Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Farrah Fawcett Doesn't Know Redmond Is In Jail

Next week on NBC, they are going to air a two hour special on the struggle Farrah Fawcett has gone through over the past two years fighting her cancer. It was filmed by Alana Stewart. Ryan O'Neal has been doing press for the film and he says that Farrah spends the whole day in bed and barely has the energy to talk. I'm not sure if I can handle watching two hours of that.

Ryan says that Farrah has no idea that Redmond is in jail. When Redmond came to visit her from jail, he was still in his prison jump suit and was wearing shackles around her feet, but that Farrah didn't even notice. Ryan also says that "Redmond is terrified for his mother. I told him she's rebounding. I lied to him. I lied to her. It's the best thing."Well, I'm guessing now he will know won't he? I understand protecting your child, but maybe it would be best if you told him rather than him reading about it on a website or seeing it in the movie next week.

Supposedly at one point in the documentary, Redmond is lying next to his mom while she is sleeping and he is shown crying. I just don't know how I can watch this.

Although it sounds from Ryan's quotes that Farrah is dying, he says they are going to try one last miracle cure attempt and that they have not given up fighting. I wish her well.


Anonymous said...

I will skip this special.

Never really liked her and I can't stand Ryan O'Neal.

Maja With a J said...

I wish her all the best but I will not watch this.

jax said...

well thats kinda harsh but whatevs, to each their own.

i won't watch, too heartbreaking.
i wish them the best, how awful.

Pookie said...

ryan has reached entirely never unseen heights of douchebaggery. he's exploiting a woman--his WIFE--who is quite possibly terminally ill. how disgusting.

Unknown said...

my mum died (of cancer) in my arms. i couldn't watch this even if i wanted to ... it's just too painful. i wish her, and her family, peace. it's a horrible, horrible way to die. :(

Jeannies Bottle said...

This is a new low for Ryan O'Neal. I venture a guess that Farrah also doesn't know she's being filmed for TV. What woman would want this?? Especially when she was always so beautiful? Disgusting.

CDAN Mod said...

i, too, wonder how cognizant farrah is about this show.

lmnop123 said...

I agree if she didn't know her son was standing before her in shackles than she probably doesn't know she's being taped.

I don't believe Ryan was protecting his son for one second.

Ryan is only looking out for himself.

I feel bad for Farrah and pray that her pain and suffering ends through recovery or a peaceful death.

nancer said...

just when you think this dickhead can't go any lower, he does.


amazonblue said...

I was on WebMD a few weeks ago and on the side bar was an article about anal cancer. The article stated that this type of cancer is very rare, however 85% of patients test positive for HPV, have a history of multiple sexual partners and receptive anal intercourse. Very sad statistics.

selenakyle said...

What I can't stand is somebody recording this trauma/drama.

I'd say leave the poor people alone, but they're probably going to profit off the shit so whatever, I'll boycott it either way.

audrey said...

I'm sure he is trying to raise some extra cash to pay for his lawyer. I won't watch this. But NBC really has sunk to an all time low.

MISCH said...


Anonymous said...

Farrah wasn't totally with it even when she was well. Anal cancer has got to be pretty painful, and I'm sure it's metastasized by now this has been, what, 2 years?

Honestly, I think it would be educational, but I think too heartbreaking to watch. Her heyday was a little before my time.

nancer said...

it's spread to her liver. they confirmed that not long ago. she's a short timer.

nunaurbiz said...

I know this all to well from the experience I had watching my sister die from cancer. Sometimes hope is all you have and in those situations, you hold on to it with all you have. God bless them.

B626 said...

Way to go Ryan. Sheltering
Redmond from reality has really worked out for the family so far.

mooshki said...

It was hard enough watching Wit, and that was fictional.

Wil said...

Sorry NBC .. I am not at all into snuff. I have seen enough loved ones die from this hideous disease, wasting away and whacked out of their minds on morphine that I have NO urge to see Farrah go through that. I think she deserves more respect than that.

ardleighstreet said...

Redmond didn't know how bad she was? Try really looking at her.
This selfish prick can't see that everything including just holding her hand hurts his mother?
Ain't no fucking way. I sat with my own Mom for hours when her cancer was bad. There's no way you can be that dumb not to see the truth stare you in the face.

Misery is one thing.It can drive you to do some shitty things but making money off her pain is
disgusting beyond words. Farrah was never my favorite Angel.
I wish she had a decent family and I wish her peace. Nobody deserves her "loved" ones.

ureallyannoyme said...

I'm confused. All of the "reportage" before this was about Farrah being concerned for Redmond and that she has been focused on him blah blah even though she needs to be fighting for herself blah blah.

I think Ryan was, is and will forever be a POS. Right now I think now he is a lying POS.

She was hospitalized on March 26th. Redmond was arrested on April 5th. She was released on April 10th.

In the last month she hasn't been lucid enough to wonder where he is or is buying whatever story Ryan is telling to explain Redmond's absence?

Which is worse: your son isn't around because XYZ, or your son got pinched for possession?

It's not like his drug problem is news to her. It seems - well, to me anyway - that wondering why her son doesn't want to see her would be far more hurtful.

She's worrying about him regardless of whether she knows he's in custody or not and making excuses for his absence simply adds the "does he not love me?" question to the equation.


I don't know why I've even given it this much thought. I think these 3 people are addicts whose celebrity and money have made it easier for them to evade legal consequences and stay alive years after the smack would've imprisoned most of us to a jail cell or casket.


libby said...

amazonblue, your listing of the potential causes of anal cancer may have been written just to be of interest, but it sounded judgmental. We all do stuff all day, every day that potentially shortens our lives. Nobody deserves to get cancer.

I hope you were just writing that to inform others to protect themselves if those are activities they like...

Anonymous said...

Damn some of you people are stupid. The documentation of her illness was all Farrah's idea. She brought a hand-held camera with her when she and her friend Alana Stewart visited her doctor for what she thought was going to be confirmation that she was cancer free. She wasn't and in fact the cancer had returned and spread. Alana turned off the camera and Farrah said to turn it back on and now we have a filmed version of her struggle. Ryan had nothing to do with it but is doing the press since um Farrah can't.

No wonder this place is going to the crapper... bunch of uptight uninformed haus fraus clutching their pearls.

Pink Skull said...

Yea, Redmond is crying tears of joy. He is going to inherit millions and spend it all on dope. Farrah has had cancer for 2 years now and he has been arrested about 5 times. If he really gave two shits about her, he wouldn't have done heroin and crystal meth to begin with.


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