Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Kanye West Faces Felony Charges After Beating 18 Year Old Racist

Yesterday was an interesting day for KanyeWest. He beat the crap out of an 18 year old in a chiropractor office after Kim Kardashian called Kanye to complain about the teen. Apparently as Kim was walking into an office building the teen saw her and started shouting at her that she was an lover and a s**t. Kim told him not to use the N word and the 18 year old continued to use it and called Kim a N lover and then she started screaming at him and then walked away. That is when she called Kanye who came over to the building and walked into the office waiting room and punched the teen in the face.

The situation was over. Everyone had walked away. The teen said the worst things about a person you can say but it was over. He was free to go to his Nazi meetings and Kim was free to go get her botox. Nothing more was going to happen. Then Kim calls Kanye who decides that it has been a few weeks since he punched someone and punches the guy. In the face. This is probably not what Kanye needed to do considering he is already facing assault and battery charges and a reputation for using violence.

I would have much more support for Kanye if he had been next to Kim when it happened and it was a heat of the moment thing. It still wouldn't have been the right move but I would have understood it. However he wasn't even there. He just showed up and walked in and punched the guy.


Anonymous said...

Slightly different version of events on dlisted.

sandybrook said...

I think there's more to this than what Entybot wrote like the punk called Kanye an n-word too and then got his ass kicked but Im not looking it up. You use that word you get your ass kicked period. Kid also claimed he was defending Kim against the paps when he used the word in the first place.

Unknown said...

Why did she have to call Kanye? The kid was a piece of shit for allegedly saying it but who is Kim? Renee Graziano? Calling her man to come beat up the guy? I am sure he did it for a payday and thanks to Kim he now gets one.

Patty said...

There's a tad more to the story, as detailed on TMZ. Of course, the teen was wrong in the choice of words he used.

Can't we all go back to the phiolosophy of "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me"??? That kid would still have looked like a hating tool, but at least Kanye would not be in trouble right now.

Bacon Ranch said...

What article did you read (and not cite)?
Can't stand either trogldor, however I think that was an awesome reaction.

Unknown said...

IT does not matter what the kid said, ugly as it was, it is never okay to use violence in retaliation. He was baiting Kim, she fell for it. Funny how she ever corrected him that it is not okay to use the word faggot.

TalksTooMuch said...

Man, I have that scene at the comic book convention in Chasing Amy running through my head right now, totally not appropriate

auntliddy said...

So the kid just waited there to get beat up? Sounds off to me.

childeroland said...

Oh please. Good on Kanye. He should have beaten that kid into a pulp. I hope he skates.

Bacon Ranch said...

sandy the version I read was the kid ( and when is a fully grown 18 yr old a kid?) cussed her out and called her a n*gger lover
Kanye was already on his way to get her and she called him,crying.

I don't like either but I think this is awesome

sandybrook said...

@Bacon from d-listed but still...

The little racist kept shit talking and when Kim called Kanye on the phone for help, he shouted, “Fuck you, nigger!” Kanye was on his way when Kim called and a few minutes later he showed up at the chiropractor’s office, found the little racist and punched him. I know, it’s a shocking turn of events when Kim isn’t the one getting pounded by a black guy. The massage therapist in the office separated Kanye and the little racist while Kim screamed, “We have it all on tape!”

Rosie riveter said...

Sometimes a person just deserves a punch in the face, this seems to be one of those times Long Live Chivalry

Meanie Rhysie said...

I'm with Unknown: violence is not the answer..unless you're being beaten or whatever, can't get away-then you defend yourself. But, no, IMO, violence doesn't solve anything. We have too much of it anyway.

Unknown said...

Publicity stunt. Move along.

NomNom83 said...

Obviously, violence is not the answer. You can't go around beating up every little shit that spews garbage b/c 1.) it would literally be fist-fights 24/7 and 2.) you cannot let people push your buttons like that.

