Thursday, May 09, 2013

There Was Another Woman In The House

While police insist there are no human remains inside or outside the house where Amanda Berry and three others were held, one of the kidnapped women, Michelle Knight, who seems to be in really bad shape physically after being beaten so often says there was another woman in the house ten years ago. Police have started searching neighboring properties, but police have not found any clue. A woman named Ashley Summers has been missing for six years from the same neighborhood and no one knows where she is. Hopefully the police are asking the brothers.


Anonymous said...

I think its Ashley

Patty said...

The FBI is collecting the evidence. There were cadaver dogs who went through the house and yeard and came up with nothing.

auntliddy said...

This f*cking guy!! I hope he rots in a cell. Or gets painful disease and no one gives him pain meds. He better f- ing tell all as to where that other woman is. Where was/ is god when this suffering goes on??!! Too busy to help out? So frustrating to think of them tortured like that for 10 years!!!!!

Presto said...

They should publicly hang him by the balls, and only after being sodomized by a hot curling iron.

I think future culprits would think twice if we were tougher on criminals of this nature.

Unknown said...

The brothers didn't know anything about it. Even the women said so.

Unknown said...

how often did people blow off something suspicious because it looked like a "domestic dispute"?


Unknown said...

It's terrible that she seems to be the one singled out for the extreme beatings. Also she has beaten when pregnant so she would miscarry - but he let the other one go full term and said she would die if anything happened to the baby. All three of them suffered no doubt - but at the moment it sounds like she got the worst of it...

Primadiva said...


Tyler said...

This story just gets worse and worse. I heard a report this morning that Michelle Knight was pregnant several times, but for whatever reason, Ariel Castro didn't want to have a baby with her, so he'd starve and punch her in the stomach to induce abortions.

libby said...

Thank you, iceberg, Brothers NOT involved. Serious sad-sack alchies who still live with their mother.

Unknown said...

There are no brothers anymore. The police have cleared the two brothers who were with Castro when he was arrested. The only reason the brothers haven't been freed is because they had outstanding warrants for misdemeanors and are getting those taken care of. I wish that this would spread more quickly because we shouldn't continue to include these men as part of this horrible situation.

Can you imagine if one of your siblings did something like this and then your reputation was completely ruined just because you were unlucky enough to be born into the same family? Please help spread the word.

figgy said...

And by "asking the brothers" we mean torturing them until they give up every last fucking drop of information.

...okay I don't really believe in torture, but there are cases where I wish it were possible.

Unknown said...

No, figgy, just torturing the guy who did it. The brothers weren't involved in this.

SusanB said...

I'd like to know if any of these babies were born alive and if he could be charged with murder or at least feticide.

libby said...

Michelle had mental health/functioning issues before she was kidnapped. It's partly why she lost custody of her kid just before being kidnapped, and certainly part of the reason police assumed she just ran away.

Now we hear she suffered 5 horrific forced miscarriages? Can you imagine? How will she live on? HER name was never on the news, no one seemed to care she was gone. Hopeless for so long. Michelle must be in such a bad place.

auntliddy said...

From what i have read, the brothers gave serious brain damage from drinking, one worse than the other. They may not truly comprehend whats going on. I dont think a rational person wld blame them or Puerto Ricans(!) for his sado sick behavour. But im sure some will, and they prob need protection. God knows what went on in their house when they were growing up to produce such damaged people.

car54 said...

In addition to the brothers being included, for a while TMZ was showing pictures of Ariel's son and saying it was his picture--the son and daughter were not involved in this crime either.

Seems like it is easy to get things into the news and slow to get it corrected.

If Michelle is saying there was another woman there 10 years ago--then it would not be Ashley, who is missing 6 yrs.

It is so sad and wrong that woman after woman vanished from this neighborhood and all this time they were there right in the vicinity living through hell.

auntliddy said...

