Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Blind Item #10 - Met Gala

This foreign born host/model/a little bit of everything looked miserable the entire night. She thought the bearding thing would be long over. With the recent success of this pay cable show though, she was asked to stay on a little longer.


  1. Tricia131:51 AM

    Alexis Chung/Alex Skarsgard-BigLittke Lies

  2. Guesser2:12 AM

    Alexis Chung always looks miserable. There is probably thousands of woman who would beard for him,she's probably unhappy that dating him didn't make her a thing in the USA.

  3. CastingGirl2:20 AM

    I never heard Skaars was gay!!!! you sure?

  4. Tricia132:24 AM

    I wasn't sure(still not tbh)- but Enty has been inferring it for years.... I did hear he likes working out at certain boy gyms in WeHo that are known for cruising other guys...

  5. Guesser2:36 AM

    Enty infers it all the time, I first heard it years ago with that ridiculous faxmance with Ellen Page was being floated.

  6. longtimereader2:46 AM

    She was soo hot back in her UK tv days...

  7. Tricia132:47 AM

    I agree-- really pretty and fresh-good style

  8. The Troublemaker2:50 AM

    Guessed and Tricia13: You mean implying, not inferring. They're not the same.

  9. Marlo3:17 AM

    Alexa Chung is as dumb as a door knob. Even for model standards, she's just absolutely tragic. I think other models laugh at how stupid this girl is.
    She 'wrote' a book some years ago, it was basically doodles, collages made out of cut out pics from fashion magazines, famous people's quotes, and more doodles - mainly of hearts and stars. That was her 'book'.
    Poor thing.

  10. Guesser3:56 AM

    Got it. I inferred,Enty implied.

  11. Tricia134:05 AM

    Ditto@Guesser -Enty implied ,I inferred based on things I have heard(as I stated)and surmised.
    Geez-Glad we got that straight?

  12. Sharper Teeth5:04 AM

    faxmance is my new favorite word

  13. Its a job you agreed to do. Suck it up....if it was fun all the time, they would not pay you.

  14. While I don't think Alexa is gay, Alex S does have the double bearding history having fake dated Ellen and fake cheated on her with Vikander.

  15. Guesser9:31 AM

    Actually,I meant fauxmance, but I didn't see the misspelling on the smaller keyboard.

  16. Bubbles2:54 AM

    I'm still trying to figure out how Alexa is any kind of model. To say she's no great beauty or particularly interesting or quirky looking is an understatement. She's just so BLAAAH to me.



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