That said... I am finding it hard to think of Kanye as the bad guy here. It's gonna cost him, but I'm just saying, I understand if he thinks it is worth it.

Jessi said...

Sounds like the little asshole deserved it.

trudi said...

If she felt threatened she should have called 911.

Count Jerkula said...

Really? N-Lover is the worst thing you can say about a person? Fugazi Enty must not think highly of interracial dating, huh?

__-__=__ said...

All the KTrash slores are so co-dependent I'm surprised if they go to the bathroom wihout someone holding their hand and telling them when to wipe.

epiphany said...

Oh come on, you can't see "Kartrashian set up" written all over this?

The Guy Behind the Guy said...

I have a new found respect for Kayne. What happened to "fighting words"? Don't call people names and you won't get punched on the face. History has shown that violence is always the answer. We need more punching in the face and less shooting in the face.

Having said that, what doctor does Kim go to that an 18 year old racist would also also go to and where were her bodyguards?

The Dude said...

PMK-ENTY strikes! This is all BS, has setup/staged written all over it and clearly CDAN's version is different than every other version.being reported.

Now! said...

18-year-old loser who feels inadequate, takes out his frustrations on others by using language designed to be offensive. 31-year-old woman who feels inadequate, remakes herself constantly via plastic surgery. 36-year-old man who feels inadequate, takes it out via designer labels, questionable fashion statements, misogyny and homophobia, plus beating up on someone half his age.

Anybody worth celebrating here?

Tammy said...

Sounds like a set up or PR stunt to me, too, because most people who get mad enough to pop someone don't stop with one punch. And I agree with Guy, where were her bodyguards,etc.

But if it's real, good on Kanye.

Kels said...

On Kanye's side for once....I would have beat him up too!

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that the teen made a rude comment about the paps, which Kim ticked him off for; in response, he called her what you have (Enty has) said above. Kim is to blame here - just another attempt for that stupid bitch to try and get attention - she knew how Kanye would have reacted! She could have said nothing and moved on - pick your own battles 'n all - but no; that wouldn't result in a tabloid article, would it? I'm sick to the back teeth of her and her stupid family! I'm also sick of stupid Ryan Seacrest! There!!!

Meanie Rhysie said...

This is how to fight hate:

Seven of Eleven said...

Definitely staged, and just look how manly Kanye comes across, defending his woman from that vicious teenager!

Living with the Kardashians must be a Sisyphean task.

Harry Knuckles said...

As others are saying, this might be a stunt. Just going to sit back and watch it develop.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on this, Kanye knows he's not everyone's favourite right now and needs a stunt to switch public opinion. Everyone will side with him on this and everyone who doesn't will be called a racist. Plus, Kim's show gets a much needed boost in ratings, since the incident will probably air on it(someone mentioned having the guy on tape.)

It's also very convenient that it happened post-GG weekend, the award show Kim tried and failed to get and invitation to.

Win, win, win.

Del Riser said...

These folks are their own little freak show.

Kanye could have been the adult and just collected his woman and threw a few words the kids way, and left.

It doesn't always turn out well to be the rescuer.

A woman here in Vegas cut a guy off at a local car wash, he called her a name. She called her husband, who came and hit the guy. The guy hit his head on the way to the ground and died. Rich dentist is now in jail and "used to be rich wife" should have handled it herself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please. And if he does end up getting in trouble for it, there will be a major public outcry. Everyone will defend him and rally against the racist, evil justice system. Kim will be the damsel in distress, Kanye will be everyone's hero for standing up for his woman... ugh.

JSierra said...

I don't condone violence but I can't really fault Kanye for this. If someone was saying that shit to me I prob would have called my guy too, although not so he could come administer a beat down.

Kelly said...

If this is all true (the complete story), then I really can't fault Kanye.

Anonymous said...


ZORBITOR said...

Private citizens are only allowed to use violence in a life-threatening situation

Turkish Taffy said...

