Monday, January 07, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I don't want to mention names, but sorry if the comments section has been frustrating for you over the past few days. I got all your e-mails about the situation and will try to respond to each and every one of you at some point today. I think I have worked out a solution without having to take the drastic step of moderating comments. Anyway as a little thank you for all of your patience and understanding, here is a juicy one, or two.

#1 This stud male tennis player who has been linked with several female celebrities in some very high profile relationships over the past few years was spotted opening his hotel room door in the nude to this male reality star who does his very best to make sure that everyone thinks he is Mr. Heterosexual.

#2 This celebutante is seriously considering a contract where she would marry or at the very least get engaged to this famous daddy celebudude. (Not Kevin Federline)


mandythegreat said...

Oh Lord, don't tell me Pervis Hilton is going to marry Larry Birkhead!

smooches said...

that was my thought...Larry Birkhead and Paris Birdbrain...

GammaGirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GammaGirl said...

1. PLEASE tell me its not Andy Roddick. PLEASE!


Miss X said...

1. reality star = Johnny Fairplay??? The only tennis star I can think of is Andre Agassi (sorry if I spelled that wrong)

2. Aren't there already rumors about Larry & Paris? Or is it Larry & Britney? I realize Britney is a celeb not a celebutante, so my guess is Larry & Paris.

Ellen said...

#1 No, not Andy Roddick? Please let there be a God! Oh, what about Robbie Ginepri the one that dated whats-her-face? Minnie Driver. Please let it be him - just not Andy.

#2 ugh, it has to be Birkhead.

Kory said...

1 - Andy Roddick - I don't watch reality TV so no guess on the second part.

2 Larry Birkhead and any one of them will do.

Catherine said...

I wondered about Lare and Pare, so should be interesting. God help Danilynn if it's true. I also thought Andy Roddick for the first one....

Enty....thank you, thank you.

Ellen said...

#1 - could the reality dude be one of the Bachelors? I'd call them Mr. Hetrosexual. And that last guy was even pretty cute...

Oh, NOT Andy.... please!

dee said...

How about Mark Philliopousis for the tennis player?

jax said...

Andy and the BAchelor that was GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, take your pick.

Paris and LArry- the "i think she's sexy" is the start to a Very Valtrex Xmas next year.

Brenda22 said...

How about that Australian tennis guy (Mark something) who was on a reality show not too long ago (age of love or something?)...and Ryan Seacrest.

tara said...

it has to be guess on the reality star...but the guess abt one of the bachelors is a good guess...dont think its the last one though bc i've heard he's back with his ex, who is also the mother of his child.

thinking the birkhead guess as well, but couldnt it also be tommy lee and kim stewart???

Dee said...

Brum, that was my first thought. He dated Tara Reid and Paris Hilton.

surfer said...

I'm with gammagirl and the others who say Andy Roddick--his name immediately popped into my head as I was reading this.

As for #2, I seriously hope it's not Larry B; I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that he's a lot smarter than that. Only a year ago he had so many people rooting for him, yet so much has changed since then (selling out your daughter for $$$ for starters). And aligning himself with Parasite will only drag him down lower.

ellematic said...

#2 Paris Hilton and Larry Birkhead. Damn, I thought he was better than that :[

Jolara said...

LOL Jax! "Paris and LArry- the "i think she's sexy" is the start to a Very Valtrex Xmas next year."

Larry must be deperate for cash and attention. It's been a quiet 3 months or so since we last heard 'bout him daily. ICK, but Paris...that's BEYOND desperate...that's a Britany move!

kellygirl said...

@danielle - you thought Larry Birkhead was better than that?

Chatty Cricket said...

Wait, I've been out of the loop- what happened with the comments?

It is TOOOOOOOOTALLY Paris and Larry! He's been schmoozing her up. Good call people, but...Nasty.

My first thought would be Andy Roddick on the tennis player- who has he dated in the past?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for trying to remedy that spammer situation, EL. I myself am a very openminded person, sexually and sense-of-humor wise, but even I found that stuff to be offensive, disgusting, and downright annoying...

jax said...

i loved it..finally i wasnt the most hated here!

but ya..what Trix said

captivagrl said...

#2. news of a larry/paris engagement would top britney's antics for a little while. no doubt they would exploit that baby for all the pics they could sell. i don't like him ( or her) they are opportunists to the nth degree.

