Friday, July 11, 2008

True Or False?

The National Enquirer is running a story this week that I'm kind of questioning. Hey, that's two weeks running, but again, I still feel they get 95% of their stuff right.

This week's edition of I'm not so sure is about Katie Holmes, because honestly, I think we all need more Katie and Tom in our lives. Not actually in our lives as in touching or coming in close contact, but afar, from a distance where we are safe from whatever energy they give off or suck out of you.

Tom was redoing Valkyrie for the 680th time at a church in Pasadena when Suri and Katie were ordered to drop by and pretend it was spontaneous. At the church was a playground. Suri, still being a kid and not having all of her natural emotions and desires snuffed out of her yet wanted to of course play on said playground.

Well, Katie said she could but to wait in the car until she sanitized the place. Katie then went over each surface with sanitizing wipes and was comforting Suri by saying that she was almost done. After wiping off every surface, then and only then was Suri allowed to play on the playground. Presumably she was allowed to actually walk to the slides and swings and was not carried to each piece of equipment and placed on it. I mean lord only knows what kind of germs are in the sand or dirt or grass that could get on her shoes or on her skin.

So, is this true? I mean Katie seems to be slowly going off her rocker, but is she really Joan Crawford reincarnated? I don't know. I mean is it because of the germs from other kids or because it was a church playground and Xenu would forbid touching the equipment without cleaning it? I mean the sanitizing thing in an outdoor area seems overboard. Every kid is going to reach down and touch something and get dirty and just don't see the germs in an outdoor setting like that.

Here is what I think happened. Katie saw there was mud or dirt or jelly on a swing, wiped it off and the story got blown out of proportion. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

i dont know. my mom would do that but shes insane, and katie married tom after all so she cant be all that sane herself :P

Reese said...

I do know people who are that germaphobic/kid-obsessed. The poor kids aren't allowed to touch anything and get wiped/sprayed down with something about every 15 minutes or so. Suri is going to be weird enough without this kind of obsession to contend with. Hope it isn't true but it wouldn't surprise me if it is.

valentina said...

It actually sounded entirely plausible to me that she'd do something like this. I can imagine that she's scared to death that if Suri gets the sniffles or hurts herself, Tom will blame her.

jw12 said...

Are they the blind about the couple w/ germphobia?

digawina said...

I don't believe it. I think if Katie truly wanted the place sanitized she would have been in the car with Suri while a team of handlers went in and did the sanitization. Somehow, I don't see Katie doing such menial tasks anymore.

Burgundee said...

JW12 that's what I was thinking too.

I wonder if it was one of those anti-thetan wipes with skin softeners and rust removers?

Anonymous said...

digawina i think if shes a germophone she wouldnt trust anyone to clean well enough

wny55 said...

My mother would be so proud to have Katie as a daughter. In my case not so much as this apple did not fall close to the clean/germ freak tree (lol).

jw12 said...

feebes..LOL..I just snorted so hard from laughing.

mooshki said...

"digawina i think if shes a germophone she wouldnt trust anyone to clean well enough"

Exactly. And wouldn't you need to develop some kind of psychological disorder to help your brain cope with her life? Germs are the one thing she's allowed to control.

jw12 said...

feebes..couldn't be TommyGirl and Robot..

This former B list television actor on one of the biggest network dramas ever, and now a C list actor with B+ name recognition has some strange rules in his home. He and his wife have kids.
1. Apparently both of the parents are obsessed with germs and bugs (the insect kind, not the germ kind.) Each child must inspect the other children for any ticks or fleas on the body of the other before they go to sleep each night.
2. Each child must wash and dry all their bed linens every day.
3. No sugar in the house. None.
4. The parents take turns sleeping on the floor of each child's bedroom once weekly to ensure the children are sleeping normally. (not sure how they do this if the parents themselves are asleep)
5. Despite the fact that all the children are in at least elementary school, they each have a baby monitor in their room so the parents know what they are doing at all times.
6. Because of the germ phobia, any guests of the kids who come over to play are confined to one room of the house, and one room only. No sleep overs.

Burgundee said...

Thanks for the repost jw12, you're right it can't be them.

lutefisk said...

Most people would clean off the kid----after she actually got dirty.

digawina said...

Good points about her not letting anyone else do it if she's a germaphobe. Didn't look at it that way. I can see that. I have to hold myself back from recleaning things my husband "cleaned." hahahaha.

I also like the angle of germs being the only thing she can control.

Man what a sad life. I hope the fancy clothes and purses were worth it for her.

Unknown said...

The ironies, of course, are that, a) antibacterial wipes and cleaners are contributing to the creation of more virulent adaptive bacteria, and b) being obsessive about protecting one's child from germs really cuts down the child's ability to build up natural immunities.

Jazz Hands said...

Oh, hank's owner. Love the anti-antibacterial stance. So un-gossipy.

sara said...

Yeah, probably anything printed about the cruises is mostly true, given their lawsuit-happy ways. Plus, who has to make up stuff about them?

