Friday, May 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Fergie shows she is not afraid to go floral even with all that bad flower looks this week.

Gwen Stefani looking all serious as she contemplates her future.
Anne Hathaway channeling some Streisand in Funny Girl here.
Heather Graham is working it as she walks the street.
Julianne Hough seems to hit every red carpet she can now.
Debra Messing is looking a bit different here as she poses with Mariska Hargitay and Uma Thurman.
At the same event were Glenn Close and
Megan Hilty.


skimpymist said...

Can't stand anne

The Fox said...

Accidents happen, Nick. I warned you

skimpymist said...

Julianna Hough is a very pretty girl, It's a shame she insists on pimping herself out and sold her soul just to be able to have an expensive purse, car, etc.

The Fox said...

You know, in 10 years, none of this would have mattered

Gayeld said...

Hate the new hair. Just God awful.

The Fox said...

I'd be 24, you'd be 38

Peter said...

Grace, what did you do to your face?! I always thought Debra messing was beautiful, hopefully its only temporary.

Gayeld said...

Isn't that two of the top three guesses for Coke Mom in one picture?

The Fox said...

It's so sad it had to end this way

discoflux said...

Blargh! With all of these floral prints and high-waisted jeans coming back, it feels like 1991 is vomiting on the future.

sylmarillion said...

What happened to Debra? Mariska Hargitay looks fab.

The Fox said...

What we had was so special

TwistyKoi said...

All of them look like rich ladies with coke habits and additions to plastic surgery! What vain cunts! They spend all their money on themselves how fucking selfish!!!!! What about all the children in other countries who don't even have water!!!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!

skimpymist said...

Who's coke mom again.

The Fox said...

But, here we are

The Fox said...

Too bad you didn't listen

Leon Phelps said...

Darien call me

mizzoutiger76 said...

Oh, good catch!

The Fox said...

Just want you to know, Nick...No matter what happens, we'll always be friends

Leisa said...

some of yous are on the wrong message board. bye bye

warmislandsun said...

When did Gwen inflate her chest? I can't believe she did that.

La La Lady said...

What is that comment about Gwen? Are she and Gavin done or what? Did I miss a blind?

parissucksliterally said...

Some women should never be blonde. Anne is one of those women.

I love Mariska.

auntliddy said...

Debra had either surgery or injections that did NOT come out well. Glenn Closee is not doing herself any favor pulling her limp hair off her face, esp when she very nice looking.

Topper Madison said...

When did Uma Thurman turn into Tilda Swinton?

BoobsNSnatch said...

But I'm waiting for you to rub my pussy

CarrieGraceMoretzbetches said...

Ok my Mom is friends with those two old ladies with Debbie something, whatever. Anyway they look like shit but have the best connections!

LottaColada said...

I really like Gwen. She's so fucking cool.

Anonymous said...

a disgruntled enty employee has hijacked the threads. seems like there's an emotional motivation, perhaps someone had a workplace crush Darian? Or is it Leon? Twisty Koi? Is a fly? Someone Sparkles? Basically if they're being rabidly obnoxious, insane and spouting off the wall shit it's the same troll.

Erin B said...

@Gayeld - It looks like Debra got a Coke Mom nose "fix."

Super F*cking Awesome Katelyn said...

Definitely needs to do something with her eyebrows. Way too dark for her new dye job. Still think you're trying too hard, annE

kelgela2 said...

I was watching Princess Diaries last night...What happened to you Anne?

TikkaMasala said...

I love floral prints. They are so complimenting to a woman's curves.

Sherry said...

Disco: That was pretty good!!

Ugh..Hate AnnE's blonde hair. It makes her mouth look even bigger than usual. Not sure how that happened but it did.

Anna...Don't let it bother you. Just keep posting your normal posts.

canopener said...

We are Enty and Enty is us.
Let's all hitch a ride on the burrito whore bus!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure this has to be Jax and Mooshki, they were bitching this week that this blog has gone to hell and it looks like they are putting it there. Good job gals! Libby, you claimed that something was being done about it-are you Enty? Or did Mooshki get her password back?
And who is Miranda Nelson? Who is Angela Walker?
Then a couple Himmmm's showed up and people have been tweeting to Enty. Even Enty's Facebook page has complaints!
I admit I have several user accounts because as a semi famous musician so I have to. But I can't post crazy shit like they do! I'll admit it's kinda fun!

warmislandsun said...

