Monday, May 04, 2009

Pink Was Bisexual At 12?

Over the weekend The News Of The World ran an interview they did with Pink. In that interview, they have her quoted as saying,"I'm not embarrassed about being bisexual. This is who I am." Well, apparently either the reporter got the quote wrong, or Pink didn't mean what she said or something because the next thing you know, Pink's people are not Pretty In Pink and instead are pissed and said the quote was entirely fabricated. Pink then took to the internet to say, "I just read that I'm bisexual. So 1991. Good thing people write articles about me so I can get my facts str8 (straight). I mean straight. Read on people."

1991? Does that mean she was bisexual in 1991, because she was born in 1979 so that means she was getting pretty freaky at the age of 12. Oh, I guess it could be her trying to be cute saying that being bisexual was only cool in 1991. I really am at a loss as to what she is trying to say. Does anyone have a clue?


MontanaMarriott said...

Well 1979 could be her "Celebrity" and she could really be much older, like they say Beyonce is.

Also wasn't she a stripper at one point?? Aren't they all Bi?? lol

MontanaMarriott said...

OOPS, I meant to say "Celebrity Age"

CDAN Mod said...

she's trying to recant. i guess her handlers fear some kind of backlash. from whom i don't know?

Linnea said...

yeah,it didnt really seem like it was a big deal. i thought she had always been rather open about it.. guess i didnt pay enough attention!

Anonymous said...

Thought she was still Bi even though she is married/suppose married.

Miranda said...

I think her point is that pointing fingers at bisexuality is sooo 1991. C'mon, we all know that the cool 2000s thing to do is frantically try to out as many celebrity homosexuals as possible.

mooshki said...

Maybe she means they were being juvenile, like she was in '91? Sorry, that's the best I can come up with.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I think Miranda hit it on the head, so to speak.

Lisa (not original) said...

Outing people to sell magazines is sooooooooo 1991. Thinking bisexuality is shocking is soooo 1891.

Oh, and who wasn't freaky at 12. lol

lmnop123 said...
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lmnop123 said...

Yes in 1991 you could shock the public by outing a bisexual celebrity and everyone shamed them.

In 2009 it's a shock, shame, and politically incorrect to say you don't approve of homosexuals or bisexuals.

nancer said...

she seems like a pretty forthright person to me. if this is true and she really said all that, then i'm very surprised she's trying to take it back. that seems out of character for her.
so isn't it possible it's just not true and she didn't say it?

Jillian S. said...

Isn't it more 1991 to deny it?

Anonymous said...

props jillian s

Kat said...

She has always impressed me as someone who likes boys and girls, not that it matters much. I also get that vibe from Whoopi Goldberg, though. Not sure why.

warmislandsun said...

I don't think she is trying to take anything back or refute the quote - she's just making the point already stated- we moved beyond thinking bisexual is something taboo. If you have evolved.

Jillian S. said...

Kat- I have thought Whoopi was gay since I was a kid. I always thought it was just one of those well-known things that wasn't constantly discussed.I was shocked when I found out later that she dated men.

jax said...

i'm sure Boys on the Side didn't help either.

ElsieFire said...

News of the World, people, News of the World...

Like she actually even sat for an interview with them.

bizzle said...

Pink said in an interview with Diva in 2006 that she first was attracted to girls around 12 years old. You just said she would be 12 in 1991 ... maybe that's what she meant.

Meaning ... she didn't "come out." She was already out.

Jungle007 said...

Maybe she meant that the news of her being bi is so 1991...? That's how I took it.....

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Bisexual outing is so 1991, why even bring that up? She's also saying that she isn't labeling herself a bisexual because sexuality is fluid and shouldn't be labeled, but that if you must know, as a matter of fact she plays with girls but likes guys a lot more.

She also would like us to stop gossiping about her sexuality. Not because she gives a shit about how you feel about it, but because she doesn't want Lindsay Lohan showing up at her doorstep.

GladysKravitz said...

Too bad she doesn't just come out as bi. Makes me kind of sad because I like her.

And I think what she's trying to say is that she's stuck in the belief that if she tells the truth about her sexuality, she might feel it in her pocketbook (or in the chained wallet on her pants).

nancer said...

i just can't believe any pink fans would care at all if she's bi. really? REALLY????

Myrlin A. Hermes said...

The only Pink fans I can imagine being upset to hear she's bi are the hard-core lesbians who think of bi-girls as being wishy-washy.

Lisa (not original) said...

I think it's a damn shame that celebrities have to issue a press release to confirm the obvious, i.e. pregnancy.

Like ElsieFire said... It's News Of The World. They only printed it because they thought it was sordid. Nevermind that it's been common knowledge for a decade.

stiffkittens said...

The interview is here if you haven't read it:

NicScott said...

I can't believe there is this much talk about it.. I mean, shit, WHO CARES!? She's married (yes, still) to Carey, and they are back together making it work.. who gives a rats ass if she's Bi, happily married or whatever. The woman can sing, and that's all I care about.. That, and I would give my left foot to sit down and have some beers with her and just chill... I think that's on my "Bucket List" now.. LOL

stiffkittens said...

Me - I want to plant flowers with her whilst drinking hot chocolate :D

She seems like one of the very few who are not changed by fame.


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