hear this- lets wait to see what he says. It might suprise us- he has daughters himself- he didn't then did he?

Thank God I grew up in a normal rural place!

Alice D Millionaire said...

I can understand Michelle Phillips being upset, especially if she truly does not believe Mackenzie, but I think she took it too far with her comments.

She should have just said "I do not believe it is true" and left it at that. To make a dig about Mackenzie's mental and drug problems is unnecessary. Not to mention that if I had had sex with my dad I would be a drug addicted nut case too.

mikey said...

@Alice D Millionaire - Michelle said way too much, which leads me to believe that she is covering up something. As you said, she could have made a simple statement. If she thinks Mackenzie has mental and drug issues what did she think of John and his issues? She must have suspected something not quite right.

Anonymous said...

You know I really don't know if Mackenzie is saying the truth or not. I saw the clippings yesterday from ET and she wouldn't look at the camera or at the person that was interviewing her which indicates not telling the truth. Also not so long ago she said she had kicked the habit and what happens she was caught at the airport.

So either she is lying or telling the truth but it's hard to believe her.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Sylvia I see what you are saying but I don't think I could look at the camera if I were revealing that sort of thing. I don't even know if I could look my psychiatrist in the eye in a private is just so horrible, embarrassing, humiliating, etc.

Pookie said...


omg this poor girl.

mick is a sick F.

sunnyside1213 said...

Crystal ball says, "Book sales are going to go through the roof."

I believe her and wish her healing and good karma.

Terri said...

I believe her mostly. Considering all the drugs involved, some stories are probably embellished due to the drugs but are how she truly remembers them.

I think there is more to the sexual part. She specifically mentions that she was of legal age, which I somehow doubt. But I do understand not wanting to get police involved.

And hanging out with adults and doing drugs like an adult, Mick Jagger probably didn't think of her as a child. NOT that I"m defending him, but like I said..lots of drugs create a drug haze. And I wouldn't be surprised if John Phillips pimped her out. Both men will rot for their actions.

And lastly, I don't think she will ever know what love really is. Her dad really messed her up there. I hope she will one day see what he did to her all of her life was not fatherly love, but the actions of a narcissistic pedophile.

Anonymous said...

I know Alice. This girl has had a bad rep because of her drugs. Probably it's true and maybe that's why she is so hooked on them because of what happen with her dad. But you know people will lie to get what they want. Just a little hard to believe her.

Syd said...

I'm not sure I believe a word that she's saying right now. I think she's still a junkie and probably lying about some, if not all of it.

libby said...

Alice and Mikey -- ITA about Michelle. I found it telling that BOTH these stepmothers blamed Mackenzie-- Michelle by citing her drug and mental problems. The women John was married to during the alleged affair w/ Mac -- Her statement now was 'no way is he capable of this, AT THE TIME I REMEMBER NOTICING how they were too 'familiar' with each other and complained to John, and he convinced me he would never touch his own daughter sexually.'.... One would think that HINDSIGHT would show that that 'familiarity' was a blazing clue, but she still lives in denial and pretty much just insinuated that Mac was really a slutty and flirtatious young woman, but John would NEVER do that.

John had a rep for being overbearing and abusive. It seems like he still has his ex-wives brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

I will admit that there are times when I've seen younger people who you know will be beautiful when they grow out of adolescence. Does that mean I want to have sex with them as an underage person? No.

Alice D Millionaire said...

I am with you Libby 100% The second comment sounds so much like the old "if she didn't want to be raped then she should not have been wearing that mini skirt"

slider1964 said...

Well Michelle is just being a bitch again! How the hell would she know what happened she wasn't married to him anymore she wasn't there. Shes got a lot room to talk about timing. Hell she was in one of the greatest groups ever, and she cant really sing! have you ever heard her sing solo on any of the songs, I haven't.. She was pretty and married to the leader. She's a total jerk!!

libby said...