If it is not a stunt, then I am team Kanye all the way. The kid was not merely inappropriate, he was asking for a beatdown.

Honeykatt said...

Sing it!

Honeykatt said...

It was allegedly an ob appointment

Unknown said...

Kim should not be calling Kanye with every nasty thing that happens to her in a day - the poor man must be barraged by texts every day

she needs to suck it up or she should have beat the kid up

Kanye my feet hurt
Kanye bring me some food
Kanye my credit card was declined
Kanye some homeless person asked me for money
Kanye some pap insulted my outfit
Kanye my mother said my ass is exploding

Unknown said...

The punk deserved to get his ass kicked. That being said, a lot of people deserve to have their asses kicked but in our society we don't because we are supposed to be civilized. He should be prosecuted and based on his past history, nature of the assault, sentenced accordingly. Given the racial overtones of this assault he will probably not be charged or given a slap on wrists deal.

Eros said...

Finally something I can applaund kanye for. That 18 yo punk had it comin.

Anonymous said...

I read the same version as @stepforded. He was using slurs towards the paps and Kim told him not to say those words and then he said he was just trying to help her but then starting saying them to her.

He shouldn't have been using that language for any reason. Besides, like the paparazzi are going to stop what they're doing bc someone is yelling at them. It just helps fuel the fire.

And they got exactly what they wanted, maybe even more.

Sherry said...

Interesting story on the Superficial. There were apparently paparazzi but no one has actually seen any of this supposed exchange?

Not buying this story and I hope it backfires on these two.

And for where I stand on racism and violence, no to both.

I believe we can look at those world leaders we respected that did not use violence in the face of a helluva lot more adversity: Ghandi, MLK, Mandela..

Turn the other cheek.

katiekat said...

Wow Kanye looks like a big old sexy MAN now! Publicity stunt, totally.

That being said, I'm in a interracial relationship and if someone called me a N lover, I'd beat their ass myself. I don't condone violence but there are times when the kid gloves come off and using that word is one of those times.

rocky619ca said...

Racial remarks- wrong.
Death threat- let's face it, if the k krew disappeared tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a tear.
But calling KK a slut? ....Priceless! !!@@#

urban chaos said...

Pmk publicity stunt. Their ratings are down and no one cares about KimK. Rather than see her prize pig become irrelevant OMK creates a sensational controversy and we are taking about them and the public has empathy for these rich, self obsessed POS.

Dena said...

Kanye should have gathered up a posse and just gone to the office to sit and stare at the moron until he wet his pants in fear.

lazyday603 said...

What a vile thing for the 18 year old to say. He could have just called her a whore & nobody would have thought him out of line.

Unknown said...

I think people are confused....so how it supposedly went down. 18 year old holds the door for Kim as she is being PAP'ed. He calls them faggot niggas. She says "that is not cool to use that word" and he gets pissed at her saying "I was just trying to help you you nigga lover.." These two get in to a shouting match and Kim calls Kanye all upset because a real person verbally assaulted her (apparently while on the phone the kids shouts fuck you nigga so Kanye can hear. Kanye finds said kid punches him in face. Kim shouting "we have the whole thing on tape.." well that would lead me to believe they were taping it for KUWTK..?

Okay so feeling threatened is not a defense since she was at a chiropractors office, there were plenty of people ot defend her in a physical situation (also if it was being tapped). None of what the guy said is covered under hate crime since Cal law says No order shall restrict the content of a person's speech so racist as it is he is entitle to say it as long as he does not verbally threaten violence. Soooo, Yeah Kanye is way in the wrong here, legally.

hollywood dime said...

This is what happens when you say nigger. You can say what ever you like, but know there are consequences. I wish kanye would've broken his jaw. Try saying nigger through a wire.

Alicia said...

As opposed to cops who can deliver a beat down whenever they choose.

amanda_jf said...