Ms. Taggart if You're Nasty said...

"being obsessive about protecting one's child from germs really cuts down the child's ability to build up natural immunities."

Exactly. She's pretty much ensuring Suri will be allergic to everything, and catch cold/flu/herpes at the drop of a hat.

jax said...

we can spin htis even more weird...
Katie doesn't want Suri to get any germs lest she become sick and have to go to a doc or hospital for testing where they will find out she is the child of JOSH HARTNETT! or some weird Hartnett/Klein hybrid baby.

lol..sorry trying to spice my friday up.

mags said...

I'm not inclined to believe NE. Having said that (and seeing the "spontaneous" pictures of Tommy Girl taking Suri to the park in a nice dress), KatE probably wanted Suri to have some and wanted to keep it a secret. No dirt.

I agree with the problems caused by being obsessive about germs.

lol adrian. I don't think my mom wiped down the playset for us, maybe after we played, drippy popsicles, fudgesicles and ice cream can get messy.

mags said...

It was suppose to read "KatE probably wanted Suri to have some fun", not KatE wanted Suri to have some.

Did anyone else think that Tommy was the only one looking like he was having fun at the 4th of July parade?

lutefisk said...

mags--exactly--after you got dirty.
How manny mothers do you know that won't actually let their kids play, because they don't want them to even GET dirty?!! I remember when my kids were little, all I heard from other mothers is they didn't want to ruin their outfits...why? they outgrow them in a few months anyways!

Unknown said...

I think it's an exaggeration, too.

Anything to write a story about them and it must've been a really slow gossip day.

mooshki said...

"I have to hold myself back from recleaning things my husband "cleaned." hahahaha."

Doesn't that sum up all marriages? :)

"a) antibacterial wipes and cleaners are contributing to the creation of more virulent adaptive bacteria"

Actually, I saw a doctor talking about super bugs on PBS, and he said that the antibacterial soaps are not contributing to the problem, because bacteria has to be present in huge numbers for the mutations to occur, and that only happens when they're in a host. I still won't buy antibacterial soaps because I think they're stupid, but I was comforted to hear that.

mags said...

digawina - too funny on the husband. That IS marriage.

We've had company that looked scared when they learned we didn't have antibacterial soap. I did have bleach though.:-)

This was in Pop Candy the other day. Interesting mixes of music if you need music this afternoon.

Wil said...

Maybe it is an OCD thing on Katie's part?

A lot of folks with OCD feel they have no control in their lives at large. So they take control where they feel they can .. becoming obsessed with germs and cleanliness, doing little ticks to make it through the day to feel in control .. right up til the point those obsessions take over your life - but that is another story.

RagDoll said...

grace-- I dunno. I've seen non-famous parents do things like this on the playground. I always think to myself "You guy--when you're not around, all your little Purell-soaked kids eat each other's boogers, give it UP already!"

Reminds me of George Carlin's old joke about how he used to swim in the East River or something to that effect, when he was a kid, to build up immunity and how parents are too paranoid.

Judi said...

I agree, Enty. YES, Adrian! No one can control the entire outside world.
All soaps are antibacterial. With the friction from scrubbing, they loosen germs from the skin and are rinsed away with water. None are made to kill the germs.

Anonymous said...

Well now, I could see myself doing something like this....IF this was a park where Amy Winehouse hung around at.

bionic bunny! said...

you know what's even scarier? do you have any idea how hot it was in pasadena the past few days? add in the humidity.
i want to know what church this was (not that it matters heat or humidity wise), but SHE LEFT THE KID IN THE CAR WHILE SHE WIPED DOWN THE PLAYGROUND. i don't care if there is a freaking chauffer in the car running A/C, just sitting there, the engine gets hot and the A/C slows down.
somebody let this poor child have a life. i'm trying to thing which churches in pasadena have decent playgrounds anyway.... and doesn't the SUN bake of the minimal sunday crud??

i'm going back to the old "save katie" crowd. good lord. oh, and BTW, i'm allergic to most of those wipey things, because of the vitamin E. and my kids never got anything absurdly weird from being anywhere in public. soap and water, people. phisohex or betadine if you're obsessive. heavens.

piratechick said...

I really think that this is an exaggeration (like Ent suggested - she wiped off a seat and they ran with it)...OR...

So what if you're really crazy famous, and not just for your movies, but for your wacky religion/personal life? Like say, Tom is. And what if you also have a history of strange and creepy fan mail that sometimes borders on hate mail or threats because of it? And what if you started getting some that included lines about "next time your little alien baby is out to play you should watch her"...

And say you are used to it, but your young wife who isn't comes across some of it. And then becomes very paranoid about her little girl playing in public spaces because of it, and so to make herself feel better, even though they're watched by security and 9000 paps, she gives any public play-space a thorough once over, to make sure there isn't something there that her precious kiddo could get hurt by...

And then the paps see it, but don't know the back story, and to them it looks like crazy mom going over every surface because of germs?

Well, that's my theory.


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