Thursday, November 29, 2007

Play Dates Are A Great Reason To Have Kids

The woman who goes through dogs even faster than her boyfriends wants a baby for the sole reason that she wants her baby to have play dates with Nicole Richie's child. Paris Hilton has said this week that she wants to have kids within two years which means she needs to get knocked up in the next year, which means she needs to find a guy that is drunk enough to go in uncovered into a territory where triple protection is no guarantee of safety.

What if she doesn't get pregnant the first time? Will the guy want to go back in for more? Will he have already been dumped and a new guy found? I know Paris is always full of publicity stunts and attention grabbing headlines, but I honestly think she means it. She has always idealized her childhood friendship with Nicole and I think she really does see that happening with their spawn.
This one time I think she is serious, and I am actually afraid for the child and for the guy who is the father. The relationship with the dad will not last. That is a guarantee. She should know that she won't be able to stay with the dad which means that she will be a single mom who will be bringing home new "uncles" each week if not more often.

The only time Paris will spend with her baby is when she wants some publicity. The only thing Paris has going for her is money, which she can use to hire a team of professional nannies who can try and raise the child to be somewhat normal. What Paris should do is encourage the responsible sister Nicky to have a child, or just spend a week taking care of Nicole's baby and realize she isn't going to be any good at it.


Anonymous said...

I now feel bad for the Swedish pizza boy. Is this why he's being paraded around again. He's genetically pure and beautiful and Paris thinks this will offset any bad genes he may have?

kellygirl said...

I et she's knocked up by the little Pepperoni before the New Year.

She cannot stand for someone else to get the attention.

Run, Pizza Boy, Run! Go back to your Swiss Miss!

jin said...

good read about Pillton and her fake-rich family.

Anonymous said...

Bleh. She isnt serious. She never is about any of the things she says, she just says them to get publicity. She doesnt care if she looks stupid afterwards as a result.

Miss X said...

I think she'll be pregnant within the year.

Poor kid.

Karen said...

I never can see her being preggers, she wouldn't be able to handle the nine months of it. I do see her adopting like Angie, though. Probably some blond Russian baby or similar.

Anonymous said...

I think her selfishness overrides her stupidity, and thats why she'll never get pregnant.

kellygirl said...

she is way too egotistical to adopt.
maybe she'll get a surrogate to carry the baby, but it will have to be HER supreme egg.
Gawd help the world!

parissucksliterally said...

GOD FORBID Paris have a child.
She should just date K.Fed- she'd be knocked up in no time. Guarranteed.


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