KatieKate93 said...

Since I don't watch much tennis, the only male star I can think of by name is Andy Roddick, likely because of all the "high profile" relationships he's been in. Could the male reality star be Cris Angel? Isn't he bi, though he doesn't admit it? That would be a hot match, pun not intended.

No clue on the second one.

Dijea said...

Ok, I would guess Andre & Batchelor BOB or fun bob.

if ent ruled out KFed then the only one I can think of is Larry, which really disappoints me.

bgirl said...

Andy Roddick and Ty Pennington???

captivagrl said...

#1. mr.heterosexual = spencer?

captivagrl said...

#1. mr. heterosexual = rob(rob and amber)

Jolara said...

chatty- someone was posting and ranting on and on, hyjacking the comment section and writing stupid monologues that only entertained him/herself. Super long, super stupid and super vulger & super annoying. I still think it was Nicole Kidman... LOL :0)

Reese said...

The idea of Andy Roddick being the nude door opener made me sick too. Mark Philliopousis does sound like a very good guess. Ryan Seacrest as his guest? Could be a lot of people. Spencer Pratt? Interesting guess Captivagrl; I'd love it if he was the right answer.

Chatty Cricket said...

Jolara- HA!

Well, now that she's dropped out of her movie she might be looking for good ways to entertain herself.

Jolara said...

Oh, I forgot my manners. Thank you ENT for taking care of that commentor.

YahMoBThere said...

Jax wrote:
"Paris and LArry- the "i think she's sexy" is the start to a Very Valtrex Xmas next year."

That and her grandfather telling the kids they're not getting an inheritance. God forbid the bitch has to work.

You're the most hated person here? I thought it was me! This is a throw down!

KS said...

does larry birkhead even have money? i mean, he may have a couple million from dannielynn's pics, but her real money is all tied up in the legal system. how could he afford a contract with paris? she made a million for one party. i think it would take a lot more than that for a realtionship

captivagrl said...

ks - i thought that too. but there's a lot of potential $$$$ in these 2 together. she gets to have a baby(without actually having the baby) the paps will start following both again, there will be interviews, wedding dresses, etc. on and on......

Tracee said...

#1-Andy Roddick and Ryan Seacrest.

#2-Paris and Larry. Why would a contract be worth while in her case though...unless she was planning to get some baby money out of it. She's daft and he's nasty!

RandomRamblings said...

1. Mark Philliopousis. He even want on a dating show because he was tired of dating "celebrities".

2. Paris Hilton/Larry Birkhead

kellygirl said...

I have a feeling the comment situation will remedy itself as of today. All the "kids" are back in school. You got feel for that 8th grader with no friends on Winter Break.

captivagrl said...

i get the skeevy vibe from larry....he's a bisexual skank leech....perfect for so many young women of hollywood these days.

jax said...

i don't mind sharing. so Mon/wed/frid hate me and then tues/thursday/sat if there are posts we'll hate you.

sunday we can hate El for not posting. lol.

Jolara said...


YahMoBThere said...

Oh yay! I love scheduling hate! It makes it so much easier to deal with it.

Of course today is a hate Jax day, which we didn't find out until only a few minutes ago. What a waste!

Anonymous said...

larry and somebody... but what can he give paris?

Jim said...

I gotta guess Andy and Brody for #1.

jax said...

well im here for at least another 2 hours so get your hate on girl!

Here i'll even help.

Johnny Depp is overated.

(straps on Hate proof vest)

Production Girl said...

I have heard about Andy Roddick's gay rumors and they ALL involve hotel rooms for some reasons.
So he is my guess for #1.

Jolara said...

HEY!!!! I LOVE Johnny Depp! He dares to be different! Jax, you suck! go play a game of cats in the cradle by yourself if you can't write anything nice!

Jolara said...


Jolara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
touched said...

qoute P M "but what can he give Paris" i will add "that she has'nt already caught from someother guy"

weezy said...

What about the other ANS dude, Klein? would he qualify for #2?

Gad, I can't believe Birkhead would even let Paris in the *house* -- the germs that must be jumping off of her.

YahMoBThere said...

