Sunday, January 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 26, 2013

"Look, why should I give a f**k whether some guy is married or has a girlfriend. If she can't keep him happy, then maybe I can. If my guy goes off with another woman it means I'm doing something wrong. I won't be mad at the other woman, I will be mad at myself."

B-/C+ list mostly movie actress with almost A list name recognition, and a fairly new mother.

Sienna Miller


Sugar said...

Of course that is her philosophy.

sandybrook said...

I like women who believe in themselves

ldymarmalaid said...

Classy gal!

melissa said...

way to honor the sisterhood

Anonymous said...

The reasoning is rational and cunty at the same time.

Sugar said...

And of course my bitch Kristin guessed it correctly!

Bacon Ranch said...

On what planet is she above E (or F..heh) list?

B minus my ass

JSierra said...

i recently got into an argument with a good friend of mine because she expressed almost this exact same sentiment. She said that if you don't put out and have sex with your guy, don't be surprised when he cheats because men have needs and it's your duty to meet them. If you can't/won't meet them, then of course he is going to get his dick wet somewhere else. It makes me so sad and disgusted that some women actually think and live that way, but I'm kind of glad that they got those losers off the streets so I don't have to risk getting into a relationship with a guy with that mentality.

Steampunk Jazz said...

I know, right. I would still rip her lungs out...or keep her on the down low as a friend and Never invite her around to meet my man.

Bacon Ranch said...


a kick in the nuts cures that 'need' for at least a week.


sandybrook said...

Tbh JSierra after seeing your pic any guy who doesn't walk around realizing hes lucky to have you is an idiot anyway

Jacq said...

I agree with you! If you don't want to be with someone, fine. But there is an order to things and, before you cheat, I think you should leave. There has been a deep rift between myself and a life-long friend; and as best I can figure, it originated around the time she confessed her extra-marital affair to me. I mean, I LOATHE her husband, but it didn't make what she was doing right.
And if a guy is only in a relationship to get his rocks off... Who needs that.

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

Here is the thing, I don't care if you are open about it all.

If you make a commitment to someone, to be exclusive, whether married or not, if you are not happy, break it off then you can fuck other people to your heart's content.

But a lot of men know and some women that if they don't lie about the nature of the relationship in the first place they won't get what they want.

So how many men do you think would stick around if the woman says and now Johnny just know that if you are not satisfying me in bed I'll be looking for it elsewhere. I am not going to bother to sit down and discuss with you that I am not happy with our sex life etc etc and see if there isn't a way to solve our problems hell no, You should have ESP.

If your partner doesn't care or doesn't want to take steps to solve those problem, you break up.

This is called acting like an adult.

Unknown said...

And yes JSierra we won't mention those men and women who cheat on their SO and still have lots of sex with the SO. Which is really ew. Hopefully they at least shower when coming back from their latest tryst. And this is how paternity issues get dicey.

Alicia said...

I'd given up on monogamy until I met my current husband. I had been cheated on in the last 3 of my four previous relationships so I figured it was normal. Then I realized I was just dating douchebags

msgirl said...

While I don't agree with calling someone a home wrecker, it's just a moral code not to mess with your sisters, and if the guy wants to leave an unhappy relationship he needs to do it before there's messing around.

Sugar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amanda_jf said...

I'm really curious as to how Skanky Miller felt when his son caught him cheating on her with the Nanny - apparently his ex wife Sadie Frost was delighted.

amanda_jf said...

Jude Law's son I mean.

Ginger said...

I love the way she tries to justify her bad behavior. No one buying her bulkshit, except the guy she's screwing.

Jennabean said...

You just typed the story of my life.. There are still some good men out there. I'm just glad I found mine.

auntliddy said...

She is wrong, but at least upfront about her ways.

feraltart said...

I no longer speak to someone who tried to justify her sleeping with married men as she wasn't the one breaking vows. I stated that if every woman who knew a guy was taken left them alone they would have to work on their relationship or leave. I also said if anyone touched my husband I'd rip them apart with my bare hands. (Hubby would be in strife too).

Jazzy said...

Can someone tie this ho up Clockwork Orange style and play "Bad Boy 4 Life" on repeat? Maybe then she will feel the level of annoyance she causes most people.

Runswithscissors said...

On the other hand, I always believed womanizing in men was the norm, refused to accept the idea, but the norm, after hearing all kinds of stories growing up. I didn't have many boyfriends (two really) cause I was disappointed in men even before giving them a chance. Then I met my husband, fell madly in love, and still after 17 years in a healthy marriage and him being faithful to me, my mother and sister tell me I should not trust him, he is a man afterall, he will be my greatest disappointment, he will break my heart, etc etc etc. They call me stupid, childish and ignorant to believe a man can be faithful.
It really bugs me because they are being disrespectful of the man I chose and love.