BTW guys, seriously: Mackenzie has been telling that story about Mick for YEARS. I've heard it once by her as 'losing her virginity' to THE Mick Jagger, but she seems to be backing off that aspect of the story.
I'm just saying that it may partly be because there are probably guys out there who she fucked before she was 18---guys her own age. If she continued to claim Mick was her first, that would make it less than legal.
That's what I really noticed yesterday, that she had dropped the 'virginity' claim on the story. Maybe it's because she was sensationalizing the story 5 years ago, or maybe since she's just released a printed timeline of her sex life, she realized she can no longer tell it that way. Hmmm.

libby said...

Yep--Alice. That's exactly what I though when I read the former Stepmother's reaction: Blame the victim.
What is wrong with these women?

Alice D Millionaire said...

Libby in this situation I feel like they don't want to admit the truth because it will reflect badly on them for being married to the man. Or as someone else suggested they may not like how it will tarnish the image of their own children? Whatever the reason they are messed up and their comments are so transparent IMO.

Unknown said...

I don't believe a word of it. Drugs severely mess up your memory, and she's not a reliable source for what other people said and did years ago.

Monalicious said...

Has anyone here read 'Wonderland Avenue" by Danny Sugerman?? He was a 'child' of Hollywood in the early 70's and told a lot of stories about Mac. The first time he met her, he found her in a limo being attacted by the guys from the group 'Slade". He rescued her, and they became very close friends. She was only 13 at the time they met, he was 17-18 and a manager for the keybordest from the Doors, Ray Manzarek. Danny even talks about how she od'd on heroin in her bathroom while running late for a taping of "One Day at a Time" and he had to revive her!! Crazy, sad reading.

This poor girl never had a chance. I'm honestly amazed she is even still alive.

RJ said...

True or not (and I believe that it is all true), this woman is the original Lindsay Lohan. What chance did she ever have? Icky, Micky. Wonder if he'll ever acknowledge that the encounter even happened, much less comment on the accuracy of her account?

BlahFrickinBlah said...

I don't know. I'm not totally buying all of this. From what I saw of the Oprah interview, there was just something off about the way she was telling her "story". It was like she was telling a story, not explaining her life. Meh. Either way, it's beyond fucked: if it's true-her dad was fucked up and if it's not true, she's fucked up.

Maja With a J said...

Monalicious, I have read that book (and I highly recommend it), and I have been looking for it for the past couple of days because now I really want to read it again.

I think this woman has suffered even more abuse than she tells of in this book, because she probably doesn't think some of it is abuse. A lot of women who go through these kinds of things have it happen to them over and over and over again, and they don't try to stop it because they think it's normal. They think this is the way sex is supposed to be, so even if I don't like it and even if it scares me and hurts me, I have to do it because this is what I deserve. I think her story is so complex and so messed up that there is no way she can tell it without having people not believing her, but I do believe her.

Having sex with a rock star's daughter is a sick status thing for a lot of men. Do you know how many guys are waiting for Gene Simmons' daughter to turn 18?

Majik said...

"Who looks at a 10 year old girl and says to themselves they can't wait to have sex with her?"

Rene Angelil.

B626 said...

She's doing what few in the celebrity world do.
Rat, big time.

CDAN Mod said...

majik, good one. forgot about that perv.

harriet, your post is so good. i, too, wonder what else she is suppressing.

Rufus II said...

She told this story on Howard Stern over ten years ago when he had the E! show. Verbatim. As for Mick Jagger he's not the only one. Steven Tyler was given guardianship of a 15 year old girl, By her parents no less, back in the day so he could legally take her across state lines. if they think they can get away with it, they will screw it. Same with Ted Nugent and surely I don't have to tell you about Gary Glitter. His prefernce is preteen. All proven.

aanjheni said...

Don't forget Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis.

MP has been telling this story for years. I was a HUGE fan of ODaaT and read everything that ever came out on the show and the stars (hey, I was a young teen in the late 70s, what can I say?). Anyway, there is nothing here that hasn't been told by her or people who knew her, for years. Kind of hard to keep a story straight like her life for years for a sober person, let alone a junky with mental problems.

Majik said...

Jerry Lee didn't wait...not only was she only 13, but I believe she was his first cousin. Ew.

MadLyb said...
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Alice D Millionaire said...

I wonder what Tamar Hodel thinks of all of this. Not that she would give a public statement but I would be interested.


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