Overrated? He's UNDERRATED!! Jax, you think you OWN this forum? Why do you have to be so in your face about Johnny Depp? Why do you even COME here if you don't love Johnny Depp???!!!! He's the MAN! And I don't know how old you are, but you're probably an ancient granny who has eye spectacles that don't work anymore. So stop posting here and go back to your little cave, you gay-hating anti-semitic, woman-bashing, man-bashing, atheist of a troll.

Whoo boy, that felt good. Okay, now tomorrow, Jax, you go.

Jolara said...

He can give her:

*Hair care products (he's never short on those)
*A worse reputation than she already has
*Fashion tips (I think they dress the same)
*Genital Warts?...oh wait...nevermind.

YahMoBThere said...

Jolara, you left out coke.

Jolara said...

Oh yeah, Thanks Twisted...
*Shoes- Oh wait, he looks like his feet are small...tee hee.
*Lysol spray

Unknown said...

that is SOOOOOOOOOOO Mark Philliopousis.

Ha! I knew he swam on the other side of the pool.

Jolara said...

...I'm trying to be positive here folks! I am looking at the glass half full and I am getting nothing... Nothing good can possibly come from that relationship!

jax said...

you hate reallly HATE me!

lol..i knew that would get you.

ps..i have no hate for Depp, he's good people and was always very very nice to Vancouver peeps.

Anonymous said...

1. Roddick
2. Larry Birkhead

takeme2espana said...

1. Roddick & Seacrest (Soooo Seacrest!)

2. Lamehead and Parisite

Depp bashing? He is such an artist!!
Ent, you are the MAN for ridding us of the trollsuprimo!

ladorabelle said...

I don't usually get into the BI guessing, but I think Andy Roddick is a better guess than others for #1. He dated Mandy Moore for a while, and it wouldn't be the only time she bearded/showmanced.

Anonymous said...

Actually I am going to miss the spammer. He posted all these long offensive rants, complete with decent punctuation, and nobody would ever react.

captivagrl said...

jax - u suck twis - u suck tomorrow ENT - u suck sunday, and since i don't rate a day yet, i'll just generally suck til i get one.

J Ruth said...

Hey EL -

I'll add to the chorus. Thanks for addressing the comments situation.

redgurl72 said...

The posts here today are freaking hilarious. I love starting the day this way. Good call on Dickno being a school kid on holiday, definitely someone who wandered over from Perez.

My votes for the blind are the same as everyone elses. #1. Roddick and Seacrest.
#2. Paris And Larry would be tabloid heaven and you can just imagine them having a summit meeting on how to combat Britney and now Jamie Lynn...

deity2 said... your comments....i have been laying low (had some drunken posts....)but still reading comments voraciously!!! yours are the best........yes,EL,that les prezzy person was completely obnoxious!! got to the point where i saw his name and flew right on by!!! thx for letting us know you are aware.

YahMoBThere said... see, Jax? People love you. The important people,

bionic bunny! said...

oh, gawd, jax, twisted, i can't even breathe! HAHAHAHA!!!
y'all just brightened up a blue bunny... and on a monday, too!! THIS is why CDAN is the best blog on the 'net! *wipes tears from eyes*

my blind guesses always suck, but i can't keep from thinking there's another famous daddy we're missing.
just at the tip of my brain, but i can't get it.

and let me also add my thanks, ent. kisses!

deity2 said...

haaahaaa!!! i guess i should read ALL the comments!!! i am actually lol at myself!!!! (was having jax pity!!!!!! )thanks twisted....i actually went back and read the comments and realized it was not "bash on jax" day!!! love this site....look forward to it every day (i am on the east coast , so sometimes i don't get to see the posts til after my wee ones are in bed!)

YahMoBThere said...

Deity2 wrote:
"i actually went back and read the comments and realized it was not "bash on jax" day!!!"

But Deity, it IS bash on Jax day. Tomorrow is bash on Twisty day. Didn't you get the memo? (scroll back - Jax issued it at 2:32pm).

If you were Deity1, you'd know this! ;-)

jax said...

fricken awesome.

i can't WAIT to hate you tomorrow Twist!
and Captivgirl..i'll give you my wednesday..its Hump day and i want to feel the love.

Anonymous said...

Aww and here I thought I was one of the most hated here. I will, however, be gracious upon losing :)

moira said...

