Monday, September 10, 2007

Guess The Celebrity

This award winning, married, B list film actress has worked in some of the biggest films and with the biggest stars but just hasn't seen her list status rise.


jbeebs said...


Tracee said...

Kate's a great guess! I'm with you jbeebs!

Kim's World said...

marisa tomei(sp) thats who it looks like

mooshki said...

That's because she's a mega-bitch.

Anonymous said...

Good guess jbeebs:
INO has pics of them shopping. One of the cutest bad directors around. Good snag, Becks.

Toot Sweets said...

Whoever it is, I'd give my left arm for an azz like her's.

mooshki said...

(And it is Beckinsale.)

Pope-rah said...

it sucks that she is considered "award-winning" according to ENT.

kellygirl said...

Her body definitely deserves an award ...
if not her body of work.
She is really beautiful, but I'm getting a little Britney vibe from her...hanging in pet stores, smokes around her kid...

GammaGirl said...

dnfrommm: Len Wiseman IS nice to look at.
I think the award that ent is referring to is The London Critics circle?

Anonymous said...

def Kate Beckinsale
for some reason i just dont like her :p

Anonymous said...

gamma, glad to see I'm not alone on that. Anyway, you are correct. I think when Ent is looking for descriptors he just goes to the IMDb and looks to see if they've won any awards.

ent lawyer said...

If you look at the majority of her 14 nominations, they are really for some crap awards, including a Razzie. However, the London Critics Circle Film Awards are prestigious and I don't think it's misleading to call her an award winning actress for winning an award from that organization.

Anonymous said...

She is BORING!!!!

Beth said...

Putting her hottie hubby Len Weisman in the pic was pretty much the dead giveaway it's Kate.

Hot hubby, cute kitty...such a lucky girl.

Snautrag said...

Sigh. Why can't she get a kitten from a shelter instead of a pet store?

Pinky said...

snautrag - if that's a Petco, those kitties are through adoption. My cousin works @ one in a Chicago suburb, and that's the deal there.

YahMoBThere said...

Pinky, what suburb?

Saffron said...

Beckinsale has not made it to A list because she's not a talented actress, although pretty, but not enough substance and passion.

Anonymous said...

Saffron said...
Beckinsale has not made it to A list because she's not a talented actress, although pretty, but not enough substance and passion.



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