Lib - this was her mothers bone of contention. Because of her past issues, and losing custody of her son, police kind of dismissed her dissappearance as oh shes unstable, she prob ran away, case closed. Now my understanding is the young woman wants nothing to do with her family, so we dont know what happened there ir what the dynamic is/was. Poor thing very damaged- im sending her peace and light. Wish it were that easy.

libby said...

auntliddy, news sites EXPLODED with questions of their ethnicity immediately upon hearing the name 'Castro'. Many dumbass commenters were demanding to know if they were illegal immigrants from Puerto Rico.

Puerto Ricans are US citizens by birth. In case anyone doesn't know. They can't be illegal. It was so racial and UGLY.

Psychopaths come in all colors of the rainbow, folks.

Unknown said...

I know, it's so sad, libby. Have you seen or read any of the interviews with her mother? She seems so horrible.

Apparently, Michelle lost custody of her little boy because her mother's boyfriend abused him. And Michelle's mother also says that she tried to look for Michelle and put up wanted posters, but doesn't have any pictures of her? And nobody has ever seen a hint of a wanted poster for Michelle, plus she moved to Florida less than a year after Michelle disappeared.

Also, one of Michelle's brothers said that their mother told him that Michelle had run away. Never told them she was actually missing. And apparently nobody in her neighborhood in Florida knew that she was the mother of a missing girl.

Yeah, it sounds like she tried really hard to find Michelle. And one of her quotes didn't sit well with me, AT ALL.
“Hopefully whatever happened between us, if something did – I hope it heals because I really want to take her back to Florida with me.”

If something did? Your husband beat your grandson! As a daughter of a mother who has NPD, I recognize this type of language and I feel so, so sorry for Michelle. This woman just wants to exploit any kind of fame and money that might come Michelle's way. It's all so very sad.

Also, Michelle apparently saved Amanda's baby's life when it was born by giving it mouth to mouth. That poor child. I hope that somebody takes her in who can find her the real help that she is going to need. I wish the same for the other two girls, but their families seem very supportive and I have a good feeling that they will make sure that they get the help they need. Michelle is in a very precarious position, support wise. I want to see her thrive.

amused bush said...

There are no words to truly convey how horrific this ordeal was. I feel like we are seeing more of these long term kidnappings? It makes me wonder how many missing children/people thought to be dead may actually still be alive...

libby said...

Sorry auntliddy---Yes. Michelle is so lost right now. I hope she can come around to be with loved ones eventually.

(Sorry all my comments here, everyone)

SusanB said...

@libby - we watched the news conference yesterday and one of the cops (who had previously mentioned that Castro is Puerto Rican) then said he had no idea if they were here legally or not. I think a LOT of people have no understanding how Puerto Rico is part of the US.

libby said...

Annie---Thanks for your reply, and I agree totally. The whole thing just breaks my heart--that birth scenario, alone after this ordeal. I hope she can find peace someday, all the victims too.

(My mom was in the NPD neighborhood, so i feel you there doll.)

libby said...

Gotta go ladies, BF is awake! Thanks for the chat. Needed distraction today, even this grim shit.

auntliddy said...

Oh, cis when the offical said during press conference that this in no way reflects people of puerto rico, i was like huh? Of course not! Whered that come from. My hubby says fox was all over that too, asking if they were here illegally. I say what diff does it make, however as a general rule, the country that oroduced the psycho shld hv to keep him or her, lol. So hes ours. And it is nasty and racist.

figgy said...

I hope someone is able to step up and sort of "adult foster" Michelle. When I heard that one of the women wasn't even listed as missing, my heart sank...and now hearing more, I feel worse and worse for the poor woman. I hate that some people just fall through the cracks.

libby said...

(Before I go, I sure hope you know SusanB, that I was calling the dude racist, not you. I wouldn't want to leave with such an awful misunderstanding. I worded it badly. Cheers!)

auntliddy said...

You have nothing to be sorry for miss armpit!!!! Love to the libster!!

msgirl said...

Damn, I hadn't heard about the PR angle, that's sickening. This is what our country has come to.

Staple611 said...

Wait, is Enty's headline based only on Michelle's statement? Because I haven't heard this anywhere else. Does anyone see it anywhere?

auntliddy said...