You guys are freaking cracking me up today. I don't even have any guesses, I just had to share that.

jax said...

i only hate you part time Trix.
you used to piss me off,but im over it. i got mad love for the regs here now.

you can have one of Twist's days im sure. there is more than enough hate to go around!

see what we did there people? we took the haters power away! sweet.

YahMoBThere said...

Jax, practice ripping into me until then and I'll practice crying.

Trix, really, if you want a day, you can have one of mine. I'm like Jax. I share!

jax said...


as you were.

jax said...

lol i had a hard time thinking of something.

YahMoBThere said...

LMAO at the "who do you think you are me or something?"

I did weep when I got to the breeder Christian part. Who knew you knew?

Gosh, this feels good. Makes some of the others look like amateurs!

jax said...

jax knows im out everyone.have a good one.

Hate you later!

Anonymous said...

lol its cool, I dont need a whole day, I think this place is big enough for three loudmouths such as ourselves, lol.

Stephanie said...

I have had a suspicion lately that Paris is shopping around for a babydaddy that will give her offspring that resemble her.

muraco said...

I don't think Seacrest tries to 'make sure that everyone thinks he is Mr. Heterosexual'. He's in closet sure, but doesn't seem to be on arm of a new girl each week.
But the above totally describes Criss Angel to a tee. That dude just reeks of desperation with beard after beard.

And I think you guys already outed Criss big time here.
So I'm going with Roddick/Angel for #1
You guys slam dunked #2 already. Those two are pigs. Wouldn't it be nice if somehow all these 'arrangement' contracts wound up on smokinggun or here?

captivagrl said...

muraco - if tom's contracts with wife #2 and wife #3 ever went public it would be the read of the century! ( and future wifebots #4, #5, etc.)

captivagrl said...

jax - i'll accept a hump wednesday as i rarely get a decent hump midweek. ty and hate away.....

rysanekfreak said...

It would help to know if the tennis one is a recent or old one. And where it happened. Most tennis players are in Australia right now getting ready for the Australian Open.

Athletes parade around the showers and lockerrooms in the nude. So there is nothing homosexual about this if this is a tennis player who is letting another tennis player whom he knows well into his room.

Even if it's Ginepri (stud) and Phillopousis (reality show), that doesn't mean anything sexual was in the offing.

Unknown said...

Uh oh, with Grandpa Hilton's will change, it looks like Paris needs to line up a new $$$$$ source. She's vile.

Julie said...

i wonder if Paris realizes that babies aren't born with millions of dollars and photoshopped faces.

she'll learn that quick when Nic/Joel (whats their nickname? Nicoel? lamesauce)'s spawn is born.

Bet shes in labor right now. Oh wait, or getting the post cesarean tummy tuck a la Posh (But I still love you Vicky B, you're still Fierce/Major)

Mikael said...

I just want you guys to know that I hate you all equally.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who wrote it, but the person who commented "I have had a suspicion lately that Paris is shopping around for a babydaddy that will give her offspring that resemble her." has me wondering - what would that really look like? Hasn't she had some (ahem, a LOT) of work done? Not to mention the blue contacts and the bleached hair/extensions?

Betchya that the closest genetic match to ebola's natural appearance would be more like kfed...and I think that perhaps even he is too pretty...maybe perez?????

Anonymous said...

oh yeah - hate you too jax.

will hate you some tomorrow twist.

budford said...

I can put up with the amateur porn, but dont go messin with Depp.

(The She) Bud

YahMoBThere said...

Thanks, klown! Looking forward to

visman, that's no fun. How can we feel special if you don't hate us for who we are? (sad face)

hunter said...

No way it would be Paris - look at the guys she hangs out with.

Plus, "ks" is right - Larry doesn't have enough money to rent Paris for a week, much less a contract.

Ellen said...

I would say Simon Cowell more than Ryan Seacrest is Mr. Heterosexual. And, what about Mr. Cowell??

SO, I'm going with Mark Philipoopoo and Simon Cowell for #1. Why not? Can you imagine it? HAAAA!!!

It just CANNOT be my dear Andy Roddick. I just refuse to believe it!

Anonymous said...

Paris would be the one talking Larry into a contract, I think. She could gain much sympathy and positive publicity from mothering poor half-orphaned Dannielynn. Think of the cute pink matching outfits they could wear!

