Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Hate Paris Hilton

There I said it. There was always that tiny, minuscule chance that I would find something redeemable about her, but I can't. And don't forget, this is not just something from afar. I have met her and seen her in action, and I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely can't stand anything about her. I wish she gave to charity or something like that. That way I could hold out hope that someday she would turn into a human being, but even that isn't going to happen. Do any of you even remember that fake trip to Africa she was going to do after she got out of jail? Well, where is that trip? The only reason she hasn't gone is because no one is willing to pay her to go. Sienna Miller spent much of the past few weeks in the Congo doing charity work, and she wasn't even paid. The Congo. I have a new found respect for Sienna Miller. Not so for Paris.
With all of the lies and bad behavior and just downright dumbing down the people of Earth, the reason I finally snapped is because she threw a party. Yep. On Monday night, Paris decided to have a party at her house. It didn't matter that all of her neighbors have real jobs and have to get up in the morning. It didn't matter that all of her old neighbors had kicked her out of her old house because of her lack of respect. Nope. This was all about Paris and she wanted to party on a Monday night. So, she invited over 40 friends, maybe 50 and they partied until 4am on Tuesday. The only reason it finally broke up at 4am was that neighbors had pleaded with her to be quiet and she wouldn't be. So, the neighbors called the cops and they broke up the party. To show how happy Paris was that her neighbors called the cops, the neighbors all woke up to find their cars had been vandalized. Cars had been egged and keyed all along the block. One of the cars was valued at $1.4M. TMZ also says there were at least two Bentley's and two Maserati's. The cops interviewed Paris but don't consider her a suspect. Of course not. But I would like to know where the eggs came from. I doubt her moron friends keep them in their cars and also doubt they want shopping for them at 4am. My guess is they came from Paris' house and she knew what was going on.

She didn't care. The only thing she cares about is making sure she can find a mirror every ten seconds. There is no one on this earth I would more like to see broke and homeless than Paris. Unfortunately no matter how much I wish for it to happen, and no matter how much money I drop into a wishing well, it won't happen. There is just too much family money. So, no matter what until I die, I will be forced to know that Paris is out there thinking she is better than everyone, spoiled beyond belief and still only thinking about herself.


mooshki said...

#$@*(&, I can just see her giving the eggs to them and giggling that stupid, nasty giggle of hers. What she needs is a good case of syphilis. Incurable syphilis. I want to see her nose fall off.

MontanaMarriott said...

Never fret my love, the universe has a way of dealing with people like her, it's called Karma!

Emma31 said...

MontanaMarriott you took the words right out of my mouth.

lmnop123 said...

MontanaMarriott, I was just about to say the same thing.

She WILL get hers. It may come at a time when everyone else has forgotten or made excuses for this behavior but I'll remember. And, hell no I won't give her a pass.

Karma baby, it's the answer to my prayers.

RocketQueen said...

The herp will get her in the end, if nothing else, Enty. EOnline today did a pretty good article lambasting her and comparing her to Kim Kardashian who, in comparison, came across as more likeable - but look who she was compared to??
In any case - she sucks HARD.
That being said, I think she actually was just in Africa, cause didn't she meet someone in the African congress?

Maja With a J said...

I hope she reads CDAN. If she can, in fact, read.

Paisley said...

Someone has a $1.4 M car and parks it on the street?

That said, can we have a Paris ban?

Serena said...

Mike Evans was on my local radio station and said that she recently met with her financial peeps, because she is making less money since the value of her "brand" is slowly going in the toilet.

Know Hope!

RocketQueen said...

Emma31 - does your avatar say "no matter how cool you think you are, you'll never be four popped collars cool"? If so, that was my facebook picture for ages!

califblondy said...

Oh wow, this puts a new perspective on the story. The version I read made it sound like the neighbors had egged and keyed the cars of people at Paris' party. Car egging is so 8th grade and definitely fits Paris. I should have known no one with a Bentley or Maserati would be at that lame party. Personally, I think karma got her in the womb. She's homely as hell, dumb as a rock, and her body looks deformed.

kimi said...

I never understood her fascination with herself or others fascination with her. She is not a productive member of society at all to say the least. She will fall apart when her so called beauty falls apart. Think Pam Anderson. Deseperate. Junkie. Mostly likely broke or soon to be.