Annie, thanks for excellent insights. No wonder michelle diesnt want anything to do with her mother. Big liar. Ot- my DIL has NPD- is there any hope?
My thinking, my hope is that these three must as tight as sisters cld ever be, and will take care if her.

skimpymist said...

I watched the press conference and was completely dumbfounded when reporters kept asking if they were illegal immigrants because they were puertoricans. Puerto Rico is US territory therefore they are considered US citizens.

Salsa Lover said...

Can you imagine seeing the other girls' names on the news over & over & yours doesn't get mentioned once? That would be devastating.

Cecilia00 said...

Wow. I didn't know all that about Michelle's mother. Sounds horrible.

Hate to say it, but I have to wonder if she sees a big payday in Michelle's future and wants to make sure she is on the frontlines for a cut. No amount of money could be worth what she went through, obviously, but the mother might no see it that way.

StewMcG said...

Staple, it's been all over the local news in Cleveland (I live in the suburbs and work in the city) for a couple of days now. It's pretty horrifying and I dread watching TV or going onto our local news websites because more and more information is coming out. My heart breaks for all of them but for Michelle in particular. Amanda and Gina have strong families who never gave up. Michelle, not so much.

/side note: A good friend of mine is friends with Gina's family and they are beyond over the moon having her home.

Boxes Little Boxes said...

@Annie Hall, you are spot on. Definitely NPD, they are horrible to deal with. With you on hoping Michelle comes out strong! What a tough situation. :(

Unknown said...

@figgy, If I had millions of dollars, I would so try to do that. I would love to see somebody who has only good intentions step up and be her adult foster guardian and coach.

@Salsa, I know. That thought is one of the things that makes me feel the most for Michelle. And you can bet that Castro used that against her as psychological torture.

@auntliddy, I hope you're right about them being like sisters because my biggest fear is that he tried to turn the two "stars" against the forgotten and abandoned one to further the psychological torture of Michelle. She seemed to be his whipping girl. I can see this easily happening with all of that torture going on and it wouldn't be the other girls' faults at all. I hope that I am wrong. I really, really do. I worry so much for that poor girl.

@libby & @auntliddy, sorry to hear that you both know the pain of NPD. Liddy, I can't speak for all NPD people, but my experience is that the chances of having any kind of decent person rise out of the ashes of NPD are very unlikely. Sorry to say. :(

@libby, this PR thing is ticking me off, too. It's astounding that our educations system is THAT bad.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply @Boxes. Sounds like you have personal experience, too. Sorry to hear that.

I can't stop hoping that somebody with awesome resources notices how damaging her family would be to her and swoops in.

@Cecilia, I am 98% confident that this is the only thing on that horrible mother's mind. It's very sad. It's all in her language.

SusanB said...

@libby - no problem - I knew what you meant. The cop who said he didn't know if they were legal or not was asked by a local reporter, not by Fox.

As for people not knowing, you'd be AMAZED at what people don't know. People who think Europe is an island in the Pacific. People who think Africa is a country. I remember when we were getting ready for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and there was a story about someone who called from New Mexico wanting tickets to something and the clerk saying they'd have to call the international line so they could handle the exchange rate of the money. The majority of people seem to be stupid stupid stupid and unfortunately, they just don't care. Some are even PROUD of their stupidity. They think it's funny. Sorry for the rant but stupidity really pisses me off sometimes.

Unknown said...

@Susan, it's really kind of frightening, because a lot of these people are now in charge of important things that affect the whole world.

My favorite is when people say that people from Mexico speak "Mexican." And you're right, the pride they show when their ignorance is called out is infuriating.

Nemesis said...

At least we know why the cops never showed up on the report of the three naked girls in the backyard being controlled by three men with dog leashes. It never happened. In the early days of a big story like this take everything you hear with a grain of salt.

DewieTheBear said...


I just heard he made them watch television coverage of their vigils, and gave them cake on the anniversary of their abductions.

I never thought I'd feel I could kill someone with my bare hands, but there you have it.