I wonder if the trolls are posting all of the porny stuff to try and get the site blocked at workplaces? Then some people might actually have to work at work. Imagine that!

canopener said...

We are Enty and Enty is us.
Let's all hitch a ride on the burrito whore bus!

Leon Phelps said...

None of these ladies hugify my wang. None of em get it in the butt

Mama June said...

Who is Megan Hilty?

Count Jerkula said...




Hough tops the list, because her lady bits prolly still got new car smell. Its like they got the break in tune up and never been driven since.

Gayeld said...

@Erin. If you want to call that 'fixed." Definitely not an improvement.

Gayeld said...

Poor Mariska. Talk about your contact high.

Gayeld said...

Bite your tongue. Or fingers. *looking puzzled*

Wicked.69.clownz said...

Boys and girls, it's nighty night time
Happy J the Clown has a nursery rhyme
It's about, The Boogie Woogie Man
Keep your light on as long as you can
Cuz when it cuts off, so does your head
Boogie Woogie Woogie waits under your bed
With a shank, splah!, up through the bottom
Little Jimmy Jimmy, uh, got em

"It's the one and only Boogie Man
He creeps, he hides, he sneaks, he slides
If your little feetsies are hanging off the edge of the bed
You're running on stumps motherfucker!!!"

Miranda said...

Who is Miranda Nelson? Aw, it's sweet that someone noticed me.

Honestly, though, I'm just a regular reader/infrequent commenter who is utterly baffled at the comment threads lately.

Anonymous said...

Aris I was thinking the same thing. They have both been mysteriously absent today. Who else would know this much stuff about all the old posters??

lazyday603 said...

Aris, would you mind singing "Hush my darling don't you cry. Darling angel (mumble) you why". I'm too lazy to go to a lyrics site to get the actual word. Me heart the Go-Go's.

Gayeld said...

@Kelgela. I was just watching part of that the other night on the Disney Channel (the main channel at my house.) The kids did not believe me when I told them that her Grandmother was Mary Poppins.

Gayeld said...

@lazy. We got the beat...

megan00m said...

I loved "beautiful girls" too.

Unknown said...

Long time poster here since 2007 - certainly not doing it under my regular account today given all the shit flying. Most newbies really don't know Mooshski or Jax, and their long term involvement with this site, otherwise you wouldn't spout complete nonsense about what they're doing to the site today. I know Mooski's real name & have communicated with her privately for several years and she's a great person. Just because some folks here disagree with her opinion (as she does yours, sometimes), it seems to turn into full scale bullying by the newbies.

As for Jax, she's tight with Enty and he's posted about that before, and Jax used to post pieces under her name. Until some of the regulars were some green with envy they drove it underground (IMO).

It's fine to yap about who's doing what, but it would help if you knew some of the players involved before pointing fingers.

Most of the early regulars who were very active on this site for years don't bother anymore. Me included. The influx of Perez Hilton type trolls certainly make the site less desirable with regard to spending time sifting through the comments.

The Count certainly divides opinions, but his brand of political incorrectness is delivered with a big ol' grain of salt and I do get a chuckle out of his posts most of the time. Even if you hate his opinions, you have to admit he makes an honest effort to disagree and debate respectfully with others... something which is sorely lacking in many of the newbies. Part of what made this site good is the variety of opinions presented, and the respectful debates that ensued. We still have that here, but not like we used to. Just because you are anonymous, it doesn't mean manners have to fall by the wayside...

Rebel diamond said...

I've been friends with her for a long time - dont bitch on mooshki

Rebel diamond said...

Agreed :)

Anonymous said...

Rebel, shut the fuck up. "Don't bitch on Mooshki." Bitch to? Bitch about? I don't understand bitch on. Are you and the Mary Kays gonna step up and put some trolls in their place? Pssst! You suck so far.

Anonymous said...

Quit trying to fuck the Count. You're boring and others chicks on here are trying to bone.

BoobsNSnatch said...

The Count is mine bitches. He'll fuck you when he's done with me.

MadLyb said...

Wow, lots of psycho newbies here today. Gooood! (rubs hands together)

BoobsNSnatch said...

that's where all of MOooO's friends come from. CDaN. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

MadLyb said...

