Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Jennifer Lopez Infomercial

For some reason yesterday I didn't get around to bashing Jennifer Lopez. I meant to, but ran out of time so she got bumped. I think at some point last week I was actually kind of nice to Jennifer Lopez. I think I complimented her in a photo and also said I was actually kind of looking forward to her reality show on TLC.

Unfortunately there has been a miscommunication between every single person on earth and Jennifer Lopez. TLC and everyone else thought they were buying a Jennifer Lopez reality show. What the public is actually getting is a 30 minute infomercial once a week for 8 weeks. Normally people would pay TLC to run a 30 minute infomercial on their channel. Somehow they got bamboozled into paying Jennifer Lopez to run a 30 minute infomercial on their channel instead of another channel.

What everyone thought would be Jennifer pretending to be a mom and wife and acting like she had emotions and feelings and getting to see Marc yell at her to speak in Spanish instead is going to be "a show that will track the creation, production and eventual launch of a new fragrance. Jennifer will appear in a creative, entrepreneurial capacity and will absolutely not feature her children and family life."

So it is going to be a bunch of people sitting around working on her perfume and every episode she will come in and smell it and say good or bad. Kind of like The Apprentice, but with better hair.


Lux Luthor said...

I can't think of a less appealing concept for a sh...


SHE SHE said...

I hope they use a food dehydrater or a set of ginsu knives on the show. This would help the infomercial crowd to tune in.

jax said...

SHINY wake up! you were in the middle of talking about Jennif...


MnGddess said...

Hey - they're all business people. If TLC got suckered it's their own damn fault.

Now I gotta go wake Jax.

Anonymous said...

Guess someone drop the ball.

Anonymous said...

Somebody somewhere is NOT getting a raise this year.

pricolatino said...

Laaaaaaaame! As a Puerto Rican, I am shocked and appalled...

Oh wait, they were both born in NYC. Nevermind, then.

Anonymous said...


Jemtastic said...

LOL! A network got shilled! But seriously, why is JLo still making fragrances?

Merlin D. Bear said...

Because Xenu commanded it.


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