And I really wish someone at USA would make an effort to pull episodes of SVU that hit close to major news stories. The day after Newtown, the first episode of a marathon was the one about the creepy evangelist, which opens with about twelve kindergarten-aged kids being shot to death. This past Tuesday, one of the episodes in the all-day-athon was the one with Samantha Mathis, as one of many women kidnapped and held in a dungeon. I know they program the episodes in advance, but still - how hard is it to take a cursory look at the episode list and yank one from immediate circulation?

Unknown said...

all i've been wondering is where is michelle's son and hopefully they can be reunited. my heart breaks for all of them but especially michelle because like most of yall said she seemed to be the one everyone forgot about and she was never registered as a missing person. and her mother disgusts me! i think she totally sees dollar signs for whenever michelle decides to tell her story.

Tyger Lilly said...

I was under the impression that the brothers lived in the house, at least for some period of time. Even with locked doors and "off limits" areas, one would have to be a special kind of stupid not to realize there were FOUR HUMAN BEINGS being held captive & tortured somewhere in that house. No security/soundproofing is that good. Please correct me if my info is bad.

Plus, people are getting way off the topic here, calling each other racist, etc. Let's please re-direct our anger here at this sick motherf-er who worked as a SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, and kidnapped & tortured at least 3 girls/young women (that we know of so far). I know that in America everybody is supposed to have their day in court, but personally I hope that instead the jail population saves the taxpayers some money and hands out their own brand of justice in this case.

Angela said...

Auntliddy, you need to back that statement up, Fox never mentioned ethnicity, commenters on CNN however did.

Unknown said...

The brothers did not live in the house. When they did visit, which wasn't often, they were only allowed in a very small part of the house and they claimed that the brother was a bully and that they were too scared of him to ever venture anywhere outside of where they were allowed to.

Also, all three women confirmed that the brothers had nothing to do with it and that they never saw them.

Bitchy and Bort said...

Michelles story breaks my heart nobody cared enough to look for her. Although it does seem to be that she got the worst of the beatings that may nor be true the other two obviously were beaten as well. I wonder if these three women will remain in contact for the rest of their lives? or if they will never speak again?

Sherry said...

Tyger: Actually the racist remark was directed towards news reporters. That was clarified as I believe Libby it was said she didn't make it clear. Hope that removes the confusion. :)

Pip said...

The news picks and chooses who to announce as missing, and who to do stories on. The blame should not fall solely on Michelle's mother.

SophiaB said...

I have found to be the absolute best resource for people dealing with personality disordered individuals. Totally educational and great tools-do's, don't's, and descriptions of the different types. After 8 years of studying the problem (had a nasty run-in and luckily got free before too much damage done) this is hands down the best place to start. I am sorry your DIL is one. I am guessing she is using the kids as bargaining chips for her manipulations. Bad scene!

MadLyb said...

I hope Michelle Knight has a place to go to. She's going to need so much support, but it sounds like she didn't have that before she was abducted. I think with the support of social workers, family and community, these ladies will be fine.

When I read an article on some of the things these women went through, I just wanted to rip the perp to shreds. I'd rather do what little I can to help and think good thoughts about these ladies recovery than give that sorry excuse for a human being another thought.

Tyger Lilly said...

Thanks for the clarification, people! I am so tired of every single news outlet reporting first and confirming their sources later!

The Boston bombing, Jodi Arias, this kidnapping/torture horror, mayhem & unrest all over the world... I don't know about anyone else, but I could really go for some good news right about now! (I'd even settle for a something @ Lindsay complaining about the toothpaste in rehab at this point!)

MissMoPR said...

I am from PR, born and raised, and I actually cringed when I saw this article. I thought I was going to read lots and lots of ignorant and xenophobic comments from ppl who think PR is in Mexico or something equally ignorant. I must say I have been pleasantly surprised... I think as hispanics we are more often than not just grouped together and everyone thinks we are the same, but we're not, our cultures are very diverse although similar. Not to say that I don't love other hispanic/latin american cultures, but there is a huge difference between countries! Also, for the record, this guy's ancestry may be anchored in PR, but after what is probably several generations in the US, can we really claim him as our own (not that we'd want to anyway). He's probably never even been here!

