Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - Every day, I am barraged by two sets of e-mails. One, is a never ending stream of Blake and Ryan tidbits and the other are from the PR team of this closeted foreign born pay cable actor who is probably A- list. Under a variety of names, they all profess our actor is madly in love with his co-star when it just isn't the case. They need to peddle these things to Just Jared who will print what they say word for word. Maybe if there was not so much pressure from his team, the guy could come out and be with his boyfriend other than on out of the country remote vacations.

#2 - I would much rather this A- list mostly movie actress with a franchise soon to be ending who is a celebrity offspring get back together with her ex-boyfriend who is a bigger ATM than Tyga rather than the guy she has been hooking up with. There is no good that can happen when hooking up with this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor. Contact me and I will put you in touch with his ex-wife and an offspring and they will scream for you to run for the hills.

#3 - This about to try and resuscitate his career with another installment of his franchise A list mostly movie actor needed resuscitating a few weeks ago when he mixed the wrong kind of pills with wine and a touch of coke.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM

    1. Kit Harrington?

  2. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    2. Dakota J and ??

  3. MontanaMarriott3:13 AM


  4. sandybrook3:13 AM

    1-Kit Harrington

  5. Tricia133:21 AM

    1)Sam Heughan/Cattikna Balfe

  6. Tricia133:24 AM

    2)Dakota/Jude Law?
    3)Bruce Willis

  7. Green Carmen Ghia3:25 AM

    1) Yes, I think this is Sam Heughan. I love Outlander and Sam is fantastic in it. The chemistry between Sam Catroina is also fabulous. It's called acting.

  8. Lemon Swizzle3:32 AM

    That was my first thought, but would he really be considered A-list? I don't think anyone who doesn't watch that show would know who he is.

  9. D Brown3:42 AM

    Is Nicolas Cage's National Treasure 3 still in script limbo?

  10. Tricia133:50 AM

    Not sure(I didn't know of him until the show and Enty started writing blinds about him lol....

  11. Tricia133:51 AM

    Die Hard is rumored to be setting up next installment

  12. Lurky McLurkster3:58 AM

    Depp makes sense for 3. The only other actor I can think of is Cruise with MI 6 but don't ever recall a drug blind about him

  13. CastingGirl4:31 AM

    ENTY...when Trump became president..I went through a deep depression. My sisters all watch OUTLANDER and even if it was too 'lowbrow' for me..it has really helped. Since NOV I've read every book etc. It would be heroic if he could come out..if he is gay. No romantic he-man actor has...his chemistry is like Liz Taylor/Monty Clift in A Place in the Sun. He NEVER came out. There are groups of fans called super shippers who INSIST HE IS WITH HIS CO STAR. They are now in meltdown mode as his (beard?) is visited set in South Africa..William Shatner even chimed in saying the beard is for real.. I don't know and don't know why I care. Is he #1? Maybe its super shippers and not pr email.ing you...because no one seems to be on the same page. Please do a new blind about it. Sorry, would have emailed but don't have addresss. Kim lol ps those guy on data lounge are really mean....never comment on anything.

  14. CastingGirl5:40 AM

    people are voting my post down? what did i say that was so offensive?

  15. They're assholes here just ignore them - a bunch of angry shut ins

  16. I agree with you. Maybe the people voting you down are the same ones who are sending in the tips.

  17. #3 Wild guess... Harrison Ford? News broke the other day of an impending fifth Indiana Jones movie.

  18. Scandi Sanskrit9:25 AM

    I can't speak for the others, but your calling a show that helped you deal with depression was unnecessary... And I'm someone who has depression/anxiety, so I know how bad it gets.

  19. Scandi Sanskrit9:26 AM

    Sorry, I mean to say, "I can’t speak for the others, but your calling a show that helped you deal with depression "too low-brow for [you]" was unnecessary".