Just kidding. Adults. The people trolling here are ADULTS. And they vote. Think about it, and weep while coming to the realization of why this country is so incredibly fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Well I never! Speak for yourself Votey McVoterson.

85134943 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
canopener said...

I voted for to have us our own Nascar sign and a free bottle of Dark Eyes, but the trailer park owner got all uppity. And then his wife, Enty, got all up in our grill and shit.

Bacon Ranch said...

Nice try at pretending you don't care.
Calling people newbies is a sign of disrespect. Treating them as >than is even worse.

Ask just curious about that.

As far as I'm concerned Jax and Mooshki should stick to their word and leave.

canopener said...

I wanna be last, Count. I love sloppy seconds and leftovers! Can I clean up after? No help from you! You just watch.

sleep_deprived said...

Hahaha thats great count

sleep_deprived said...

Wtf has happened today? Someone rally the trolls and have them come stampeding on over.

canopener said...

Yeah! I want to know what happened! I mean, this is just beyond. It's unbelievable. How can people continue believing Entard's bullshit? The fuck?!?

Unknown said...

Google me, I've played with many famous people!

I am a household name if you search long enough.

Yes I have several accounts because of my status.

You'll be able to find them if you search. Hit me on my myspace if you want an example of my music. I'm also tied to Enty if you really are curious.

trainrides said...

@unknown your post deserves to be posted by Enty. I agree on all major points.

@Count you never cease to amuse me with your comments.

Patti said...

I read your story Aris. It's so sad.

Patti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pip said...

I'm a Cancuk, I didn't vote over there.

Pip said...

Jax has lots of ass kissers. It's shocking that she hasn't gotten laid in ages. I understand why mooshki hasn't.

85134943 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lazyday603 said...

So Aris isn't Jane Wiedlin? Bummer. I was mildly jazzed thinking I was talking to her. We probably do see her on here all the time but have no idea what name she uses.

Sherry said...

I noticed that Gayeld referenced a comment by Kelgela but then that comment is missing. Was yet ANOTHER comment censored? Come On!

Pip said...

Enty was the one with the tshirt with the sleeves cut off, and the arm flab if I remember correctly. Bitch with the menthol Pall Malls.

Wicked.69.clownz said...

If ya nuts hang and you bang with a gang
Then tell me are you down with the clown?

Hey, bitch boy! (huh?)
What you doing around here you little bitch? (um...)
Don't you know you're on clown ground bitch boy? (uh...)
Forks up forks down, we ALL got clown luv, bitch face (um...)
Hey, what's your name? (Richie)
Bitchie? You donw with the clown Bitchie?
You better run you bitch-ass home, you little punk-ass bitch

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks train rides and sleep deprived. A pimp can only have one bottom bitch, the foundation his empire is built upon. Only the queen bee gets to tell the other bitches what to do. That spot has to be earned.

Dolomite was a documentary, right?

canopener said...


Count Jerkula said...

Sure. If you like I'll let you taste each of my fingers and see if you can guess who it was in.

canopener said...

I love games! I'm super totally good at them! Tell Sparkles to let me be affiliated. She's not including me.

Threadkilla said...

I am still missing will and grace, that grace is so silly! I wish will and grace would just get married already, you know they love each other!

canopener said...

Did you know that Grace is Cokemom, and Will is MV? Fuck. I've said too much. There goes the July Reveals cash cow!

Gayeld said...

@Sherry. I can still see the comment. She was just saying she'd watched "The Princess Diaries" recently. Nothing worth censoring.

TwistyKoi said...

Cream in my jeans. Oops.
I am not wearing underpants. ;)

Sweet Brown said...

@ Aris, put an imported Portuguese cork in that pie hole of yours, Mr Fakey Fakerson to the 2nd power!

And semi-famous my fanny! Your photoshopped photos (nod to your alternate personalaity TALLEY) don't mean shit.

And a big hi to Himmmm!

Ingodwetrust said...

She never sold her soul

canopener said...

You better watch out! Enty is PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED. I need your approval Entard!

NaughtyNurse said...

Gwen's bra is too small. Her boobs are practically resting on her clavicles!

NaughtyNurse said...

Unknown, BRAVO. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner. And thank you for giving props to the Count, something I have been meaning to do.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

@warmislandsun that sounds like a likely scenario. And the count got drawn into it.

califblondy said...

So sad Smash got canceled.

Miranda said...

She looks like Demi Lovato here


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