Sporky said...

Wow, this is weird. My car got keyed last night and I have no idea who did it. And no I don't live anywhere near that slag's neighborhood. But I love you Enty, for calling her out like this, whether she had anything to do with it or not. She's a piece of shit.

figgy said...

I never even thought she was pretty. I don't get her appeal at all.

I wish I thought that karma would get her, but it might not.

mr. ray said...

What a C. yoU Next Tuesday! I can't stand her! When will Karma come and bite her in the @ss?!?!

Fabulous! said...

what gets me, even worse than her behavior, is the fact that she actually thinks she's being cute. she THINKS she gets a free pass in life as a complete moron and fuck up because she's famous and wealthy and that means, whatever she does is "cute". like a child that intentionally says a bad word. someone laughs, so the kid thinks it's cute and doesn't stop and keeps doing it for attention. she's a grown woman stuck in that 5 year old mentality that she can be a raging fricken dipshit brat and get away with it- because for the most part, the little scum-bag has.

i'm really not a violent person, i swear. i've never even hit anyone and i can't stand watching it. that said, i'm convinced the ONLY thing that MIGHT get something through this dense skull of hers is a thourough beatdown. she's a grown woman having her friends vandalize her neighbors cars for heavens sake. it's incomprehensible. *head desk*

wow. sorry for my rant. i didn't realise i had so much pent up anger toward the "woman". /end rant.

Emma31 said...

Rocket Queen....yes it does!!!

sassenach said...

Enty, she will not see any family money. Her grandfather is not leaving her any money. At first she and her siblings were expected to get around 20-30 million each but her grandfather is leaving 97% of his money to his charity.

sassenach said...

Furthermore and I promise that I am not being petty but I do not find her attractive. Her face is so square and hard and it looks like she is living hard. I am glad that her popularity is waning and I think that within two years MAX no one will care about her anymore.

merrick said...

Why is it that good people die young and people like her are left on this earth to suck the life out of everyone around them for years to come. That does not seem fair to me at all How sophmoric and idiotic these people are, what did they not think that they would be the first people suspected of this vandalism or are they too rich and stupid to care. Please Lord let Karma come knocking on her backdoor, literally and figurative.y.

Courtney said...

Does it really bother anyone else that her Twitter page name is "babygirlparis"? YOU'RE ALMOST 30, BITCH. You're not "babygirl" anything. Grow the hell up. And then go away. She gives me the head pains.

figgy said...

What bothers me more than Paris, even, is her mother. Kathy Hilton--who raised Paris to be the waste of space that she is--puts on such ludicrous airs of elegance.

Remember that show she did awhile back about manners or something? When her daughter has the worst, most inelegant behavior EVER?

RocketQueen said...

Emma31 - lol love it! I found a bunch of those, but that was one of my favourites.

MISCH said...


A Pimp Named DaveR said...

I still hold out hope that someday my pay-per-view proposal, "Paris Hilton Is Dropped Feet-First Into A Chipper-Shredder", will someday find backers and a network outlet....

Sinjin said...

I concur with everything Ms.Leigh said, except for the non-violence part. Perhaps Karma will see fit to introduce Parasite to the inner workings of a woodchipper.

My baby niece is smarter than this useless, tired bitch.

Oh, btw, her picture looks like those "melty" drawings of her on on Gallery of the Absurd! HA!

Emma31 said...

Rocket still makes me giggle when I look at it too.

Anonymous said...

What a horrible waste of human life.

And it's awfully hard to die of herpes, so that's not gonna get her. She probably has HPV, too, so the cervical cancer probably will, though (since after years of abuse she probably has no sensation down there to realize there's a problem)

Cecilia00 said...

What's sad is that she probably thinks this is great publicity for herself. And she's probably yucking it up.

MnGddess said...

You have to understand that thi girl is STUPID. She has no idea of her place in the world, what she does, and how freaking FAR she's gonna fall when her time comes. Oh, and it's gonna come. KARMA, baby - just like everyone else says.

Oh, and she probably thinks Africa is a store in Compton...

lutefisk said...