PH and LB would rake in million$ for photos and interviews for their engagement, wedding, honeymoon, play dates with Nicole's baby, the inevitable divorce, etc. It would be foolish of them NOT to hook up, really!

Unknown said...

I think the celebutant is Kristin Cavallari and the babydaddy is Matt Leinart. She is rumored to be on The Hills next season and he happened to be at her birthday party at LAX this past weekend.

Dick Insideu said...

Before Paris had a Valtrex vagina, she was available by the hour. Now that her vagina is infested with herpes and other STDs, I wonder if her hourly rate has decreased.

Anonymous said...

Time for a group hug.

I love you all.

captivagrl said...

twis - please let me the first to say - it's Tuesday and I HATE YOU.

Uber*nought said...

Since I don't watch much tennis, the only male star I can think of by name is Andy Roddick, likely because of all the "high profile" relationships he's been in. Could the male reality star be Cris Angel? Isn't he bi, though he doesn't admit it? That would be a hot match, pun not intended.

True, that would be hot, but I have to side with the poster above that says there MIGHT not even be anything sexual in it at all. Unless there's more to the blind than someone wants to say.

Ellen, how many times can you say it can't be Roddick, lol? That's 3 now! If he's bi or gay then that's that, it's not a disease, just means you have to fantasize about him and you with a guy inbetween that's all. That's doable isn't it? You can take turns! :D

#2 for Birkhead possibly and Paris. Yeesch. Birkhead needs a beard. That's all I'm saying.

The Lawnmower said...

#1 Is referring to Roddick but it's not like that.
#2 Is Hilton-Head but she mentioned it as a joke to a group of friends at dinner. It wasn't serious.

Dick Insideu said...

Andre Agassi and Nick Lachey

kregger said...

#1) But the item says the tennis player has been linked with "several" female celebrities--Roddick has only dated Mandy Moore, and Philloupousis has only dated Hilton--who am I missing? And neither of these relationships was exactly "high profile."

Andre Agassi has dated Streisand and was married to Brooke Shields, and lots of talk of his being gay, but I am not sure he is a "stud."

surfer said...

Sounds like Ent (the lawnmower) is back.

Craig - Andy Roddick also dated Wimbledon champ Maria Sharapova for a while (tons of photos of them together), and possibly "cough, cough" Parasite as well.

surfer said...

Oh, and Taylor, that's a very interesting thought and a great catch.

piratechick said...

Paris has said several times that she wants to be a mom soon - I think she recognizes the 'trend' of being a mommy right now, and probably knows that REALLY getting pregnant and being a mom would cramp her partying style - so she wants a 'part time' kid, someone she can play mommy to and be in on the cool trend of Hollywood Babies.

(Heck, she probably has so many STDs that it'd be unsafe and generally unhealthy for the kid for her to get pregnant...)

If she's the stepmom or "daddy's girlfriend" she can always break up with the dad and not have to be a mom, once she gets tired of it.

(Makes me wonder who takes care of all the little dogs she keeps getting...)

And Birkhead got a taste of being Famous and wants more more more - and what would get him more Tabloid press than being with Paris Hilton?!

I think its mutually beneficial for them, publicity wise (because they both seem to think that Any Publicity = Good Publicity)...

Tho I was already mildly concerned for Dannilyn, that would take it to a new level...

YahMoBThere said...

Cap, THANK YOU!!! Since it's Tuesday - I HATE ME, too!

YahMoBThere said...

Fab, hugs back and I love you, too, but today is Hate Twisty day, so it's okay. Really.

Ellen said...

uber*nought: fair point. I wouldn't mind being the filling in any Andy Roddick sandwich.

Unless Seacrest was the other piece of bread... ;-)

mooshki said...

Best comment thread ever.

J Ruth said...

I never got my email. And he's back. Boo.

Donna said...

I just cannot agree with jumping on board the "Birkhead-Hilton" bandwagon for #2. I cannot imagine that even Paris Hilton would go down to Birkhead's level. It just does not make any sense. It is just too stupid, and I mean way more stupid than she is. She is daft. Not that I have a better guess, cause I don't, but I cannot envision the Birkhead-Hilton alignment.

Unknown said...

Mark Phillophousus.

Anonymous said...

Ewwww, Roddick has ferret face.


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