Thursday, September 25, 2008

Billy Bob Is Talking Again

You know what I want to see? I want to see a skit on SNL where Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton are talking on the phone. Apparently the way to get Billy Bob to talk during an interview is to ask him about his music or about Angelina. Ask him about one of those subjects and you can't get the guy to shut up.

Well, in an interview he gave yesterday he said that he and Angelina are still best friends. This doesn't appear to be one of those generic statements guys say about their exes where they claim they are best friends and she really can't stand the guy.

I got the feeling from the interview that Billy Bob talks to Angelina almost every day. Now, if they were just friends I guess that would be ok. But, he has made it very clear that he thinks that he and Angelina will get back together someday and they plan on making another film together. So, what does Brad think about this? What would any guy think about it. You either have to be one hell of a secure person or just don't give a crap one way or the other.

I can just hear Billy Bob calling and Brad picking up.

Billy Bob - How ya doing sport? Are you guys on Ocean's 36 now yet? Yeah, keep cashing those paychecks. You bending over for Clooney or is it the other way around? Is Angie around, I have a question about this time she gave me a blowjob on a motorcycle while I was driving. Damn she is a helluva lady. Did I tell you about the time she picked up these two girls from McDonalds, and, oh never mind. Go get the lil darlin for me will you. Thanks sport.


Anonymous said...


lutefisk said...

I would love to be listening in on an extension.

Molly said...

how funny it would be if this was true, given all the stories of rage from aj when brad was talking to aniston.

MISCH said...

OK........Maybe they Brad worried......yeah sure..!

notachance said...

I still think that was the better pairing, AJ & Billy Bob. AJ & Brad just don't look like they belong together.

Molly said...

i agree. brad isn't edgy enough for her.

Hope said...

I saw Angelina and Billy Bob together when they were married and it was obvious how much she loved him. With Brad, I think it's more of a respect thing.

Maja With a J said...

I think it's more of a "smug" thing.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Loves me the Billy Bob. You KNOW that's exactly how those conversations go... because BBT's balls are so big that he has 0.00% doubt that he can screw a chick right out from under BRAD FREAKING PITT.

Sniff.... My hero.....

Also, I think he's batshit insane, which makes him even more interesting.

Unknown said...

I remember Angelina telling the press that she spoke to BB when her mother died and what he told her, so they are obviously still in touch.

That said, they broke up over her adoption of Maddox so I don't think he's going to move in on her with six kids around her ankles.

I think they're just friends. No smut here.

kris said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the BBT "impersonation". You've outdone yourself again Enty! "Hey Sport..." hahahahah...still laughing..

wood1107 said...

Can we hear more about the motorcycle ride and the two chicks from McDonald's? Thank you.

There's probably been a change in priorites between 23-year-old Angie and 33-year-old Angie. BBT seems like the kind of guy that can talk a 19-year-old into bed, but most women in their thirties would die laughing from the plugs and too-tight skin. And did I mention the clothes?

Liz said...

LMAO @ BB calling Brad "Sport!" OMG, that is classic, Enty.

Marnie said...

He was 100% facetious about getting back with her. And when they were together, all you could really tell was that they both really loved drugs and trying to shock people. Like Manson and Evan Rachel Wood.

I COULD see her ditching brad with all the kids and going back to BB for a few "lost years" of nodding off on H, eating sugar packets and buying a bunch of stupid goth sex dungeon bullshit. He'd probably clear his dance card for that.

Mika said...

I think she's just with brad because she knows her kids need a dad. it doesn't seem like she's insanely in love with him like she was with Billy Bob. lmao

jax said...

hahah sport.

Happydog said...

Ent, you made me day with this post. this is why I'm a loyal reader. Your imagination rocks!

Anonymous said...

Well, my grandma always said to never love a man more than he loves you or it will never work. Methinks there's some truth in that.

jlb said...

LMAO Gold Ent.

trashtalker said...

Wasn't there a blind about exes who are best friends and talk on the phone (almost) every day? I don't remember the specifics. Seems like Bruce and Demi were the main guesses. I looked but can't find it.

ECFan said...

Thanks for the laugh, Enty. If Jolie had wanted BBT back all she had to do was snap her fingers and he'd have come running as fast as his arthritic knees could carry him. He tried to k get her to come back before their divorce was final and she told him to eff off. She may love him, but she's no longer IN LOVE with him. Plus she knows he has no interest in her charity work or her kids. The man had no interest in being a father to Maddox he sure as hell isn't going to want her other 5 kids!

BTW - I find it hilarious that everytime BBT opens his yap and brings up Angie's name all the gossip blogs automatically scurry to say they're going to get back together one day. No they're not. And you know why not? Because Angie grew up and BBT is still the same middle-aged man trying to be 23. The loser is doing the same crap in 2008, nearly 2009, as he was doing when Jolie filed for divorce in 2002. The same boozing, the same cheating, the same drugs. She's got 6 kids what does she need another one for?

BBT knows Jolie doesn't want him back. He's merely amusing himself watching how the media reacts when he says stuff about still being friends with Angie. He's sitting around laughing because he knows all the gossips are out there making a mountain out of a molehill.

ECFan said...

Sorry Molly, but your comment cracked me up. Brad Pitt has not spoken one single word to Aniston since their divorce was settled in 2005. Stop believing the tabloids (Star in particular). Call him silly but he was just a trifle upset that she tried to STEAL his production company from him. Nevermind the nearly 4 year on-going pity party she's been throwing. The backstabbing she attempted with Plan B put the last nail in her coffin. Read his 2007 V interview. He obliquely threw Aniston under a bus and watched the wheels back over her...repeatedly.