She will get hers in the end, & we will all be here reading about it.

pdxbellarocks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss(pdx) said...

Has anyone seen the South Park episode that featured her? omg so classic! She kept randomly throwing up..ahem.. man juice and had a collection of small dogs that committed suicide. Ironic but funny as hell. The episode is called " Stupid Spoiled Whore "

sunnyside1213 said...

Way to go Grandpa!

mooshki said...

Paisley, good point. My dream car is a Bugatti Veyron, and if I owned one, I'd have a garage door installed in my bedroom wall so I could sleep within sight of it.

p.s.Fuck you, Simon Cowell, I hate you for being able to afford my baby! ;)

Actually, with the political bumper stickers I have, I'm amazed my car hasn't been keyed yet. Maybe they look at the rust holes and figure it isn't worth their time.

nancer said...

if this site was going to ban anyone, she'd get my vote. she's an empty, useless, repulsive waste.

if i were a neighbor, i'd be tempted to turn paris's car into a smoldering glob of metal one of these nights. and the next one she buys and so forth.

Linnea said...

And how is it anything BUT incredibly sad and strange that she looked for a friend on a reality show? I never got how that could be a good idea for a show.

ItsJustMe said...

Well, look at it this way. When she's a little old lady, she'll probably be locked away in Shady Pines with no family or friends to visit her. Sometimes karma takes a while to work, but it always does.

whole lotto luv said...

She has the party that the cops have to break up at 4 am, but she's not a suspect in the vandalism that occurred shortly thereafter? What a crock.

I, too, vote for a ban. Enty, please don't report on her again until she dies, gets sent to jail again and cries cries cries, or is found homeless smoking crack under some underpass.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ what everybody says about Parasite.

I myself can not stand this stupid, idiot, dumbass, infested body person.

Like I said at another website. Normally the guilty say they are innocent.

Take the hint idiot nobody likes you at all.

lilbitsolo said...

Thank you from the bottom of my cold dead heart for saying what I've been thinking for YEARS!
This chick is a waste of space and the valuable air I breathe, and I for one would get down on my knees and worship you if you would ban her nasty, praying mantis looking non-ass.
I finally stopped lurking, got a google account and posted, just to get that off my chest.
Ugh. I hate her. Carry on.

Judi said...

'Bout time, Enty. Hope the neighbors sue her ass. She's only a c***. Only.

selenakyle said...

Me too.

ardleighstreet said...

Doesn't Africa have enough problems w/o having to suffer this bitch too? I'm glad she didn't plague them too.

I hope I get to see Karma pay her back. Sometimes Karma works too slow and needs a helping hand.

If I were her neighbor I think I'd have to nudge Karma in the butt to bless Parisite sooner then later.

mooshki said...

LOL Ardleigh!

Unknown said...

Paris Hilton a vapid, useless, stupid, ugly, ignorant, manipulative, big-footed, wonk-eyed, disgusting, talentless asshole. To quote the lovely Tina Fey: Paris Hilton is a piece of shit. I can't think of a more worthless person who gets constant attention and praise despite never actually contributing anything of value to society. She's the one person who I truly wish would take a nap in front of an oncoming bus or go play chicken with a speeding train.

monalisa999 said...

But you gotta love that squint. She seriously looks like she's morphing into Chastity Bono in that top pick.

You know, I am hoping that some day, she will stop for a moment and realize how awful she is and want a change. But, here's hoping...

mooshki said...

Wow, monalisa, you sure are an optimist! :)

stiffkittens said...

She's been a bulimic druggie since her school days (as well as fucking anything that moves). Hopefully her insides will rot away someday soon.

There are no words to describe my hatred for this whore.

Ror said...

Wow, Mooshki posted first. How unusual! And followed with another post, and another, Again, how unusual.


I'll kill her Ent. According to everyone else. Just say the word.


stiffkittens said...

Moosh - You know you've got internet fame when some pathetic middle-aged loser is making death threats...

Ror, yet again you are only funny in your own mind.
Also for the record, you were the first and frequent poster 90% of the time a while ago (until you revealed your true colours, that is). If interaction was such a faux pas, the comments section would be dead (like your victims har har).

GladysKravitz said...


Threatening people is so Gerald McRaney. Get some help.


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