  20. Le Sigh10:58 AM

    1 is clearly meant to be Kit Harington whose just been pictured with Rose Leslie in Greece on an island on a supposed loved up vacation. Although they're sitting on opposite sides of the table and don't seem to know one another is there :/
    Funny there's still pictures though!?
    Most tea on him is that he's a man whore, not gay. But Rose is a front for god knows whatever (shrug)


    1. is Sam Heughan who first bearded with Caitriona Balfe -who has a real bf- and now, is pretending to be dating D-list Mackenzie Mauzy.
    Heughan's publicist is Jennifer Allen.

  22. Cherry11:32 AM

    I absolutely love Sam Heughan. Never heard of him before Outlander. He and Cait have such great chemistry together but I am not a shipper. If he is gay, I hope he can find a way to eventually come out. He is so great as Jamie Fraser.

  23. Helloitsme1:35 PM

    1) Sam Heughan- beautiful man, great actor, so much potential. Something's not quite right there w his relationships.

  24. anonymous3:18 PM

    All shut-ins aren't angry. Your comment has angered me, a normally non-angry shut-in.

  25. david5:31 PM

    "when Trump became president..I went through a deep depression."


  26. Debbie Do6:34 PM

    Reg didn't say all shut-ins are angry, just the ones who are voting her down.

  27. CastingGirl9:01 PM

    Yes, my sisters would agree with you...I can be an a hole. The joke is on me...because OUTLANDER has helped me more than my md upping my antidepressants 5 times. And yes...Trump was the trigger. Thanks for pointing that out. I think this particular blind is Kit Harington.

  28. Depp has 5 new movies after Pirates including the Fantastic Beasts franchise.

  29. But we can expect many these kind of blind items sponsored by his ex and her new boyfriend.

  30. Enty is Ryan Reynolds Bisexual? If you got a moment to answer my question please do. I get a Bisexual vibe from Ryan Reynolds that he would be cool having sex with another man.

  31. banta4:36 AM

    Everyone jumping on the Sam Heughan bandwagon for #1...why would his publicists keep insisting that he's with Catriona when he's being seen with Mackenzie Mauzy? Wouldn't the publicists be pushing his relationship with Mackenzie?

    I know he's been dogged by gay rumors for awhile. I have no idea if it's true; if it is, I feel bad that he can't be out about it. The pressure to keep it quiet must be enormous. I'd just wish that he's happy no matter what.

  32. TO BANTA5:37 AM

    Heughan's publicists are pushing the shamzie BS because everybody knows that Caitriona Balfe has a real bf, called Tony McGill. They have been dating for three years. There are many pics of Cait and Tony vacationing, in NYE, in Cannes, in Hollywood......

  33. banta7:01 AM

    That's my point. The BI says Enty Lawyer gets emails that this pay cable actor is madly in love with his costar. For anyone who thinks that's Sam Heughan, the co-star would be Caitriona Balfe. Why would publicists push that story when Sam is now seen in pictures with Mackenzie, and when Caitriona and Sam have both said they are not in a relationship? It's why I think the BI *isn't* Sam. He's in photos with Mackenzie, not Cait - Mackenzie is the one who's supposed to be his girlfriend.

  34. Yeah Kit is def a manwhore, I live in London and work in theatre and he slept with every girl that passed on De Faustus.

  35. If it is Sam then I doubt it's publicists, more likely to be the insane shipper fans. Enty is pretty infamous for fangirl baiting and posting fangirl-submitted conspiracy theory fake BIs (ie all the fake BIs that one deranged Cumberbatch fan kept sending in about his wife).

  36. anonymous3:01 PM

    I was joking.

  37. anonymous3:02 PM

    I was joking about being an angry shut-in. I surprised some took me seriously.

  38. anonymous3:03 PM

    I was joking about being an angry shut-in. I surprised some took me seriously. I guess lol would have came in handy?

  39. Bubbles2:46 AM

    All the ATM's I've ever used had plenty of money, so what this has to do with Tyga is a mystery to me.



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