Sunday, April 30, 2017

Blind Item #1

The actor who plays this speedy superhero on an almost network show used to hit on women by liking their naked or almost naked photos. Some of those turned into hookups. Well, a lot of them. The thing is though he publicly said he had a girlfriend so he was always worried about being busted. Now he is worried about a dozen or so of those hookups all talking about how he was with all of them at the same time as the girlfriend. He told his girlfriend he is giving up everyone but her, but we shall see.


violet said...

The Flash guy

Herrick Darvey said...

When I see "superhero" I zone out.

sandybrook said...

Grant Gustin is his namr

anon said...

haha and he just got engaged. I bet he cheated on Hannah too and they were together for YEARS.

andy said...

Isn't he all levels of Elton John gay?

sean said...

He seems to be a nicer level of gay.

D.R.B said...

Grant Gustin

And I know for sure that this "blind" came from a post in a LiveJournal community (ONTD) and that disappoints me because I had hopes that CDAN was a different blog. I've been watching this for some time and this "blind" was the answer.What a shame, Enty.

Avery said...

I have never heard of live journal. My daughter is going to be heart broken. I had to comfort her through the announcement of his engagement...teenagers! I am trying to show's the characters they play..not the real actor. Are there more details?

con said...

everyone should know it's a bs gossip blog and shouldn't be taken srsly.


[…] April 30, 2017 […]


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