ECFan said...

LOL at the comment that Jolie doesn't seem "insanely in love" with Pitt. She's not 25 anymore and she has kids. Is she supposed to tongue him on the red carpet like she did BBT? Too funny.

I'm stunned at all the people who don't want Jolie to grow up and practice a little decorum. If she didn't love Pitt she wouldn't be with him. She stated in numerous interviews that she didn't think love was for and she was prepared to raise her kids alone. Don't confuse Jolie with needy women like Aniston. She's not going to SETTLE for a man just to give her kids a father. And don't forget she's done something with Pitt she REFUSED to do with BBT - have biological children. BBT himself said she told him she only wanted to adopt. Jolie last year told an interviewer that she changed her mind because SHE MET A MAN SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH AND WANTED TO HAVE HIS BABIES. Now THAT she sure as hell never said about BBT. Being in love changes a woman's perspective. Besides, BBT told her he didn't want any more kids, then not a year later knocked up another woman. No woman is going to go back to a man who can't love a child that's not biologically his. Especially when she's got 6 of them.

BTW - save the Brangelunatic accusations. I'm just sick of reading posts from people who act like Jolie was supposed to stay a self-involved 24 year-old forever. She's 33. The woman simply GREW UP. Only a moron wants to repeat the same mistakes their whole life.

Unknown said...

AJ and BB will always be friends but the lust is gone -- was gone when AJ grew up and adopted Maddox.

BTW, every time I hear BB interviewed on the radio he is just so smart and together. Very cool person, seems very grounded.

If he can still be friends with AJ without throwing her under the bus and joking around how he'll be waiting for her when she comes to her senses, he's just joking so that all the gossips' panties get in a twist.

As for Brad, it's very obvious why he left her. A 2005 interview with Vanity Fair said it all when Pitt said that marriages weren't meant to last forever and that he wanted at least five or six kids. He said he had a good run of it with Jen.

ECFan said...

One more thing - BBT has been saying for nearly 2 years that one day he and Angie HOPE to work together again. TWO YEARS. Jolie only does 1 or 2 movies a year. These days she commands up to $20MIL a movie. BBT doesn't make 1/3 of that. Any role he gets offered, unless it's a small indie film. Furthermore he said last year that any film they look for is going to be something where they DON'T play spouses because that was a stone best left unturned.

BBT is PLAYING with the media. It's as simple as that. Demi Moore and Bruce Willis also claim to be best friends, talk on the phone all the time and although they share 3 kids, isn't it a little icky that he goes on vacations with her and Ashton? And brings his much-younger girlfriend? Yet that situation doesn't get nearly as much ink as BBT's silly comments.

ECFan said...

Shoot...I forgot Jolie's most damning statement of all about BBT and Jonnie Lee Miller, "I NOW KNOW I MARRIED MY FRIENDS." She said that in late 2003 or early 2004 - long before she fell in love with Pitt. Doesn't sound like undying love to me.

berlin_inside said...

Ecfan-are you doing Brangelinas PR or what?

Noa said...

I don't know what to think about BBT, but she did look healthier in those pics with him, then she does now.

Judi said...

Everyone looks healthy at 23. He's repulsive.

Molly said...

berlin_inside...lmao!!! i'm starting to think the same thing!! didn't pitt and aniston just have dinner together? i guess they didn't speak one word, they only

Ayesha said...

Here's how I see it: Angie likes to be all brash and ballsy and rebellious. BB probably put her in her place and she loved it. She gets to push Brad around, and for a while, it was fun, but she's getting tired of it. Pretty soon, she's going to need a man to dominate her again.

ElsieFire said...

Molly, Pitt and Aniston DID NOT, repeat, DID NOT have dinner together. This was alluded to at TIFF, and it was pure speculation based on the fact that they were, gosh, in the same city at the same time. Lainy has been yelling from the rooftops there was no contact between them.

Oh, and while you're on Lainey's site reading what I just told you, check out the video of Ange and Brad last year at Cannes jumping all over each other in the limo when they left. Search for "Jungle Sex" and see what it gets ya.

Molly said...

oh now i got elsie hollerin' at

i don't read lainey. can't ya tell? but i'll do my penance and look it up just for you! it will have to be later tho, cuz on this computer, watching vids steals all the ram.

ElsieFire said...

Dear Molly, not hollerin', more teacherly admonishing. ;)

As a mainline gossip junkie, it apparently picks my ass when I come across gossip inconsistencies.


Molly said...

elsie, no worries, i thought it was cute!! you weren't bitchy, that's for sure, and i appreciate that.

besides, you can tell i'm not a junkie by my sucky answers to the blinds...lolol.

bionic bunny! said...

wait a minute. as i recall when they divorced, aniston and pitt were co-owners of a production company, which at the time they planned to continue on as co-owners.
that would require an occasional conversation.
not that i give a damn, unlike some on this thread.

and i like billy bob a helluva lot more than any of the other parties. he's who he is, and i don't think he pulls a lot of punches.

and i still believe that when (not if) pitt and jolie split up, brad gets the biological kids, and angie gets the adopted ones. and with six kids (call me old fashioned), why the hell aren't they married?
makes splitting up a whole lot easier, doesn't it??

bionic bunny! said...

oh, hey!!
shazzba! you got your caps lock fixed! good on ya!

slappywhyte said...

if i had been a 45 year old guy with weird hair and phobias, and i was banging her at the top of her looks, i would be talking aboot it the rest of my life too!

slappy whyte


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