Runswithscissors said...

On the other hand, I always believed womanizing in men was the norm, refused to accept the idea, but the norm, after hearing all kinds of stories growing up. I didn't have many boyfriends (two really) cause I was disappointed in men even before giving them a chance. Then I met my husband, fell madly in love, and still after 17 years in a healthy marriage and him being faithful to me, my mother and sister tell me I should not trust him, he is a man afterall, he will be my greatest disappointment, he will break my heart, etc etc etc. They call me stupid, childish and ignorant to believe a man can be faithful.
It really bugs me because they are being disrespectful of the man I chose and love.

Krab said...

> I also said if anyone touched my husband I'd rip them apart with my bare hands.

BOY would I love to. I just console myself with the thought that one, my husband apparently has turned into an asshole when I wasn't looking, and two, he's the one living with am alcoholic skank who dumped her kids 2000 miles away to be with him. She's a sociopath, but what does that make him that he'd leave me, his wife who loved him, AND his kids, to be with a piece of garbage like that? They deserve each other.

Cinabun said...

Maybe she likes being objectified? When it's only about the f**k it's all only about being an object - man or woman.
No biggie between consenting adults who want to f**k, but if they're involving others, not ok. It's not high school, people. She's not prom queen. Is she even runner up?

Kelly said...

Sienna "sex sells" Miller.

hollywood dime said...

I'm always shocked that someone's wife/girlfriend/whatever hadn't mopped the floor with her ass yet. She is shameless! And the 'men' she screws with are trash.

paula said...

Instead of being mad at the other woman or yourself, how about being mad at the guy?

Why do women put up with this behavior?

Sherry said...

This is all about her trying to feel powerful. Bet if someone did that to her she'd feel much.differently.

Agreed, there is a sisterhood agreement you just never break.

Anonymous said...

+1@Hollywood dime

Count Jerkula said...

When confronted with needs not being met, communication is the key. "We haven't had sex in 2 months. If you don't fuck me soon, I'm going to try and fuck anything that moves. If that isn't cool, then you should either fuck me or start packing."

Once you put the ball in their court, they can't play the victim. That is probably why they are holding out on the sex, trying to manufacture a break up where they have no fault in it. It will net you a couple rounds of grudge fucking while they regroup and make a new plan.

TalksTooMuch said...

It would be so.awesome if any of this shite actually worked irl

OKay said...

You are a crude gentleman, Count, but a gentleman nonetheless. I personally would be thrilled with such an honest interaction. However, you'd be shocked at just how many women will, in fact, continue to play the victim in your scenario.

__-__=__ said...

That's exactly what produced this mindset. She's so close too! She's picking the wrong guys!! Something is wrong with THEM. They are not for her. Oh well, better luck next time.

olliebolliesnollie said...

It's à miracle she has never been punched in the face......

NaughtyNurse said...

Runswithscissors, ignore your mother and sister, who are just jealous of your happiness.

Sienna, however, doesn't seem to grasp that some men--certainly not all of them--will cheat no matter how much sex they're getting at home.

Alicia said...

Me too jennabean!

@RWS - jeez Louis! I would be having some major issues with my family members over some shit like that. Sounds like my mom - bitter as hell! Glad you guys can prove them wrong

Alicia said...

Sienna did get it on openly with the very married Balthazar Getty who was my childhood crush after I saw Lord of the Flies. He wasnt nearly as sexy after that whole fiasco.

Count Jerkula said...

@CeeKay: Some will attempt to play the victim no matter what, but then when you hit them with reality, they will STFU pretty quick.

One good thing about crazy broads is they think they are smarter than everyone else, but they follow easily predictable patterns.

At the end of our custody litigation my mental ex tried to bait me into saying something to give cause to bar me from seeing our son. I recognized this immediately, and coyly stuck her nose in shit with my every response until she stopped. The next morning she started up again, right after conferring wit her attorney again. By then I was sick of it, so I was flagrantly cramming her nose in shit. I figured "F' it" if these text conversations are brought up in court, I'll make it so she has more questions to answer than I will?

epiphany said...

I know Sienna has a rep for going after married guys, and while I'm sure this is her sentiment, I don't buy that she actually was heard saying this. British people never use the word "mad" unless they're describing insanity. Sienna would have used the word, "angry", and "mad".

megan00m said...

Im going to say it....cunt.

Runswithscissors said...

@naughty nurse and @alicia, thank you (^.^). It's tough to keep my mouth shut and just let them be, I so want to defend my husband and self, but it's useless

SrslyMike said...

Well, at least she's logical...

Unknown said...

i call BS on this blind. those days are over .


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