MissMoPR said...

Rant over! :-)

auntliddy said...

Maybe she wants it that way. Thats the vibe i picked up. Supp shes hard of hearing and disfigured from beatings, so she may want to just fade away, or need more medical attention.

auntliddy said...

I bow to your info :)

auntliddy said...

Thanks for info, i will def check it out. As long as we babysit we see grandchildren plenty. We dont fight with her and do what we do because i love my son and love my grandchildren. Its just so asinine; if I say 2 cookies are enough for example, she'll give them the box. . Stupid shit like that. I have learned to say nothing like that anymore. Thanks again:)

auntliddy said...

Susan, ita. Where i worked they hired alot of young people still in college or just out of high school. Some questions and concerns they had: Is rome a country in Italy? Whats a zip code? Do we only ship to 52 states? ( it was shipping company). When told there was dress code, needed explanation of what constitutes a blouse? Confused sweatshirt not considered one. I cld go on, but u get the idea. Andcive read new mexico has this problem alit; one applicant to Yale got his application back saying werent accepting anymore foreign students!!!!!!

auntliddy said...

And of course nothing EVER her fault, everything great before she married my son, mb HE needs help but she doesnt. Wont go to counceling, just plain WILL NOT speak about an issue she doesnt care to discuss. Ugh! Ignores him if he speaks to her or leaves room.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

@pugglewug, agreed about that most of the time but the sad thing was Michele was never even added to the missing persons list. So it wasn't like they just didn't pick her story.

And @annie hall, completely agree with the mom's statements sounding way off. I caught the "if something did happen" too. She just wants money and attention.

Mango said...

My favorite is when people say that people from Mexico speak "Mexican."

@ Annie Hall, while some might say that's politically incorrect or even racist, Mexican is a distinct dialect of Spanish with words that, say, a Spaniard from Spain might not recognize so it's not *exactly* incorrect to say that someone speaks Mexican. My Puerto Rican friend's father had a business importing textiles from Mexico (those quartz chess sets and bookends, stuff like that) and sometimes she would go with him on buying trips to Mexico and she said at times she found it difficult communicating because they used words she didn't know or their accents were hard to decipher. I had always thought that Spanish was Spanish was Spanish. She'd traveled all over the Caribbean and Central/South America and once took me through all the accents that she knew. "Dominicans sound like this", "Venezuelans sound like this", "Chileans sound like this", and would say the same couple of sentences, but in their particular accent. Some were sing-songy, some rapid fire, each were distinct.

But getting back to these poor victims, one of many things that stuck with me from reports yesterday is that the reporters said that the girls weren't held in the same room (is that true?) but another report said that the basement where they were held was fairly small, and would have been very damp and cold. To be held in those conditions for that length of time--no light, no heat-- is horrific.

AndyCane said...

I've been wondering the same thing myself.

Amy in MI said...

We say that around here a lot, because Mexican Spanish is NOT the same as Puerto Rican Spanish or Cuban Spanish. My boss is pR and has a hard time understanding some of the Mexican Colloquilisms

kelgela2 said...

My hope is that one of the other womens' families let Michelle stay with them.

Unknown said...

@Mango, that is not what I am referring to. I already know all that, it is very much like every other language in that way. British English vs. American English, French French vs Quebecois French, etc. and all that. I am talking about rednecks saying it. They are not being respectful to the different dialects, trust me.

Anna said...

I assume they are taking fingerprints from around the homes he rented or owned to see if another woman's shows up - Ashley's? I hope so. It's infuriating to read cases years later when they are solved too late and it's learned basic stuff wasn't done to bring a person to trial or to arrest the correct suspect.

Anna said...

Clarified to say I hope they take the fingerprints, not that Ashley's shows up. If I hope anything, it's that Ashley was a runaway and is fine and will contact police to say so. It horrifies me to think other women may have been taken by this man, or if he had a friend involved who holds other women.

Therese said...
This comment has been removed by the author.


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