I'm going to speculate that it was a complete set up by Kim, for Kanye. She sets up this 18 year old fool, a few notes in his back pocket to say things that would enrage Kanye the most (I'm surprised he didn't criticise leather jogging pants too). She gets ratings and a possible break from her supposed "love".
Think about it. Why would she have no bodyguards?
Also the "n" word should be retired forever, it offends me when the 18 year old used it, it offends me when Kanye West uses it.
Kim you are an alledged professional, are you saying no one has every said anything remotely inflammatory to you in the past?
Last thing - medical buildings are no place for paparazzi. Everyone deserves that privacy (although I'm sure these ones were called in advance). However regular people with health needs have their right to privacy too.

car54 said...

This is not the version of the story I've read, and other sites and news outlets make it sound like the kid was at fault--and if it happened they way they say, I can see why Kanye lost it--for once.
He let himself get goaded into it, but I can understand why this time.

FlirtyChick74 said...

This is exactly the response I want my man to have. And yes, long live chivalry.

Unknown said...

So by this logic, the go Kanye team approve of the guy who shot and killed the man texting in the theater because "he had it coming if he was texting in a movie theater"? It's the same response. Violence as a response. People are racist, you can't control them you can only control your reaction to them. You can walk away, you can call them a name you can argue. YOU CAN'T PUT YOUR HANDS ON ANOTHER PERSON.

Ryder's Momma said...

I'm not racist, but I still think Kanye was wrong. You can't hit someone for saying something you don't like. Otherwise, that Duck Dynasty asshat would have my pointy heeled boot up his butt. Kim and Kanye are so damn immature. If you whore yourself out to the public, you are going to find some nasty people, you can't have it both ways. Kim needs to quit photoshopping her ass selfies and start learning a craft or get an education. And Kanye needs to stop hitting people. Or else just hit his fellow prisoners in his (hopefully) future cell block. Dumb asses.

ninotchka said...

As far as publicity stunts go, I've seen a lot worse. This one at least sends the right message.

I still hate Kim and Kanye but setting up a beatdown on a punk racist at least has some redeeming social value.

it took forever said...

He should have kick that ADULt's (18) ass all the way back to the south, just cause she is annoying doesnt mean she is to be verbally abused in a threatening manner!!!

Unknown said...

Back to earlier comment - A lot of people deserve to get their asses kicked nowadays but in a civilized society we don't do that. Unless there was a physical confrontation there is almost no excuse for assaulting someone.( we don't really know how it went down yet) Interesting that the only exception in peoples minds seems to be the use of the N word by non African americans. I doubt if he will be charged or punished criminally but the 18 yo punk may file a civil action and, as long as there is no jury trial, will probably win some $$$ unless they settle first which would be smart thing to do but Kanye may not to preserve his street cred,

MadLyb said...

Kanye totally blew his rage wad on that little twat. It's punishment enough having to go through life as a stupid degenerate. He should have let him be. The paps caught the exchange and would have outed the guy anyway, but now he's a "victim". So basically he's going to be going through life as a very rich, racist degenerate.

ninotchka said...

No, Tex, using the N word isn't the only beatdown-worthy thing a moron can say, not by a country mile. It's weird that someone would even think that.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

I'm on the nigger's side on this one. RESPECT

Unknown said...

ninot - that wasn't the point- lots of things that are beatdown worthy but generally people think you shouldn't beat someone down for saying them and would probably support a prosecution. Not many exceptions except, apparently, this one. Don't know how to explain it clearer for you.

cricket said...

This story is as fake as Kim's lard ass. Pathetic ploy for ratings and attention.

Red said...

Name-calling is vile but it is not justification for a physical attack. Doesn't matter what name it is, it's still just a verbal assault & doesn't warrant a physically aggressive response in any civilized community. Racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, are all despicable but only savages turn it into an excuse for physical attacks. Or publicity-seeking idiots. Time to blackball these folks & boycott advertisers of their tv show.


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